It's not time (51)

649 11 2

2 weeks later

Stellas POV

another Shift was almost over, today was my last shift before I go on maternity leave, I am now 36 weeks, so I have not got long before the baby arrives. although for the past 2 weeks these  Braxton hicks have been kicking my arse. 

calls have been coming in non-stop, so there has been a lot of paperwork to file, I have been getting pains in my side and back all day, which has been making it hard to concentrate. I stood up from the desk unable to get comfy, I decided to go for a walk around the firehouse hoping that will help, i look out the window to See ambo pulling in, the rest of the rigs were out on calls, I walk out the door and see Gabby and Shay jumping out the rig 

"hey, wheres everyone else" I ask them noticing they were the only ones back 

"Truck went to fuel up, and Squad got another call on their way back" Shay says as they both walk over to me I turn around and walk inside with them 

"so when are we going to find out what your having" Shay says nudging me and I shake my head "not until he or she is born, we want to keep it a secret" I say as I feel another pain in my side and I stop instantly and I hold it as I bend over a little and let out a grunt of pain, getting the attention of shay and gabby as they turn to look at me "hey, you okay..." gabby says as I shake my head "I...I don't know..." I say in between breaths as I keep rubbing my stomach. 

"come on lets get you sat down" Shay says as her and gabby walk over to me and get either side of me and help me walk inside. they sit me on the sofa in the common room as I keep rubbing my stomach.  

"how long have you had these pains" gabby asks me as I look up at her "for about 2 weeks, but there just Braxton hicks...right?" I say as gabby comes over and feels my stomach "how far are you?" Gabby asks as I wince and look at her "35 weeks" I say as I press my side trying to ease the pain "have you lost any water at all" Gabby says as I start to panic ", why? what are you thinking" I say as I stand up quickly, suddenly getting another rush of pain as I bend over holding onto the coffee table as I feel a warm liquid run down my leg.

"NO, NO, NO this cant be happening" I say as I look up at Gabby and shay "I think my waters just broke" they look down and see the puddle near my feet 

"Right that's it, were getting you to Med" Gabby says as she goes onto her Radio "this is Paramedic Dawson of Ambulance 61, we have a pregnant woman, 35 weeks, possibly in pre-term labour, heading to Med now" I hear Gabby say on the radio as I look at Shay "Kelly...where's Kel...Ahhhh" I scream before I could finish the sentence as Gabby and shay once again hold my arms and help me walk out to the app floor where they load me into the ambo. 

I lie down on the bed and place my hands on my bump  "I'll drive" Gabby says as she shuts the doors and climbs in the front, I feel the ambo start to move and the sirens go on as I look at shay 

"baby can't come yet, it's not time" I say as shay looks at me "everything's going to be okay, now am I okay to quickly examine you" shay says as I nod, she pulls down my leggings along with my underwear as she lifts my legs up, she puts on some gloves as I feel her examine me "4cm, looks like baby is coming today" she says as I look at her and shake my head "no, its too early" I say as I start to panic. 

"Stella try to breath, you need to try to remain calm for the baby...copy me" Shay says as I look at her as she breaths in through her nose and out her mouth as I copy her "thats it, keep doing that" she says as I feel the ambulance come to a stop, shay pulls the blanket over me to cover me as the doors open, Gabby and shay pull me out on the bed as they wheel me inside, Dr halstead greets them as Shay starts to explain everything to him

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