The secrets out (40)

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2 weeks later

Stellas Pov

I have now been back to work for 1 week, I have been on desk duty here in the firehouse, I miss being out on calls, and getting in on the action. we still haven't told anyone about the pregnancy as far as they are all aware, I am on desk duty whilst I undergo some testing. We know we can't keep it from Boden for long so decided 2 weeks is long enough.  

we have also planned to hold our belated wedding party this weekend at Molly's considering we never got to celebrate it 2 weeks ago. 

Today, 51 was hosting an award ceremony as a few of us were due to receive some rewards, regarding the incident we attended a little over a month ago with the bomb attack, so today we were all dressed in our whites and blues. 

we were all honoured the Medal of Gallantry and courage, where as Kelly was honoured the firefighter award of Valor as thanks to him, he saved a lot of lives by spotting and chasing after the guy and getting everyone to move away once he spotted the bomb. Me and Kelly also decided today will be the perfect day to announce our pregnancy.

everyone was taking their seats outside as commissioners and district chiefs all took a stand at the front, the medals all lined up neatly behind them on a table, each one of them took turns calling out our names one by one to come up and receive the medals. 

me and Kelly being lieutenants we were last to be called up, and stayed stood up at the top to say a few words about our company's. we both finished our speeches as everyone applauded. we both go to step back to take our seats before kelly stops then heads back to the middle where we were just stood 

"Actually one more thing" He begins to say as I look at him "just whilst I've got everyone's attention, a new candidate is set to be joining firehouse 51..." he says as everyone looks at him confused as they all starts talking amongst themselves, Boden stands up and looks at kelly then at me "this is news to me, Lieutenants, who might this candidate be?" he asked confused 

"I left their file on your desk chief..." Kelly says as Boden burrows his eyebrows in confusion "wait, no I remember now, I put them in my pocket as I knew it would get lost int hat mountain of files on your desk so i'd thought I would hand them to you in person" he says walking over to boden and pulling out an envelope from his blazer and passing it to Boden. 

everyone looks at boden as he opens it. boden looks in the envelope his face even more confused as he pulls out the scan picture, it is inside a card that simply reads "we have something to tell you..." written on the front and inside it says "...Grandad."  along with the picture of the scan photo. Boden turns the card over and sees the writing and reads it out.

his face is even more confused as he finishes reading the front. he opens the card shock immediately written across his face. he looks up at Kelly as he hits him playfully across the arm and pulls him in for a hug. 

"What is happening right now....can someone explain...I'm so confused" everyone starts to speak up as Boden turns to everyone. he holds up the scan picture then looks over at me and points "shes carrying our new candidate" he smiles at me, I chuckle a little as I look at everyone jump up and cheer as kelly walks back over to me as I feel his arm round my waist, they all start to race over to get to me and Kelly to be the first to congratulate us.

Kelly pulls out the original scan photo as he begins to show everyone. as everyone looks at it he turns to me and smiles I turn back to face everyone as Kelly kisses my cheek.

" this explains the moody Stella we have been getting over the past few weeks" Gallo says jokingly "Im so happy for you lieutenant, Congratulations" he says as he pulls me in for a hug. everyone else takes it in turns to hug me and congratulate me. 


we soon head back inside the firehouse as Boden asks me and kelly to meet him in his office. we follow him in as he stands behind his desk and looks at us

"so is this what has been wrong all along" he says smiling as me and kelly look at each other with a grin on our face "yes chief" I say as he keeps smiling at us "so I take it you want to stay on desk duty until you return after baby is here" he asks as I nod yes "if thats okay with you" I ask

"of course, don't worry about your lieutenant position, we will need to get a floater in for calls but in this firehouse your men will still address you as their lieutenant, and I will make sure your spot here is safe until you decided to return to full duty" I smile at him as I go over to hug him, he walks back round his desk ad wraps his arms around me

"so, are you excited to be a Grandad" I jokingly tell him as I step back and he chuckles "you bet" he says as he then looks at kelly and I turn to look at them as boden walks over to kelly, grabs his arm and pulls him in for a hug, they both pat each others back before breaking apart. 

"anything you need, either of you, just let me know, and if you need any days off work for appointments, just let me know, Ill get you both covered" he says as he looks between us both and we nod.

I go stand back next to Kelly as he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead. 

"right well I will let yous get back to work" Boden says as he goes and sits down at his desk "and congratulations again you two" he finishes as me and Kelly smile then walk out of his office.

I feel kelly pull me into his side as we both walk out of Boden's office, I look at him as he kisses me I stop at my desk as kelly carries on walking, he keeps a hold of my hand as I outstretch it until he walks to far and we both let go. 

I watch him walk away as I sit down at the desk, making a start on the pile of reports needing sorting into files. 

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