Some things never change (12)

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Stellas POV

it's been a month since me and Grant have decided to try again. I find myself at his apartment more than my own, I thought about moving back in with grant but not just yet, I dont want to rush back into this, just in case, im going to give it a couple more months. 

I didn't have work today so decided I will head over to grants to surprise him and see if he wanted to go out for some dinner. I pulled up at his place and unlocked the door, I walked inside and placed my bag on the kitchen side, I saw an open beer bottle on the coffee table along with a wine glass...I have never seen Grant drink wine. 

I look at it confused as I walk around and tidy up a little putting the bottles in the bin and the glass in the dishwasher, I move around the sofa as I pick up another bottle I see a red Bra next to the sofa and I pick it up trying to think if it is mine but I dont recognise it, I put it on the sofa as I hear Grant walk out of his bedroom, I look across at him as he jumps in shock when he sees me, he looks in his room and closes the door quickly 

"Stella...what are you doing here" He says a little shocked and shakey

"I came by after shift to see if you wanted to go out for dinner" I say trying to ignore the fact that I knew he was hiding something 

"ermm, im not feeling too good today, maybe you shouldn't get too close it could be the flu" he says as he fake coughs "your probably best leaving, I dont want you catching it" he continues as his bedroom door opens and a woman appears in the door frame wearing nothing but his bed sheet 

I look at the mystery woman and then at grant as what I thought is now confirmed. I scoff a little as I turn away and try not to cry. 

"baby...I can explain" Grant says as he gets all flustered as he comes over to me and looks at me I hear rustling behind me as I turn round to see the woman gathering her things and getting dressed "Im just gonna go" she says as I turn back to grant, hearing the door shut.

"I thought you had changed Grant, but I guess a leopard can never change his spots" I say as I take his house key of my keys and pass him his key

"Baby, No, we can work past this..." he says as I turn round and head out as he keeps shouting for me and grabs my arm as I turn round quickly wacking his arm away from me as he steps back

"I went to bat for you Grant...I went to bat for you" I scream at him "to people that I like, people that I dont want to disappoint, I told them you had changed, but I guess some things never change" I say a little quieter as tears threaten to spill from my eyes

"Stella, Baby, I can change, that woman she was going to help me get a contract with a big record company, I did what I had to do to make it happen, for me and for us" he says thinking that will make the whole situation better but I shake my head and turn away, I head for the door as I feel Grants arm wrap around my neck as he pulls me back and pushes me against the wall

"dont leave me, I need you stella" he says as he kisses my neck and I push him off me "its over grant...we are over" I scream as I feel a Slap across my face sending me flying a little, I hold my face as I look back to Grant slowly as he walks over to me "Stella, Im sorry I didnt mean that, I love you" he says as I grab the handle on the door and open it

"stay away from me, Im not going to let you hurt me anymore...goodbye grant" I say as I run out of the house and too my car, I start the car quickly as I drive off, I start to cry uncontrollably as I pull over as tears were restricting my vision. 

I scream and bang my head on the steering wheel as I continue to cry. 

after I compose myself I start driving again, not heading to my apartment but to Shays and Kellys I needed a friend right now. 

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