How it plays out (65)

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Kellys POV

shift had started more than half an hour ago, Carver still hadn't turned up, Stella was ringing him to find out where he was, although im glad he hadn't turned up as I was ready to punch him the second I saw his face. I walked towards stella who was using the firehouse telephone to try get in contact with Carver

"still no answer?" I ask her as she puts the phone down and shakes her head "nope, im going to have to report everything with Boden" she says as she picks up the files 

"No  need..." we hear from behind us and I turn round to see Carver stood in his own clothes his hair looks matted and like he hadn't been to sleep, I leap forward at him but feel Stella grab me back. 

"you have some nerve Carver" I say as he walks past us to go towards Boden's office I notice some papers in his hands, he stops and turns back to us "after today you wont need to worry about me" he says before continuing back to Bodens office. 

me and Stella look at each other as Stella leans on the desk "what do you think he means by that" she asks me as I shrug my shoulders "no idea, but im sure we are about to find out" I say pointing to Boden coming out his office

" office, please" he shouts as stella looks at him then at me before she heads towards Bodens office.


Stellas POV

I head into Bodens office and see carver sat on one of the chairs in front of Bodens desk, I stay standing as Boden comes around and leans against his desk he places a piece of paper down on the desk as he looks at me, I pick it up and read it. 

the letter was written by carver, he explained how he  enjoyed his time at 51 but wishes to be transferred out, he mentioned his constant disobeying of my orders and how he made a move on me. I look at carver looking down at the floor and then back to Boden. 

"im going to need you to look through the list of floaters and get someone in to cover Carver, Carver will be on temporary leave until a spot opens up at another house, any last words Carver" Boden says looking at carver who looks up at Boden and stands up and just holds his hand out "thankyou for giving me this opportunity, I've learnt a lot here at 51" he says before boden nods and lets go of his hand

Carver turns to me and looks at me and holds out his hand I reluctantly take his hand and shake it "Thankyou again and im sorry for everything" he says as I let go of his hand and dont say anything. he walks past me as he head out of Bodens office. I watch him leave then turn to Boden

"Chief, Im sorry, I know you loved him bu..."I start to say before Boden holds his hands up to stop me "Stella, Its okay, I shouldn't have let it get this far, this is on me" he says as I put my head down "hey look at me" Boden says as I look up "its on me" he says holding his hand against his chest as I nod "now Truck will need a floater, ill take yous out of service until we can get one in quickly, im leaving the decision to you, I know you will find the right fit" Boden says 

"thanks Chief,ill get on it now" I say as I leave his office and I see Kelly still waiting at the desk, he comes over as he sees me. 

"so what happened" he asks as I let out a deep breath "Carver has left 51, he came clean to Boden about everything, I need to go look through the floaters pool as I need to find someone to step in for Carver now" I say as I head to my office. "I will come help you" Kelly says as ge follows me. 

I sit at my desk as Kelly sits on my bed and we look through the current file of floaters.


after about half an hour Kelly was not here as he had to go out on a call  "knock, Knock" I hear, I look up and see Boden as he walks in "yes chief..." I say lifting my head up out the file "hows the search going" he says as I take a deep breath "theres some great options but I just dont see them fitting with my work dynamic" I say turning over the page. 

"so you haven't chosen anyone yet" he asks as I shake my head "Nope, but I will find one soon dont worry" I say still looking through the files 

"Good, as I might actually have found someone" he says as I look up "with all due respect chief, last time you chose someone, look how it turned out" I say as he chuckles "I think your going to like this one" he says stepping out the way as I see Otis walking down the hall and into my office "OTIS!" I shout jumping out from my desk and running over to him and hugging him "reporting to duty, lieutenant...thats if you will have me back" he says as I smile then stand back and look at him "absolutely, the guys have missed you, they will be glad to have you back"

"great, I'll let him get settled back in and I will put Truck back into service" Boden says as he leaves my office. 

Otis leaves my office also to go place his stuff back in his locker as I go back to my desk and put all the files away. 

the rest of shift went by in a flash, everyone was thrilled to have Otis back. Truck was working better than ever. and everyone obeyed my orders without second guessing me. 

me and kelly had just picked Delilah and Leo up from Daycare and just got back to the apartment. I put Leo down on his play mat as Delilah goes and plays with him. I go over to the kitchen and grab a drink of water, I turn to lean against the side as I open the bottle and take a drink. kelly comes over and gets himself a beer as he stands beside me

"well that was one hell of a shift" he says as I nod "tell me about it, im just glad everything turned out the way it did" I say as kelly looks at me and smiles, he leans down and kisses me before he walks over to the sofa. as hes walking over we hear Leo giggle a little and he stops in shock as he turns to me and I put my bottle down and walk over quickly "was that..." I say as I reach Kelly "Yeah, Leo, just giggled" he says as Delilah does another peek a boo causing him to giggle again.

I feel kelly wrap his arm round me as we watch them both play, I look up at kelly as he looks at me and we both smile "this is everything I could have ever wanted" he says as I feel tears form in my eyes "me too, me too" I say as kelly pulls me into him and kisses me. 

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