Small Bump (45)

515 10 1

2 months later

Stellas POV

It's been 2 months since someone broke into mine and kelly's apartment and set our sofa a light, no one was ever caught as there was no evidence and surveillance wasn't able to capture anybody. we have now moved back into the apartment after it being cleared as safe to return.

the insurance covered the cost of anything that needed to be purchased, we have now installed a ring doorbell on the front of our door so we get an alert of any movement outside and the doorbell will start recording at any sign of motion. we have also had police protection so if anyone suspicious is seen following or hovering round our apartment they would be detained and questioned. none of which has happened yet. 

Today me and Kelly were supposed to be on shift but have got the morning off to go to an appointment, today was an important one as today was the day we find out what we are having, we decided we would be keeping it a secret from everyone until the day he or she is born. 

Kelly dropped Delilah of at day care and left me here to get changed, he let me sleep in as I was up all night with severe pains in my side, I have had them for about a week, but last night they was extremely painful, I had to call my doctor but she said it was completely normal, it was just my womb starting to expand. 

I sat up out of bed and walked over to the wardrobe to find something to wear. I grabbed some jeans and a blue button shirt. I started to get changed slowly as the pain in my side still radiated across my stomach, I pull up my jeans and try to fasten them, but the button wouldn't reach, I look down and see a tiny little bump in my lower abdomen. 

"wow, where did you come from" I say to myself as I place a hand over it. I looked up in the mirror and turned to my side from a distance you would notice it, but there was a slight little curve at the bottom of my stomach. 

I take of the jeans and try to find something else, I find another pair of trousers and pull them on, the zip going all the way up, but the pressure of the little bump causing the zip to fall back down when I let go. I lean my head back and groan. 

"I think its time we take you clothes shopping" I heard from Kelly behind me, I jump a little not expecting him back yet, I turn around to see him leaning against the bedroom door frame chuckling to himself.

"this is your fault Kelly" I say as I take the trousers of and continue looking through my wardrobe

"Hey, I didn't hear you complaining at the time..." I hear kelly say as he comes up behind me and kisses my shoulder. I stand up straight as I turn around and look at him.

"I'm gonna invade your wardrobe" I say as I peck his lips then walk over to his wardrobe, pulling out a pair of his Nike sweatpants, I put my legs in as I pull them up. "and wallah! perfect fit, and they have a stretchy waist line...these will now be my pregnancy pants" I say as I turn round to kelly and laugh, he shakes his head and walks over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, he looks down at me and smiles 

"You're amazing you know that" he says as he keeps looking at me and I place a finger on my lip pretending to think about it then nod "oh I know..." I say as he chuckles and kisses me. 

he lets go of me as he goes to his bedside table and grabs his phone "its 9:15 we're gonna be late come on" he says as he slaps my arse whilst I'm bent over getting some socks from my drawer. I stand up and look at him. 

"Do not Rush a pregnant woman" I say sternly as he holds his hands up in surrender 

"my bad...I wont do it again" He says with a chuckle as I sit on the bed and put my socks and shoes on.


"Stella Kidd-Severide" I hear my name as we sat in the waiting room to be called. me and Kelly both stand up and make our way over to where I was called from, we see Asher standing at a door smiling at us

she holds the door open to us as we walk in, I sit myself on the bed as Kelly sits on the chair next to me. 

"so 20 weeks, are you ready to see what the baby is..." she asks as I nod in excitement 

"I can't wait..." I say as I look at Kelly and take his hand he squeezes it and smiles as Asher lifts up my top. 

"I see, he or she is now making themselves a little more known" Asher says referring to my little bump and I look down at it and smile "sure are...although now I dont think I have any trousers that fit me...good job I have a husband who has plenty of elasticated sweatpants" I say looking over at Kelly and smiling

I feel the coldness of the gel on my stomach and Gasp a little as I chuckle "they should really warm that gel up" I say earning a laugh from Asher as she turns the machine towards us and uses her over hand to move the wand around.

me and kelly look at the screen as the shape of the baby appears on the screen, I watch as I see the outline of the baby moving "we've got a little wriggler today" Asher says as she continues to move the wand around.

I look over at Kelly, his eyes fixated on the screen and I smile, his face beaming with pride and happiness already I look back at the screen and watch the little movements the baby is making, Asher moves the wand towards my side as she pushes it into my stomach "theres baby's feet, legs are crossed, making it very difficult for me to see..." Asher says as she lowers the wand a little more I feel a twinge as Asher laughs "did you feel that..." she asks as I nod. "The baby just kicked, didn't want us looking clearly...oohh wait...never mind, baby is not being shy anymore" she says as I watch the screen unsure what I'm looking at. 

"Congratulations, you're having a little Boy" She says as I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding in and I look at Kelly, his face filled with excitement as he stands up from his chair and cheers, he leans down to me and kisses me 

"we're having a son...a little mini me" he says as his eyes fill with tears I look at him and smile 

"another you, good luck to me" I jokingly say as I hold his face and kiss him, as I stroke his cheek, he moves his head back and looks at me "I love you so much" he says as I smile "I love you too" I reply back as he rests his forehead on mine. 

I feel Asher wipe my stomach "Ill leave you two alone whilst I go update your file" Asher says as she leaves the room, leaving the paused picture of the baby on the screen and I turn and look, I turn Kelly's face also "look, thats our baby Boy" I whisper as I hear Kelly sniffle a little "Our baby boy" he replies as he places his hand on my stomach.

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