The Pregnancy (68)

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1 month later

Stellas POV

today was the day we decided to tell Boden and the rest of 51 about the pregnancy, I was still working on truck but decided today I needed to put an end to it as it was getting to risky with the baby. 

we arrived at the firehouse and Kelly had already asked Boden if me and him could make an announcement,  had a feeling he knew as he looked at me with a glisten in his eye but we didn't let him know and just said its a couple of announcements regarding our company's. 

he agreed to let us make the announcements after he had done his. Me and Kelly were stood at the back of the room as Boden came in and started the briefing. 

"my last report for the day is a huge congratulations to Dawson who has now passed her firefighters training and will soon be looking for a house elsewhere to become a full time firefighter" Boden announced as everyone cheered. Boden then looked at me and kelly and pointed to the floor next to him "and finally Stella and Kelly have something they want to discuss" he says as me and kelly make our way upto the front.

kelly holds my hand and squeezes it as he looks at shay who was in on the whole thing as she was the only one who knew, she turned of the lights as kelly pulled across the projector and had it shining against the whiteboard. he connected his phone to it and played the video Shay recorded of the baby announcement we did for kelly, at the end me and kelly made a recording of us saying "we're pregnant" before we switched of the camera. 

once the video ended the room filled up with cheers as shay switched the lights back on. everyone came over to give us a hug and congratulate us. 

boden came over to us last as I hugged him tightly "I knew it" he said as he stroked my back "congratulations Stella" he said as he stood back. "thanks chief...hey I was thinking with Gabby now wanting to become a firefighter until she can find another house, why dont I just swap with her, and I go on ambo, I have the qualifications, and place Mouch as Temporary Lieutenant, it saves looking for floaters." I say as boden nods "that's a great idea, I will get the paperwork sorted today" he says as Gabby looks at me and smiles. 

from then on I was now working on ambo 61, it was less risky than being on truck and at least I still got to be out in action which I missed a hell of a lot last time. 

1 and a half months later

Kellys POV

today is Stella's 20 week scan appointment, we both managed to get the morning off work to go, luckily her morning sickness has eased of quicker than it did with Leo, but her cravings have been odd, yesterday day she had ice cream with toast for breakfast then for dinner she wanted Mac and cheese on a pizza, yes she really made me got out and get the ingredients to cook her a mac and cheese pizza. 

"Stella Kidd-Severide" I heard the doctor shout stella as we both stood up and headed into the room. 

"good morning, your looking bright this morning" the doctor says to Stella "Thank you, I feel gr..."  I interrupt and pretend to flick my hair "why thank you, this pregnancy is doing something to me" I jokingly say as stella digs my arm "she was talking to me you fool" she laughs as she sits onto the bed 

the midwife laughs at us as she opens my file "so 20 weeks, are you ready to find out what your having" she says as I look at kelly and nod as he takes a hold of my hand. 

"right then, lets get started" she says taking the gel and placing it onto my stomach, she turns the ultrasound machine on and moves the wand around my little bump. 

I look at the screen and see the image of the baby straight away, the midwife takes a few measurements and checks the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart "all that looks good, now the important part" she says moving the wand down a little and digging it into my side "legs are crossed, someone is a little shy, turn onto your side for me to see if we can get her to move" the midwife asks as I let go of kellys hand and turn over onto my side. 

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