Im never going to leave you (32)

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2 days later

Kellys POV

squad and ambo was just finishing up on a call, the victim didn't need to go to med, he refused to go, he was a little aggressive and swung at me when I pulled him out of the fence where he got his head stuck, he must have been on something but we couldn't force him to go to med. 

I felt my face where he hit me and looked at my hand there was a little blood, I walked over to ambo 61 where shay looked at me and shook her head

"why is it you always find yourself in the path of a victims fist" she says as she looks at the cut on my face

"I must just have a hittable face" I joke as I wince a little when she touches it "its not that deep, you wont need stitches, ill just patch it up for you" she says placing a small gauze over it "so, have you spoken with Stella" she asks me as I turn my eyes to her "I have been re-thinking it..." I start of as shay finishes patching me up "what do you mean" she asks as she stand sback and looks at me 

"maybe, getting married isn't the best idea..." I say as shay shakes her head and chuckles "that's just the nerves talking.." she says as she starts to pack the first aid bag away

" its not, I remembered exactly what she said to me when we first got together, when she explained to me why she wouldn't do the whole marriage thing again...because she doesn't want to ever be in a situation again where she just cant leave" I say as I put my head down I feel shay lift my head up 

"that was a long time ago, so much has changed since then...If i remember correctly she also said she never wanted kids, and now here she is being one hell of a sexy mama..." she pauses as she looks at me like shes hiding something "...okay so she told me not to tell you this but if me telling you this helps you understand how she actually feels then im not going to hide it from you..." she says as I nod for her to go on 

"so it was at Delilah 2nd birthday party, Me and stella were sat talking, she was watching you dance with Delilah I could tell something was on her mind, that's when I heard her say how broody you make her when she sees you with Delilah, and how she would birth hundreds of your babies to watch you be the best dad, and how she would also marry you in an instant..." shay says as I look up at her in shock

"she really said that..." I ask a little shocked 

"yeah...she instantly realised she said her thoughts out loud as she covered her mouth and told me never to tell you she said that...she did laugh a little so I will just say I thought she was joking about me not telling you" shay says as she throws the bag in the back of the ambo then looks at me "now do I need to go dress shopping? or am I never gonna get the chance to be a best woman" she jokingly says as I stand up and I chuckle "we will see..." I say as I walk over to the rig.


on our way back to the firehouse we get a call to join truck 81 at a structure fire so we do a U-turn and head to the scene. once we arrive we see truck 81 also arrive, I jump out and look over as Stella jumps out and she looks over at me and smiles, I smile back as I watch her give out orders to her men. I turn round and give my men orders also.

we head into the building to do a search. the building seems to be empty there is no sign of anyone, I radio through to the chief to let him know the building is clear and we are heading out. as we are walking out I see a beam above come loose and about to fall onto Cruz and Tony, I push them out of the way as the beam falls down, and I quickly jump back.

the flame filled beam now blocking my exit as I shout for Cruz and tony to get out.

"were not leaving you Lieutenant" I hear Cruz shout as I look around for another way out

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