Professional (8)

736 8 3

Kellys POV

I made it to Stella's apartment and I hesitated before I knocked on I heard a voice shout "Come in, its open" I  open the door and head inside with my took box I see her trying to hold a shelf up as she makes a mark on the wall to make sure its straight 

"Need some real help from a professional" I ask holding up my tool box  as she turns around and lets go of the shelf as it crashes to the floor and she laughs before letting me do it. 

I take my drill out and leveller as I start to put the shelf up on the wall, it is done within 5 minutes as I turn to Stella she is holding another one out to me as she tells me where she wants it and I begin to put that one up. 

once the shelves are all put up I see her looking through a box as she pulls out some photos and places them on the shelves along with some plants and decor. I look at the last photo she puts up on her shelf above her bed and i move closer as I pick it up, it was a photo of me and Stella from our night out, the night we first met. I smile and place it back on the shelf

"I get pride of place I see" I ask her and she looks at me and smiles "yeah, of course you do, you mean the most to me" she says as she finishes added all the decor, she stands against her bed frame as I go stand with her as we look at her room

"I like what you've done with the place by the way, it looks great" I say as I nudge her as she keeps looking around

"yeah, thanks for your help, it really made a difference, I would probably still be trying to put up the first shelf, making a giant hole in the wall" she says jokingly as I laugh

"anytime..." I respond as I look back at the room 

"I'm gonna miss seeing your face all the time..." she says not looking at me, I look at her and eye her up and down, as a slight smile appears on my face as I admire her, she soon turns to face me as she comes towards me and she kisses me, my hand immediately goes to her neck as I kiss her back. I stroke her arm as I start to push her back slowly, I place my hand on the wall as I push her back gently, she places her hands on the back of my head as she deepens the kiss, I nudge my head on her head as she tilts it back giving me access to her neck as I kiss it.

I hear her moan a little as her breath hitches I start to bite her neck as my other hand starts to pull at the strap on her dungarees pulling it off her shoulder. I push them down as she steps out of them, I wrap my arms around her as she jumps up and wraps her legs round my waist, I turn us round placing her on the chest of drawers as I stand between her legs. I pull off her shirt as she pulls off mine.

"wanna break my bed in..." she whispers as I grin at her and pick her up once again, I walk over to the bed and lie us both down. and continue kissing her. I feel her hands run down my stomach as she pulls at my trouser waist line pulling my hips closer to her. 

she starts to undo my trousers as her hand slips inside them, she runs her hand over my boxers and I let out a little moan as I bite my lip. I feel her hand go inside my boxers as she starts to slowly move her hand up and down my dick. 

I lie on my back as I pull Stella on top of me, she moves her hand as she pulls my trousers and boxers down, I kick them off my feet when she pushes them down enough. she kisses up my leg until she reaches between my legs where she makes eye contact with me as she kisses the tip of my dick and I lie my head back as I close my eyes, I feel her mouth wrap around my dick as I inhale deeply.

after a while she crawls up my body as I look at her I watch her remove her thongs and throw them on the floor, she starts to grind against me as she grabs my hands and interlocks our fingers, she leans her head down to kiss my neck as she lifts her waist up and positions herself, I feel her lower herself onto me as we both gasp, the feeling never seizes to amaze me. 

she slowly starts to grind her hips against me as she lifts her body up and places my hands on her chest. I squeeze her breast as she grinds a little faster, both of us slightly moaning 

"is now a bad time to say we forgot protection" I say as she looks down at me a little out of breath

"I don't care" she say as she leans back down to me and kisses me "I can take the morning after pill, I just want to feel all of you for once" she says and somehow that turns me on a little more if thats even possible. 

I grab her waist and flip us over "ohh you will get all of me alright" I say seductively as I start to thrust into her deeply, as she bites her lip. 

I put a hand on her neck as I squeeze it a little as I hear her moan my name, I lean down and place my lips just above hers as I start thrusting faster, feeling her moan against my lips as I smile.

I feel her tighten up which sends further pleasure throughout my body as a moan escapes my lips as I climax. even after I came, I keep thrusting into Stella not wanting this to finish, I fight through the sensitivity and urges to stop and Im glad I did as I feel myself start to climax the 2nd time, this time even longer as I felt Stella come against me at the same time. 

I collapse next to Stella, both of us out of breath "now that is what im going to miss the most" Stella says as I look at her "what do you mean" I ask as she turns on her side to lie on my chest 

"this...the sex and cuddling up in bed together" she says as I wrap my arms round her "who says it has to stop" I say and wait for her reply 

"not the worst idea Severide" she says after a couple of minutes, as she turns her head to me and leans up to kiss me. "do you want to stay the night" she asks as I smile "Id love to" I say as I wrap my arm round her "your my first guest for the night" she says as I laugh

"I hope you dont treat all your guests like this" I jokingly ask her 

"Nope, just you" she says as I kiss her forehead and wrap my arms round her and stroke her back.

I hear light snores coming from Stella shortly after letting me know she has fallen asleep, I get comfy and soon fall asleep after her.

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