Happily Ever After (44)

535 11 4

Kellys POV

I arrived to shays apartment and used my old key to let myself in, I had Delilah in my arms who had fell asleep in the car, she woke up when I picked her up but lay against my shoulder and fell back asleep on the way in. 

I head towards my old room and I open the door I walk over to the bed and place delilah down gently, she wakes up and lets out a cry "daddy..." she whimpers as she holds her arms out I look at her and smile in defeat as I climb in the bed next to her, she climbs onto my chest and lies against it. I place a hand on her back "want me to tell you a bedtime story to help you sleep" I ask her as I feel her nod her head 

"Okay...once upon a time there was a handsome prince, he wasn't like any other princes, he became a fireman..." I start as Delilah lifts her head up "Like daddy" she says as I nod and laugh "yeah like daddy" I say as she lies her head back down on my chest 

"well this prince had everything in the world you could ask for, he had good friends, he had money, he even had lots of sweets and chocolate" I say tickling her side as she giggled. I stop tickling her as she rests against my chest again "he had everything you could think of, but this firefighting prince was sad, he felt like there was something missing. then one day his fairy god mother came to visit him, she noticed he was hurting and sad, so she turned herself into a paramedic" I stop as I notice her head lift up 

"wike aunt Shay" she says as I laugh and nod "yes like auntie Shay...well this fairy god mother seen his heart was hurting and no band aid could help fix that, so the fairy god mother pulled out her magic wand and she worked her magic and all of a sudden a beautiful princess appeared in the mirror, this princess was the most beautiful girl the prince had ever seen, she had brown eyes with black curly hair, the prince fell in love as soon as he seen her...the fairy god mother told the prince that she was locked away in a room in the highest tower guarded by a river of hot flowing Lava, she was trapped and needed me to rescue her, the prince made it his destiny to find this woman, he searched for weeks until he found her, he spent days building a bridge to cross the burning flames of lava beneath him, he climbed hundreds of stairs to reach the top of the tower only to be greeted by..." I stop and think of what to say next 

"....a cold and dark empty room, the princess was not here" I continue in a shocked voice as Delilah gasps "oh no" she says as I chuckle to myself "the prince, tired and upset made his way back down the stairs and over the bridge where he saw the princess standing she turned and looked at him and said I've been watching you for days from the top of the tower building this bridge to come and save me, once I seen you complete it I made my way down to come greet you and thank you for coming to my rescue... The prince smiled as he listened to her she looked like she had been trapped here for a while in desperate need of a prince to come and save her"  I say as Delilah sits up and looks at me, not looking tired anymore and wanting to listen to my story

"The Prince took the Princess home where he looked after her and made sure she was safe, he fell more in love with the princess everyday, this princess joined the prince in becoming a firefighter also, they worked side by side for months, it was going great, but the prince needed to tell the princess how he truely felt, he decided to tell the princess he was in love with her, he was happy to learn the princess was in love with him too" I say happily as Delilah must have understood as she cheered and claps her hand

"the prince and princess soon decided to get married, but before their big day they was out working when the princess came across a little baby floating in a basket down a river, she looked lost and was crying, the princess knew she needed to rescue the baby from the lake quickly before she went over the edge down the water fall. the princess dove right into the water and grabbed the basket and pulled it to safety, the prince helped the princess up out of the water as she held the baby in her arms, they both looked at the baby and Knew they needed to save her just like the prince once saved the princess. They took the baby home and raised her as their own, and do you know what the baby was called?" I ask poking Delilahs stomach a little as she giggles and shakes her head

"Delilah, they named her Delilah" I say as she looks at me shocked and points to herself "me Dewiwah" she says with a smile and I smile back at her "thats right, you are...the prince and princess soon got married and the 3 of them lived happily ever after, until one day the princess's belly started to get bigger and bigger, until....POP" I say jumping delilah up as she giggles "a little baby popped out, they was now a family of 4 that lived happily...ever..." I pause and look at Delilah as she raises her hands "aftwer" she squeals finishing my sentence as I smile. I hold my arms out as she falls back onto my chest and cuddles me.  

"yeah baby, that's it...happily ever after" I whisper as I wrap my arms around her, I stroke her back for a while as I begin to hear little snores coming from her, telling me she has now gone to sleep. I hold her back tightly as I move myself down the bed to get comfy, I pull the blanket over her. 

I lean over lift my hip up a little to take my phone out of my pocket, seeing a text from stella, I open the message and read it "hey honey, just been placed on some medication to help lower my blood pressure, I am on a heart monitor for the baby so Im lay hear listening to his or her heartbeat again, Ill send you a video, I miss you, hope you and Delilah are okay"  I read her text and smile as I scroll down and see the video, I open it and see its a video shes took pointing at her stomach with a Doppler pressed against it, the sound of the heartbeat echoing through out the room, the video ends and I start it again, replaying it multiple times as I feel myself tear up. 

I kiss Delilahs head as I finally stop watching and listening to the video, I decided to respond to the text 

"I miss you so much, cant stop watching and listening to that video, its so magical...me and Delilah are okay, shes asleep settled on my chest"  I send the text as I go onto my camera and take a picture of me and delilah asleep on my chest and I send it. 

I click on the video and watch it again, I watch it a couple more times before I see a reply from Stella, I open it and read it "so glad shes okay, Im listening to it constantly, but im not complaing its very therapeutic actually....also your eyes look blotchy, have you been crying" is her response I chuckle and reply back

"I can imagine it being, and yes I was crying at the sound of the heartbeat, I'm all good now" I send the text and wait for her to reply which she does almost instantly 

"you're going soft kelly severide..." I laugh at her response as I shake my head 

"that's because of you..." I respond as another text comes through at the same time 

"Im going to try get some sleep, this medication is knocking me right out, I will call or text you in the morning with any news, I love you so much, good night hubby" I smile like an idiot at her text as I quickly respond.

"no problem, you need the rest, I love you and baby so much already , good night wifey" I reply as I lock my phone and place it on the side as I start to settle, I lie Delilah beside me in my arms as I get comfy, drifting off to sleep in no time.

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