Birthday surprises (30)

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Kelly's POV

today was my birthday, we were both on shift today, so didn't make any plans for today, but we decided we will be heading to my dads cabin after shift as we have the next 4 days off so planned to spend them there. Stella has been acting really strange these past couple of days, its like shes been trying to hide something from me, she will close the laptop every time I walk past and she disappeared after last shift, she told me she was out with Brett but I didn't believe it.

I'm afraid to bring it up in case im just being paranoid. I spoke to shay about it but she promised me I had nothing to worry about, and Stella wouldn't hide anything from me, but I still wasn't convinced.

shifts was coming to an end and Stella had been avoiding me all shift, I went to go find her, as I was looking it appeared she was looking for me as when she spotted me she raised her hands and clapped "ahh there you are...I have a surprise for you" she says ass he stands behind me and puts her hands over my eyes and walks me somewhere

"what...where you taking me" I say as I try my best not to trip over she brings me to a stop, I hear passing cars and realise we are outside the front of the firehouse. "just keep your eyes closed" she says as she removes her hands, my eyes remaining shut as I feel her leave my side 

"Okay open" she says as I open my eyes and see her sat against a car hood holding a set of keys. I look a little closer and seethe car shes sat on is the new SUV mustang I really wanted to trade my old one in  for. I open my mouth in shock as I bring my hands to my mouth. "you didn't..." I say as she nods and I go over to her and hug her "Happy birthday" she says as she kisses me and then hands me the keys. 

"so is this what you've been organising these past couple of days" I ask as she smiles "yeah sorry...shay told me you was getting a little paranoid, but does this explain it now" she says as she jumps of the hood and stands next to me "yes, yes it does" I say as I start walking around the car looking at it

"this was the one you wanted right" She says as I look at her and smile "its the exact one, I love it...I love you" I say as I go back next to her and kiss her. 

"shifts over now....lets take it for a spin" I say as I unlock the doors and open the passenger door for Stella. she smiles then climbs in as I shut the door and walk round to the drivers side.

I sit in the seat and shut the door "oohh the seats are so comfy" I say moving my hands around the steering wheel "its all so much bigger than my old car...this is daddy of all cars" I say as Stella laughs. I press the stop/start button as the car starts. i look over at stella with an excited look as I then start to drive off.

"oohh I like this, it's a lot quieter and smoother" I say as Stella plays with the screen and puts some music on. 


after driving around for about half an hour we head back to the firehouse to get our bags, before I take my new car and stella gets in her car, we agreed I will go home and get our cases into my car trunk whilst Stella goes to get Delilah. 

I arrive home and see that an electric car charging point has been fitted outside our apartment, stella must have been organising this along with the purchasing of the car. I smile to myself as I head up to our apartment, we had already packed the cases before the last shift so they were stood at the door, I grabbed them and carried them down to the car. 

once they were all loaded into the trunk I went back up to the apartment to wait for Stella and Delilah. 

30 minutes later I hear light quick, footsteps get closer to the apartment door before I heard a soft knock on the door, I went and answered it and seen Delilah stood there with Stella walking up behind her "Daddyyyy" Delilah squeals as I lift her up. "hey princess" I say as she hugs me and I walk in, stella closing the door behind us. 

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