Fear Tears (24)

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Kellys POV

CPS have just arrived so I go and grab stella so she can bring the baby to them, I walk into the bunk room and see her lay on her bed, as I get closer I see that she has fallen asleep next to Delilah, I stand back and look at them for a few seconds, I sit ont he foot of her bed and nudge stellas legs a little 

"Babe..." I whisper as she starts to move "babe, CPS are here" I finish as stella sits up slowly, and carefully to not wake or disturb Delilah, however Delilah starts to stretch, scrunching her legs and stretching her arms, we both watch her as she opens her eyes slowly, she looks at Stella and smiles, Stella smiles back and then picks her up "Rise and shine beautiful, did you have a good sleep" she says in a slight baby voice before she stands up and places the baby on her hip 

I stand up and follow them both out of the bunk room, my heart explodes as I watch Stella holding the baby on her hip, it suits her so well.

we see CPS standing in the corridor, one of the women goes to take the baby of Stella but Stella turns her away  and holds  her closer "where will she go" I hear Stella say, not loosening her grip on Delilah

"she will be going to a local foster home until we can find her a temporary family that can take her" The woman says as Stella looks at Delilah, Delilah looks at stella as she grips onto stellas shirt 

"will she be safe" Stella says looking back at the woman "safer than she was before" the woman replies as stella reluctantly hands Delilah over but Delilah keeps a grip of stellas shirt, the other CPS worker goes over to try remove Delilahs hands off of stellas shirt, Delilah starts to cry and scream as they manage to pull her from stella, I look at stella as she has tears in her eyes and I wrap my arms around her.

"Kelly, shes just a baby...no baby should cry in fear" she whispers before turning into my chest as she now fully breaks down and cries. I stroke her back as I hold onto her tightly 


Shift ended hours ago, me and Stella were in our apartment lay on the sofa, she was lay on my chest asleep, whilst I watched the TV. Stella's phone began to ring and she shot up and reached for it, she sat at my feet as I watched her

"Hello....yeah this is she...yeah....erm yeah sure...I will be right there...bye" she ends the call as she looks at me 

"that was a woman named Amanda, she was the lady that took Delilah to the foster home, she found my number somehow as she wanted me to go to the foster home, they said they need me" Stella says as I sit up "let me take you, ill get my shoes" I say going to grab my shoes as stella also puts on hers

we head out to my car as Stella gives me the address of the foster home Amanda texted to her, we were 15 minutes away. 

"what if something has happened to Delilah, what if something ba..." I hear stella say before I cut her of 

"Babe, dont think like that, Im sure shes okay they probably just need you for a statement or something" I tell her to reassure her, I place my hand on her leg as I continue driving and her hand lands on mine as she looks out the window.

we arrive at the foster home and Stella jumps out and heads inside without even waiting for me, I run to catch up to her as we both reach the door, she knocks on, amanda opens the door 

"Thank god your here, your our last hope" she says as stella looks at me confused before we follow Amanda through the halls we start to get closer to a room upstairs and we hear distant, muffled crying.

"we have tried everything, she just wont settle for anyone" Amanda says opening the door where we see a young lady trying to soothe a screaming Delilah. Stella soon runs in and takes delilah from the young lady. 

"Hey baby...hey, its me" Stella says as delilah begins to settle as she looks at stella, her face swollen from tears, she sobs a few times before Stella wraps her arms round delilah as she rests her head on stellas shoulder 

"wow, she seems to really like you" Amanda says as Stella turns to look at us. she looks at me as I go a little closer to them both, I grab a teddy from off of the floor and show it to Delilah, she looks at me and then at the Teddy. I bop it on her nose as she smiles. I place it in her arms. 

Stella goes to sit over on the bed with Delilah still in her arms and I follow her. I sit next to her as Stella looks at me with her head rested on Delilahs "Kelly..." I hear her say and immediately know what shes thinking 

"before you say anything, I think I know what you're about to say and I want you to know, I'm all for it" I say as she smiles at me and lifts her head up "she belongs with you, with us" I finish as Stella looks at Amanda 

"How do we go about this?" Stella asks as Amanda comes closer "its a very long process to be granted foster parents, and even then we cant guarantee you Delilah, as she may have gone to a foster family before your application is processed, we cant keep kids here any longer than needed" Amanda says sadly

"but you can clearly see, she wants us...how long are we talking" Stella asks 

"You're looking at maybe 6 weeks minimum" Amanda says as I look at Stella. who rests her forehead on Delilah, I look at Amanda "can we start the process today, sooner we start the better right" I ask as Amanda nods "I will go grab you some application forms" she says before leaving the room 

"I hope we get her...surely they will see how she is with me and that will work in our favour and hopefully get this rushed through" Stella says as she looks up at me and I wrap my arm around her. 

"are you 100% sure your ready for this" I say as she nods and places a hand on Delilahs head "something is telling me I was meant to be at that call, I was meant to rescue her, she is meant to be with us Kelly" she says as I smile at them both, I lean down and kiss Stella, I place my hand on Delilahs back and look at her. "she is adorable isn't she" I say as Delilah smiles up at me


3 weeks later

Stellas POV

we began the process to become Foster parents almost immediately, we passed the initial assessment process,  which included background checks, home and work visits we were just waiting for a court date for a judge to finally allow us Foster parenting rights. 

I made sure to visit Delilah everyday, her personality has started to show, she is very cheeky, she cant walk unaided yet, but this passed week shes been getting a lot more confident whens he lets go of my hands. 

I am now on my way to visit her again, I got her a new toy before I came, its a baby first steps walker that plays music, its supposed to help them strengthen their legs and quicken the process to walking. 

I knock on the door, Amanda answers her face drops when she sees me "Stella...Ive been trying to call you, I did text you" she says

"sorry, I must have my phone switched off" I say as Im about to walk in "so where is she, I've got her a present" I say as Amanda stops me 

"Stella, Delilah...she was fostered out, a nice young couple came to collect her today, its why ive been trying to call you" Amanda says as I look at her and then down at the box in my hand 

"ohh...I guess you did warn us this would happen...can you just make sure she gets this" I say handing her the box with the first steps walker in. as soon as she takes it I head out of the building and back to my car. 

Once in the car I can't contain my emotions as Tears fall from my eyes and I breakdown and cry. 

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