Carvers Confrontation (60)

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Kellys POV 

my 2 weeks paternity leave was finished and I am heading back to work today my alarm had just gone off waking both me and Stella up she groaned and turned over to go back sleep but Leo started to cry, she groaned again and sat up "guess we are both up for the day now" I joke as Stella throws her pillow at me and stands up

she picks Leo up out of the Bassinet it becoming clear to what he wanted as he tried to suck on her shirt "wait up, someones eager this morning" I hear stella say as she unbuttons my shirt she was wearing and pulls it down, letting Leo latch on. 

"getting kinda jealous of him now" I say jokingly as Stella laughs "just get ready for work" she tells me as I stand up and grab my uniform and get changed. "want me to come see you later" she asks as I sit back on the bed to put some socks on and I look at her "I would love that, gonna be hard not seeing him whenever I want to" I say leaning over and kissing his head before sitting back up and grabbing my shoes and putting them on. 

"right im gonna get breakfast at the firehouse, I will see you later" I say standing up and leaning down to kiss her. "see you later, be safe, we need you home in one piece" she says nudging Leo a little as I smile and lean down and kiss him, trying not to disturb him from feeding. 

I stand up and grab my overnight bag that I packed last night "I love you" I say as I walk backwards out the bedroom "I love you too" I hear her shout to me as I make my way out the apartment and down to my car. 

once I arrive at the firehouse I spot Cruz walking in and I run over to him and walk along side him "Lieutenant, glad to have you back" he says as I pat his back and continue walking in to the firehouse. 

we head to the lockers to put our bags away, as I shut my locker I see Carver at his locker as he shuts it and looks at me "Back so soon Lieutenant" he says as I eye him up and down and nod "looking forward to working with you" he continues as I ignore him and just walk past him and head to morning brief 

A few hours into shift, Squad was just getting back from a call, as soon as cruz stopped the rig I jumped out and hung my coat on the handle "Dadddyyyy" I hear from outside as I see Delilah let go of Stella's hand and run over to me as I run over and pick her up "hello monkey, have you missed me" I say as she wraps her arms around my neck.

I place her on my hip as I hold my arm out to stella and she hugs my side as I turn round and we head inside. We walked towards the common room where everyone was sat eating dinner. I put Delilah down as shay sees us and holds her arms out for Delilah as she runs to shay. I take the car seat from Stella and place it on the table and unbuckle him out his seat and lift him up "hello little man, I've missed you" I say as I hug hum tightly 

"well aint this sweet, a little family reunion" I hear from carver as he sits down on the seat across from where we are standing. I ignore him and turn round leaning back against the table as I look down at Leo, his eyes flicker open as he stretches and yawns "must be tiring being a baby" I say to him as I flick my finger on his lips as he tries to suck on it. I turn my finger to the side and let him suck on my finger. 

"Is he due a feed" I ask Stella as she looks at him "I did just feed him before we came here but I guess he wants more, he is a growing baby after all, I haven't made any bottles, reckon I could use your office to go feed him again" she asks me. 

"that will be a no i'm afraid, electricians are in the bunk area for a couple of hours as all the power in there has stopped working, thats why everyone is in here" I say as she nods "Its fine, I will just go to the bathroom" she says taking Leo from me "No, none of us would like to eat in a bathroom, so why should he" I say as I pull out the chair and let her sit down as I grab his blanket and wrap it over him and hold it up to cover her a little. 

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