Love and Appreciation (70)

711 14 5

6 weeks later

Kellys POV

we all seem to be adjusting well to being a family of 5, Delilah has become besotted with Savannah and wants to be with her every second of everyday, Leo on the other hand lost interest in her after about a week when he realised she was still to little to play. he will still give her the odd kisses and cuddles but not as often as Delilah. 

I was still not back to work as I wanted to wait for Stella to get the all clear at her 6 week check which was today, before I decided to leave her alone, she was still a little fragile and I would catch her wincing every so often when she over worked herself, but in true Stella style she would hide her pain well. 

Delilah and Leo went back to daycare a week after Savannah was born which gave me and Stella a lot of time to focus just on Savannah, she was a very easy baby, she loved to sleep, and we would have to wake her up ourselves for her feeds. 

"Stella and Savannah Kidd-Severide" the doctor called out as both me and Stella stood up, I grabbed the stroller and followed behind Stella as we made our way into the room. 

we both took a seat on the chairs as the doctor sat in front of us. "so hows it been going, has she settled in well" the doctor asked us as she prepared everything she needed 

"yeah its been great, shes been a very easy baby, and Delilah and Leo love her" Stella said as she lent down to the stroller and looked at Savannah as she stroked her hand "and how about you, how have you been feeling" the doctor asked stella as she looked up "still a little sore, but feeling better everyday" Stella says still stroking Savannahs hand

"right, well lets check you over first then we will move onto baby" the doctor says as she taps the bed "just jump up on here for me and lift up your top so we can take a look at your stitches" the doctor says as stella stands up and gets onto the bed. 

Savannah starts to cry when she feels stella let go of her hand. I lean over and take a hold of her hand, she grips onto my finger and starts to settle again "she loves holding our fingers" I say as the doctor chuckles "it brings them comfort, we find a lot of babies would hold and cuddle their cord in the womb so when there born they find that same comfort somehow and in most cases its their parents hands and fingers" the doctor says a I smile and look at Savannah "thats adorable" I say as I use my thumb to stroke the back of her hand.

"everything is looking great here, all seems to have healed well, no signs of infection" The doctor tells Stella as she pulls her top down, I look up and see the doctor wrap the blood pressure monitor round Stella's arm as it starts to inflate. "have you had any bleeding or discharge in the past 2 weeks" the doctor asks whilst waiting for the blood pressure to finish as stella shakes her head. the doctor makes note of it before taking off the blood pressure monitor "that all looks great also, you have been the most recovered patient ive had today, you wouldn't think you had a baby 6 weeks ago" the doctor says as stella chuckles and looks at me 

"its all thanks to my husband over there, hes been a god send" Stella says as I smile "all in a days work" I say smugly as she rolls her eyes and laughs. "well hes a keeper" the doctor says as she starts to put her equipment away. "Oh he sure is" Stella says sitting up and coming to sit back down next to me, I smile at her as she kisses my cheek.

"right then, lets have a look at this little darling" the doctor says looking at the stroller, I stand up and unclip her out of the car seat and pick her up, the doctor lifts the bars up on the bed as she takes Savannah from me and lies her on the bed, she stretches her arms up and crunches her legs as she yawns "oohh thats a big stretch" the doctor says as she starts feeling around Savannahs stomach and hips. 

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