Feelings (10)

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Kellys POV (cont)

My eyes stayed fixed on the building "Come on stella..." I whisper to myself. 

After what seems like ages a shadow forms in the smoke as Stella comes running out with a victim across her shoulders, she no longer has her mask on and I run over to her as Casey and Otis follows, they take the victim from her as they carry them over to an ambo.

as soon as the victim is taken from Stella she looks at me and collapses in my arms, I catch her and look at her as her eyes begins to close "Stella....STELLA stay with me" I shout as I shake her then look over at everyone "I need some help over here" I shout as paramedics come running over with a back board, we roll Stella onto it as we all pick her up and carry her over to the ambo

I immediately started to take off her bunker gear as Shay felt for a pulse "I've got a pulse but its weak, we need to bag her" shay says as she grab the tools, I pull her jacket off above her head "I want to help...let me help" I say in panic as Gabby passes me some scissors "Cut her top so we can connect her to an ECG" I take the scissors as I cut down the middle of her top and rip it open.

Gabby sticks the electrodes on her as Shay starts to bag her. I shake on her shoulders to hoping she will respond as I feel a tear run down my face "Come on kidd" I say as Shay looks at me "pulse is strong, we need to go now" she says as we all help load Stella into the ambo 

"Kelly...stick with 61" I hear Boden shout as I climb into the ambo and grab Stellas hand "Ill drive" shay says as Gabby climbs next to me "Come on, hurry lets go" I shout in urgency as I feel the Ambo start to move.

"so what is it, smoke inhalation or what?" I ask gabby as she checks on Stellas vitals 

"it looks like it. shes going to be okay Kelly, we have her stable" Gabby says rubbing my back "I've never seen you panic that much about anyone before" she continues as I keep my eyes on Stella "she's special, shes my friend, I care about her a lot" I say as I stroke the back of her hand.


we arrived at the hospital a couple of hours ago, Stella had to be rushed to surgery as they found a blood clot in her lung and needed to find it and fix it. I was sat on a seat in the waiting room, the whole firehouse came along, to make sure Stella was okay. 

I shake my legs nervously as I run my hands down my face hoping to hear some news shortly. 

Casey comes and sits next to me "so you and stella...you seemed pretty worried about her" he asks as I look at him "arent we all..." I tell him bluntly 

"Yeah, of course we are, you just seem to be taking it harder than usual, you two have become pretty close haven't yous, whats going on with that" he asks me as I lean back and look at him 

"Casey I told you, I told you, I'm not..." I start to say before he interrupts

"yeah I know what you've told me... that you've no feelings there, its just sex...but that feeling, that connection, it wont go away just because you dont want it to be there. I can see it in the way you look at her, the way you react when she's in danger, I know what that feels like, its the same way I am with Gabby, when the one you love is at risk and you're stuck outside, theres no amount of training that can make that any easier" he says as I look at him before he pats my back and stands up

"you need to admit it to yourself, then to Stella...before its too late" he says as he walks away and I lean my arms back onto my knees and think about what he said.

He is right, I wouldn't have reacted the same way for anyone else, I have feelings for Stella that I have never had for anyone else before. maybe it is time I stop ignoring them. 


another hour or two had passed when the doctor doing Stellas surgery walked into the waiting room "the surgery went well, we managed to find teh blood clot and safely remove it with minimal damage, she is in recovery right now, but should wake up very soon" the doctor says as I let out a big sigh of relief as I stand up, Shay comes over to me and rubs my back 

"we are all going to head back to the firehouse, maybe you should wait here for her to wake up, I think seeing your face will do her some good" shay says as she gives me a hug before Boden orders everyone to get back to the firehouse.

"I will call you's as soon as she wakes" I say as they all leave the hospital and I sit back down on the chair.


about an hour later april comes in and shouts me

"Kelly..." I turn and look at her "shes awake, and wants to see you" I stand up and follow April into Stella's room

I walk in and see her hooked up to some oxygen her eyes half open as I smile at her as I walk over, I stand at her bedside staring at her for a little before she lets out a week chuckle "Stop staring" she whispers as I laugh and grab her hand as I lean down and kiss her forehead. I lean my head back but stay lent against her bed, as my elbows rest on the mattress and I grip tighter on her hands and look at her 

"I'm so glad you're back..." I whisper as she brings her hand up and puts it on the back of my head and pulls it into her chest as she kisses the top of my head, we stay like that for a while. 

I eventually lift my head up as I look at Stella debating whether I tell her how I feel...

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