The connection (31)

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Kellys POV

we were heading home from the cabin today, we had spent the last 3 days, heading out onto the lake, swimming, hiking, playing games, picnics in the fields and then coming back to sit out on the deck to watch the sunset, it has definitely been a well needed little break. 

we were packing our cases away Delilah was sat in the middle of our bed watching us, as we was folding the clothes into a case she thought it would be funny to pull them out.

"I guess you dont want us to leave" I chuckle as I pick her up and throw her in the air as she giggles "I will pack you away" I finish as I sit her in the case and pretend to shut it, she pushes up on it to try keep it open as she starts to cry "No daddy" 

"Babe, dont be mean, you will scare her" I hear Stella say as she hits my arm and I open the case as Stella picks delilah up "say naughty daddy" stella says to Delilah in a baby voice as Delilah looks at me "notty daddy" she says trying to repeat stella as I laugh a little.

stella hugs delilah tightly before placing her back on the bed. I finish packing away the cases and put them on the floor. 

"Right we're all packed ready to go home, do you want to catch dinner on the way back or have something here?" I ask and look at stella. 

"we will get something on the way back, I dont fancy cooking and then cleaning before we have to rush off" Stella says and I nod 

"smart thinking" I reply as I go and kiss her cheek as I carry the cases out to the car. 

we load up the car and stella buckles Delilah in and before we know it we are on the road once again, heading home.

We had stopped halfway to grab a drive thru Mcdonalds and we ate as I drove. we soon arrived back home just after 6, as soon as we got home i heard my phone alert me with a text. I place the cases to the side as I take my phone out of my pocket and see a text from shay "hey, Molly's tonight? we need a catch up, miss your ugly face" I laugh at her text as I walk over to the sofa where Stella is now sitting after she has took Delilah to her bed, as she fell asleep in the car

"who's got you smiling at your phone" she says jokingly as I look at her and sit down 

"oh it's just Shay, she has asked if I want to go to Molly's tonight, I was gonna tell her not tonight, I dont want to leave you with Delilah..." I say before Stella cuts me off

" should go, yous haven't hung out in ages, I bet she misses you, Me and Dee will be fine, she will probably be asleep for the rest of the night now anyway..." she says as she strokes my arm "plus ive had enough of you" she jokingly says at the end as we both chuckle "kidding obviously" she adds as I look down at my phone 

"I guess a couple of drinks wont hurt" I say as I start to reply to shay 

"i'll be there, first rounds on you thou for that comment, meet you at 7, I will head out soon" I reply as I put my phone down and look at stella "you sure you will be okay here on your own" I ask as she looks at me with a serious look "Im going to be fine Kelly, go enjoy yourself" she says as she leans over and kisses me "I will still be here waiting for you when you get back" she whispers with a wink as she stands up and heads over to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I watch her walk away as I smile. 

"I know your looking at my arse kelly" I hear stella say as I come out of my trance as I realises I was indeed checking out her arse, I stand up and go over to her, standing behind her as I kiss the back of her neck before my arms wrap slowly around her waist tightly. my kisses moving around her neck as her head falls back onto my shoulder allowing me access to her lower neck as I start to suck on it slightly, she moans a little as I catch her sweet spot.

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