End of the night (4)

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Kellys POV

Stella looks at her phone, and jumped away from me quickly and heads out of the room she must be on the phone. I stand up and go over to Shay and Otis who are talking. 

shay notices me and looks up "Hey you" she says as she wraps one arm around me and pulls me into a side hug as she looks at Otis "Did you know, Kelly has a crush on your new truck candidate" she drunkingly says and I elbow her in the side as Otis laughs

"shhh, no one is supposed to know about that..." I playfully say as Shay shrugs and puts her finger to her lips "Ooops, I wont say no more" I shake my head and chuckle a little 

"bet you were thrilled when that bottle landed on Stella then huh?" Otis says as I look at him "it helped, but I wouldnt turn down a kiss from anyone" I say in a joking way 

"aww so you would even kiss capp" Otis laughs as I shake my head 

"absolutely not, I meant out of the women" we both laugh as Otis points his bottle behind me as I turn round and see Stella coming out of the bathroom, her eyes looked a little inflamed like she had been crying I turn to head over to where she was heading, when a figure steps in front of me

"Hey stranger, what happened to that 2nd date you still owe me" the voice said as I remember who it was it was one of shays friends who we rescued from a house party fire a year ago, we hooked up once and I never called her back

"Oh hey, yeah sorry about that, I must have forgot" I say trying to find an answer that wouldn't be deemed as rude, instead of the truth which was, I didn't fancy going on another date, she put out on the first so there was no need for a second date.

"how about now..." she whispers as she plays with the collar on my shirt before stepping closer to me and standing on her toes to whisper in my ear "I know a place we can go to, we can skip the dinner, and go straight to my house" she says seductively as she kisses my neck, I close my eyes as I try to ignore what shes trying to do to me. 

I grab her hands and push her back away from me gently "sorry, it's shay's birthday, shes my best friend im not ditching her party to go off with some girl" I say kindly and she nods and smiles "fair enough, but you call me if you change your mind" she says walking off 

I dont even think I saved her number so that wont be happening, I look to where Stella was before that girl interrupted me and didn't see her, I look around the apartment but dont see her so I go over to a few people and ask if they've seen her and they shake their head no. 

"Hey Cruz, have you seen Stella..." I ask one last person 

"Oh yeah, I saw her leave, she didn't say bye to anyone so I'm not sure where she's gone, maybe shes gone outside for some fresh air" I nod at Cruz and then head out of the apartment, I dont see her in the corridor so I head downstairs and outside where I see her sat on the edge of the sidewalk. 

I go over to her and sit next to her "Hey, you okay" I ask as she looks at me and smiles, it didn't look like a genuine smile 

"Yeah, I'm good, I just needed some air" she responds back as I wrap my arm around her, she is cold. I take my jacket of and put it round her.


Stellas POV

I come out of the bathroom with my head slightly down, I go over to sit on the sofa. once I am sat down I finish my drink, I look around for kelly, so we can continue our conversation from earlier, I spot him talking to another girl, who seems to be comfortably close to him, she starts to kiss his neck and I turn away. 

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