Bad dreams and fairy-tales (48)

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Stellas POV

who knew Calling your husband an alpha male would get him so aroused.

the second I walked out from putting Delilah to bed, Kelly jumped out at me and asserted his dominance right away as he pinned me up against the wall, looking down at me, desperation in his eye he asked me to call him an Alpha again. 

I did as I was told and whispered against his lips "show me your Alpha side" and that was the last words spoken before he picked me up and carried me to our bedroom.


My hands gripped to the back of Kelly's head, his head that was buried into my neck as he sucked and bit leaving his mark against my skin, his body rubbing against mine as he slowly grinded against me, every movement he made sending a rush of pleasure through out my body, my hands scratched down his back as I could feel myself tighten up against him again for the second time tonight. I close my eyes as I hear Kelly groan a little, the one I've come to learn that he lets out just before he reaches a climax. 

I grip his back tightly as we both exhale deeply as Kelly stops grinding, pulling himself out, his body still lay against mine as we both try to catch our breath "you better recover quickly, because were not stopping yet" He whispers into my neck as he strokes my side, I stroke his back as I turn my head to his neck and start kissing it "oh I dont need to recover, im ready to go again when you are" I say against his skin as I keep kissing him, he lets out a deep breath as he lifts his head up and looks at me

"just one look at you and I'm ready" he says as he kisses me and I feel him get hard against my legs once again, I feel his hand reach down between us adjusting his position when all of a sudden an ear piercing scream echo's through the apartment. Kelly lifts his head back and looks at me, It was Delilah I hit his chest to push him of me and he climbs off quickly, I see him grab his shorts and t-shirt as I grab a t-shirt and Kelly boxers throwing them on quickly as I run out of our bedroom behind Kelly as I get closer to Delilahs room I hear her crying.

kelly opens her door and immediately goes over to her and picks her up she has hold of her blanket and is rubbing her eyes, he lies her against his chest and sways side to side as he turns to me, his hand resting on her back as he strokes it "It's okay Daddy's got you, it was just a bad dream, I've got you" I hear him whisper sweetly to her as she lifts her head up 

"storwy pwease" she says as I look at them confused as Kelly looks at me before sitting on her bed and lying back, her lay on his chest as he begins to tell a story about a firefighting prince. I go and sit next to him as I listen to his story too, realising its our love story in fairy tale form, I wipe my eyes a little as I keep listening

"...and then the family of 4 lived happily..." kelly finishes as he looks at delilah "evwer" Delilah says as they both look at me "After?" I say finishing the sentence as they both smile. Delilah rests her head against Kelly again as he strokes her face, and she starts to drift back off to sleep. 

"That story, did you write that" I ask him as he nods "yeah, I came up with it on the spot the night of the fire and we stayed at shays, she woke up from her sleep and was finding it hard to go back to sleep so I asked if she wanted me to read her a story, and I came up with my own, and she loved it, every time I took her to bed, I always tell her the story, its what seems to settle her" he says as I look at him with adoration, I lean over and kiss him as I look down at Delilah asleep on his chest. 

"right well looks like I get our bed to myself tonight, you're stuck in here" I say as I stand up and look down at the 2 of them and smile, I watch as Kelly actually starts to get himself comfy. 

"oh you really are staying in here, thats adorable, she has you wrapped around her little finger" I say as he shrugs and lifts her hand up and plays with her fingers "I just want her to feel safe" I smile at him and bend down and kiss his cheek "well good night...Daddy" I say jokingly as he raises an eyebrow at me and I turn around and head out the bedroom "I'll make it up to you, I promise" I hear from a distant Kelly as I start walking to mine and Kelly's bedroom. 

I look at our bed and smile, the whole bed to myself, I jump onto the bed and wrap the blankets around me as I start to get comfy, lying diagonally across both our sides, I close my eyes as I replay Kellys Story in my head, until tiredness overwhelms my body and I start to fall asleep. 


the next morning im awoken to the sound of giggling coming from the living room. I open my eyes and hear Kelly making some weird motorbike noises followed by more giggles from Delilah. I stand up and open the door a little to see Kelly wearing one of his motorcycle helmets pretending to ride a motorbike with Delilah on his back. I stand and watch them for a while before kelly turns around and sees me and he stands up straight and takes his helmet off

"sorry, did we wake you up" he says a little sad as I walk out 

"yes but I'm glad you did, I love seeing you two play together" I say stroking his face as I kiss him. Delilah pops her head up over Kelly's shoulder and giggles "Mummy" she squeals as I look at her

"Hi Princess, what you doing there" I say as Kelly turns around and I grab her from his back, I place her on the floor as she runs over to where kelly's other helmets are and grabs one and puts it on her head, backwards,  she turns her head to try see out of it as me and Kelly laugh

Kelly goes over to turn it around and lifts it back a little so she can see "we need to get you one that fits" Kelly says as I look at him and place a hand on my hip "why dont we, we have the day off, lets go do something, you should  get her, her own helmet and take her on your motorcycle" I say as kelly looks at me and picks Delilah up lifting the helmet so we can see her face

"yeah...what do you say" he says as he bounces Delilah in his arms the helmet falling back down as we hear a muffled cheer "I think thats a yes" Kelly says as he takes the helmet of her head and places it back on the shelf as I make myself a coffee

"I think we should look at getting you your own bike" Kelly says as I look at him with  my eyes wide open and shake my head "Wow, one step at a time..." I say as kelly comes over to me "i mean a training one like one of those balance bikes but get one that looks like a motorbike, she will love it." he says as I nod my head and take a sip of my coffee

"we will have a look round today" I say as he throws delilah in the air "then you can have races with daddy" he says as he walks down the hall with her  in his arms towards her room. I shake my head and laugh as I take my coffee and go into mine and kelly's bedroom where I place the cup down and look for a change of clothes to wear. 

I find some leggings and a t-shirt and get changed into them. as i finish putting my top on kelly walks in with a now dressed Delilah and hands her to me "right swap, my turn to get dressed" he says as I take Delilah of him and head out to the living room whilst Kelly get dressed, whilst hes getting changed I brush through Delilahs hair and start to braid it, now her hair is long enough. 

"right then, lets go" I hear kelly say as I put the last hair band in her the end of Delilahs braid. I stand up as Delilah runs over to the door and waits for us to open it, kelly opens it as she runs off out the door down the corridor she looks between the stairs and elevator before she points to the stairs and holds her hands out for one of us to pick her up. 

Kelly picks her up as we all begin to walk down the stairs, kelly starts to run, earning giggles from Delilah as she bounces in his arms. I finally meet them at the bottom and see kelly trying to teach Delilah how to do the L with her fingers, he looks at me and puts the L to his forehead as Delilah copies him using the wrong fingers and I laugh. 

I push his shoulders a little pushing him out the door as we all head outside, the sun was shining so we decided we will go for a walk to the motorcycle store, Kelly places Delilah on his shoulders as he takes hold of my hand and we head towards the store.

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