Wake up Call (15)

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Shays POV

shift started almost 2 hours ago and there is still no sign of Kelly and stella, Chief boden comes over to me to ask if he Kelly was at the apartment this morning and I told him the truth that he never came home last night, and last time I seen him he was leaving Mollys with Stella and I haven't seen or heard from them both since

there hasn't been any reports of any traffic accidents in this area but I decided to give Med a call incase they could find any records of them at any hospital further out they said no road side accidents have been admitted to any surrounding hospitals. 

"hey Chief, I gave the hospital a call, no one has been admitted for a roadside accidents so I dont think they have been in any accident, I can try calling them again, but if it goes to voicemail again, i recommend we give Stella's apartment a visit for a Wellfare check" I tell chief as he nods giving me the go ahead, I leave his office as I call both Stella and kelly again. neither of them answered.

I go grab Gabby as we take the rig to stella apartment. we head upto her door and knock on

"Stella...Its shay, are you in there" I shout as I knock again


Stellas POV

I am woken up to the sound of banging at my door, I slowly sit up a little dazed as I turn to my clock, reading 9:30am and I jump up

"Shitttt....KELLY...Kelly" I shout nudging him awake, once he wakes up he rubs his eyes and stretches 

"kelly, we are late for work, its 9:30" his eyes shoot open as he sits up 

"Stella...open the door" I hear a muffled voice come from outside my apartment as I quickly run round my room to grab a t-shirt and underwear

"kelly get dressed quickly" I say as I throw him his shirt from the living room 

he stood up and put his shirt on along with his boxers as I head to the door and open it to see Shay and Gabby...they looked me up and down and giggle "late night was it?" shay asks as I rub my eyes and groan "guess you could say that" I let them both in as they spot Kelly walking out from the bedroom 

"and there's the other one" shay says as her and gabby chuckle a little 

"so do you want to explain yourselves, or should we take a guess at what happened here" Gabby says looking around at the clothes on the floor 

"it was all kelly...he kept me awake, did you know how long he can last" I say as I look at kelly who had a smug look on his face

"woahh, too much information, I dont want to know" Gabby says as she laughs 

"you two need to get dressed and fast, Boden is not happy" shay says as I groan and lie back on the sofa as Gabby grabs my hands and lifts me up pushing me to my bedroom "go get a shower and wake yourself up" I walk towards the shower as I see kelly walk towards it with me 

"not you pretty boy...if you go in there we wont be seeing yous again for a while, you take the guest bathroom" gabby says to kelly as I laugh and shut the door on him 


Kellys POV

I see Stella heading for a shower and decide I will get one with her to save time, I head to her shower room with her as Gabby steps in front of me  "not you pretty boy...if you go in there we wont be seeing yous again for a while, you take the guest bathroom" gabby says as I groan but she had a point, if I was to shower with Stella I know I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off her

I hold my hands up defeat as I had out of Stellas bedroom and to the guest bathroom "and me and shay are going to wait here, to make sure you two don't run behind anymore" Gabby shouts as I close the bathroom door 

I turn the shower on , take my t-shirt and boxers off as I climb in. just a quick shower. I peak my head out of the bathroom door and look over at gabby and shay "I kinda need the rest of my clothes can you pass them to me" I say as Shay gets up and grabs my jeans and passes them to me, I get dressed then head out of the bathroom. 

shay looks at me and tries to hide her smile as I walk over to the sofa and put my socks and shoes on "soooo, spill..." shay asks as Gabby heads into Stella's room

"so you already know what happened at Mollys when stella was doing inventory, well after you seen us at Molly's last night, Stella came up with the idea we go get some milkshakes, we got talking, agreed it was a first date, and then we came back here, I had no intentions on actually staying the night, I wanted to do everything at Stella's pace, but one thing lead to another an..." I say to shay as she interrupts me 

"...and you spent the whole night making up for lost time" she finishes my sentence and I look at her "yeah...exactly that" I say as shay punches me in the arm multiple times in excitement. 

"so yeah it was soon morning, we heard her alarm go of I knocked it off and we must have finally gone to sleep" I say, finishing my explanation as we hear gabby squeal and laugh in Stella's bedroom 

"I guess she has just told gabby that exact same story" shay says as we both look over at Stella's room as we seem Stella and gabby walk out, Gabby looks at me and shakes her head with a grin on her face "You dog, Kelly severide" gabby says jokingly as stella looks at me with a very flushed face and I laugh. 

"right then love birds, lets get you to the firehouse, prepare yourself, Boden is about to hang your head" Gabby says as I shrug "mehh last night was worth any bollocking" I joking say as I look at Stella and wrap my arm round her. 

gabby and Stella get back in the ambo as me and Stella get in my car not before shay warned us they will be following so we better go straight to the firehouse and not pull over to copulate. "we did enough of that last night" I said in response earning a dig from Stella.

we made it to the firehouse, i headed to my locker to change into some spare uniform I had before Connie came and found me, telling me Boden wishes to see me in his office.

I headed to Boden's office as I saw Stella already sat on a chair in front of him.

well here goes...

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