Gut instincts (22)

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Stellas POV

It has now been over a month since me and Kelly broke up, we both seem to be in a better head space, we seem to have some kind of flirtatious platonic relationship going on, kinda makes me miss him and how we used to be.

my thoughts are cut short when the alarms ring for an apartment fire, all units were dispatched, I run to truck and gear up as I jump in.

we arrive on scene within minutes and we are all ordered on where to go and what to do.


we was finishing up our search and rescue, the resident where the fire started says there was only her home, and her neighbours were out so chief ordered us to evacuate so we could hose down the flames. I was in the neighbours apartment that the fire had spread to searching the last room, I noticed a girls play doll on the floor, the neighbour said it was only 1 gentleman that lived here, I started to get concerned. when I looked up I seen what appeares to be a hidden storeaway behind the sofa I go over to look as Kelly shouts into me 

"Kidd come on, their about to open the hoses" he shouts as he walks past the door to the room im in. I go to leave but my gut is telling me something is hiding behind the sofa. I go back over to the sofa and pull it away from the wall, as I do the wall opens up a little and I look inside, it looks like a hideaway, I notice a blanket and toy, and my mind starts racing...someone is being stored away back here

I feel a hand on my back "hey, what are you doing, lets get out of here" I hear from kelly behind me as I move out, I pick up the doll as we both head outside.

once outside I remove my mask as I crouch down and look at the doll in my hand as I cant help but think some child is being kept locked away in that crawl space.

"kidd, lets go" I hear from Casey as I jump up and get into the rig as we all head back to the fire house, once we stop I jump out and Im about to head inside when I hear kelly shout me 

"hey stella wait up" he shouts as I turn around and look at him "whats that" he says pointing to the doll "I picked it up from the scene, theres something not quite right with that place, I saw something" I say as kelly takes my hand "come on, lets talk in my office" he says as we walk to his office. 

once he shuts the door I sit down on his bed and look at him "when you found me looking behind the sofa, It was because I got a bad feeling somethign wasnt quite right...once I pulled back the sofa it revealed some sort of secret room...I dont know Ive just got a feeling, theres some kind of child endagerment deal going on there" I say to kelly as he leans agaisnt his desk and nods.

"sure it wasnt a fort or something like kids do" kelly asks

"no, it was creepy, something didn't seem right, plus I know what I seen and it was oddly similar to a room I used to be placed in" I tell him as flashbacks run through my head

"so go with your gut...lets go check it out..." he says as I look at him 

"you believe me" I ask a little shocked

"of course I do, you seem positive about this, and I 100 percent trust you" he says as I look at him and smile as I play with the doll in my hands. all my childhood fears coming back to life as I relive the torture I went through when I was a child at the hands of my abusive foster parents.


Me and Kelly head to the scene, we call PD for backup so they can retrieve any evidence. I find a bunch of letters in a cabinet that wasnt burnt by the fire luckily all addressed to different names but under the same address, all from Child protective Services, I hand them to the police so they can take them in to investigate further.

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