Like it's our last (36)

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Stellas POV

about half an hour later, after what felt like an eternity, Dr halstead came out "Kidd..." He shouts as I look up and stand up quickly as I head over to him "hes awake, he wants to see you, hes back in the treatment room" he says as I smile a little and quickly run past him as I head to the treatment room. 

the curtain is closed so I pull it open and see kelly sat up on the edge of the bed holding his arm across his shoulder, holding it, he must have heard the curtains open as he looks up, he winces as he moves his head and I slowly walk over to him

"Im so glad you're alive" I say as I reluctantly touch is arms in case he is hurting "I wasn't dying today..." he says as I smile and kiss his forehead softly "so did they tell you the reuslts of the tests" I ask as he nods "Im all good, just have a concussion, no bleeds, and a slight fracture on my rib thats it. should be full recovered within 2-4 weeks" he says as I smile and place my hands on the side of his face

"dont scare me like that again" I say jokingly as he laughs a little but stops as he holds his rib in pain "I promise..." he says as he places a hand on the side of my thigh. he looks down a little as he sniffles 

"hey whats up" I say as I lift his head up. "i'm just so in love with you" he says as tears form in his eyes but I know thats not enough of a reason for him to cry "come one thats not the real reason why your crying" I say as he wipes his tears away as he looks to the side of me for a few seconds before looking up at me in the eye "I dont want to wait any longer..." he starts as I look at him confused "the wedding...I want to marry you now" I smile at him as I kiss his forehead 

"whats brought all this on" I say as he grabs my hands "we put our lives on the line everyday, neither of us knowing if we are going to be returning home. I dont want to have any regrets if one day, either one of us doesn't make it home. I want you to be my wife, there's no point in us waiting around...lets just do it" he says, his voice breaking at the end as I feel tears form in my eyes. 

I nod at him as I grab his face once again and kiss his lips as I wipe a tear from his cheek "lets do it..." I whisper against his lips before kissing him once again. I place my hands on the back of his head as I pull him into my chest, I stroke his hair as I close my eyes and rest my head on his. 


Kelly was now discharged from Med as we both headed to our apartment, Shay had agreed to look after Delilah for the night whilst Kelly rested and I could look after him. 

we was both sat on the sofa when Kelly sat up, his face turned pale "you good?" I ask him as he looks at me and then shakes his head no "do you feel sick?" I ask and he nods. I quickly get up and bring over the trash can and go grab some sickness tablets that Dr Haltstead prescribed if he needed them,  I grab a water bottle from the fridge and go over to kelly, I pass him the pill and water as he takes it quickly. 

"shall we just go to bed, you might feel better in there" I ask him as he nods and stands up he looses his balance a little as I grab him "I've got you" I say as he wraps his arm around my shoulder and I help him walk to our bedroom. 

he sits on the bed and slowly turns himself around to lie down. he closes his eyes instantly as I turn down the lights so they are not as bright. I walk around the bed and climb next to him. I lie on my side as I look at him, I look at the cut on his head as I stroke it, I lean over and kiss it as he opens his eyes and looks at me. 

"and just like that, I feel a hundred times better" he whipsers as he turns his head to me "that might be the medication kicking in" I joking say as I cuddle into him. 

"try to get some sleep, halstead said sleep will do you some good" I say as I stroke his chest. I feel him kiss the top of my head before he gets himself comfy. 


the next day I wake up and see kelly scrolling on his phone "your up early" I say as I turn and look up at kelly "I only woke up about 5 minutes ago...I feel so much better today" he says as I smile "thats then...about this wedding" I ask as he sits up and grabs my hands 

"lets get planning" he says, I smile as he pulls me down for a kiss "but first I want some loving, I did almost die" he joking says as I roll my eyes and laugh. "Kiss me like its your last time" he whispers to me as I move my body to lie on him slightly, my hand strokes his face a little as I move my head closer to him and I start to kiss him, the kiss getting deeper quickly as both of us introduce our tongues at the same time. 

Kellys arms wrap around my waist tightly as he pulls me as close as he can to his body. I feel kelly pull his head back as I look at him he places a hand on my face as his eyes gaze into mine "close just isn't close enough with you" he says as he pulls my face back down to kiss him. 

we kiss for a few more minutes, both of us very much turned on but not doing anything further as we just enjoy the feeling of being in each other's arms, our lips on each other, kissing like it was our last time. not wanting to forget this feeling. 

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