Lieutenant Kidd (29)

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Stellas POV

Today was my first shift as a truck lieutenant at 51, i was expected to be a lot more nervous than I am, but I am actually pretty excited. I think it helps that i'm sticking with 51 and I know all my men already.

we are about to start morning briefing when the alarms go off for squad and truck and everyone whos needed jumps up immediately, kelly smacks my arse as he runs along side me "first call as lieutenant and we get to work together, what were the odds" he says just as he runs past me and jumps into squads rig. 

I jump into the front seat of the truck as mouch starts driving to the scene. 

as we arrive I notice the OFI car parked outside, strange, this was a person trapped incident not a fire investigation they had no reason to be here....well not that im aware of anyway. 

I jump out of the truck and walk over to the building 

"whats OFI doing here" I hear Kelly say, as van meter runs out of the building covered in dust he runs straight over to kelly 

"whats going on here" I hear kelly say

"stairwell collapse, you go to hurry" van meter says quickly as he runs back in the building.

I turn to my men after hearing what van meter said and ordered them to stay outside for now whilst I go inside to observe the scene, I head inside and catch up to kelly and van meter looking down an empty stairwell

"Seager, can you hear me" I hear kelly shout down as I stand next to him and look down at the rubble. 

"I'll set up an overhead anchor point..." I say as I go on my radio and get Gallo and mouch to bring me some webbing and a ladder, as kelly orders his men to bring in some ropes and a harness.

we set the anchor point and attach the rope up so Kelly can go down on line. he is slowly lowered down as he disconnects himself and starts to move the rubble "Ive got her" kelly shouts up as he keeps moving the rubble from off of Seagers legs. she shuffles her legs free as she stands up. 

he connects them both back to the line as we lift them both up. once they are both back up to our level I look over at Gallo and mouch "right lets pack up" I say as I turn back to Kelly and see seager talking to him 

"thankyou kelly, I guess your not too bad at this hero stuff" I hear seager say to him a little flirty before she walks off to get checked over by Violet, I walk over to Kelly and shake my head with a smile on my face. 

"what!"  kelly says as he notices me shaking my head at him 

"she still has the hots for my man I see" I jokingly say as kelly laughs and kisses me as he unbuckles the harness from around his waist "cant say I blame her thou...i will never not find it sexy when you rescue someone, even if that someone is seager" I say as I pat his chest 

"so anyway, shall we get this area cordoned off so no one else falls" I say as kelly shakes his head "dont worry about it, squad will finish up here" he says with a smile as I look at him shocked "Did you just volunteer squad for clean up duty"  I say jokingly 

"trying to get me to reconsider" he jokes back and I quickly interrupt "oh backsies you said what you said" I laugh as I turn to my men

"alright...lets head back to the firehouse, squad 3 has it from here" I say as truck heads out of the building and back to the truck.


we arrived back at the firehouse a while ago, I went and stood over at the watch tower filling in some paper work when I see Kelly stood at the front of the firehouse, I put the papers down and walk out onto the app floor and walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist as I kiss his shoulder. 

"what are you doing" he asks as he keeps looking out at squad doing drills.

"just trying to distract you...while I steal your coffee"I move my hand down his arm as I feel him extend his arm out as he laughs before bringing the mug to his lips "failed" he smirks as he turns to me and kisses me.

"how's your first shift as lieutenant Kidd going?" he asks as I turn round and we head into the firehouse. I walk beside him as he wraps his arm around my shoulder

"'s very quiet today" I feel his hand across my mouth "shhh, dont say that, its a curse word in a say that word, and all of a sudden calls fly in none stop" he says as he laughs, just then the alarms go off for all units and he looks at me and shakes his head "see...this is on you" he laughs as we both turn round and head back to our rigs.


The shift finally ended and believe me when I say kelly wasn't joking about the word quiet being a jinx, as after I said that, there were none stop calls coming through for the rest of the shift. I was in the locker room packing my bag when kelly came in he shook his head as soon as he looked at me and laughed

"dont start" I say as I shut my locker, he comes over to me and picks up my bag of the bench "what....gotta say, I told you so" he says with a smirk and I hit his arm "I will never complain about a shift being too quiet again" I say as we both walk out the firehouse. 

we got into my car, I was driving this time, as we went to go pick Delilah up from childcare. 

"so its your birthday soon, what do you want to do for it" I say looking over at Kelly for a second before returning my gaze back to the road

"not really thought about it, we will probably be working anyway, but we can try to get away for a couple of days when we are off shift." he says as he places his hand on my thigh. 

"yeah we can do that, would you want it to just be me and you or would you want Dee to come with us" I ask 

"all 3 of us would be nice, we can get away just the two of us some other time" kelly says as I arrive at Delilah's child care. I get out of the car and wait for kelly as we walk in 

"so where would you want to go" I ask as we wait to be buzzed in

"my dad has a cabin we could escape to for a couple of nights, its right on a lake, a lot of open space for Delilah to run around and burn off some energy" he says as the door opens and we walk inside

"sounds perfect" I say as I head to grab Delilah's bag and kelly goes to get Delilah. 

Once ive got her bag I head in to join kelly, I see him sitting at a table on a very tiny chair next to delilah who was showing him a drawing she done, I go over and look at them as she spots me and stands up on her chair and holds her arms out, I pick her up as Kelly stands up and takes the coat out of my hands and puts it on Delilah whilst shes still in my arms.

"right lets go home" I say as we turn round to head out, kelly signs Delilah out as I go and get her in the car. 

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