31 weeks & counting (49)

613 12 4

2 months later

Stellas POV

today I hit 31 weeks pregnant, my bump is very much visible now too as daily tasks have become more of a struggle, like putting my socks and shoes on, trying to stand up, bending down to pick up Delilah and much more. luckily Kelly is such a gentleman and is always quick to help me out.  as much as I love my bump, I sure hope this baby doesn't grow anymore, my back is already in pieces

We sat in the hospital waiting room as today we had another appointment with my doctor to check on me and the baby. today we brought Delilah along with us so she could see her little brother on the screen as today we also booked in for a 4D ultrasound. and we thought it would be nice as a family to do. shes noticed my belly getting big and keeps tapping it, we tell her, her little brother is in there but we dont think she understands. 

"Stella Kidd-Severide" I hear my name called out as kelly helps me stand up then goes over and grabs Delilah from the toy corner as we all head into the room. I lie on the bed as Delilah looks around confused as Asher looks at her "and who is this cutie pie" she says as she strokes her cheek. "are you the big sister" Asher says as Delilah brings her hands to her mouth anxiously as she goes shy

"aww are you shy...you cant be shy, your little brother wants to see you" Asher says as she turns her focus to me "so how've you been" she asks as I turn and look at her and groan, lying back a little "tired, and in pain 24/7" I say as Dr Asher chuckles a little "all completely normal, before we  get started im going to feel your tummy and take some measurements, then we will take a look at baby" she say as I nod and lift up my top.

she puts on some gloves then comes and stands next to the bed as she presses around my stomach, she presses my lower abdomen as she nods "babys head is down which is good, hes in the right position, hopefully he stays that way" she says moving her hand up and pressing around my side and to the top of my bump "that all feels normal, hes lying into your right hip" she says and I chuckle a little "that explains the pressure im getting on that side" I say as Asher nods in agreement "now im going to measure your bump, your notes say your 31 weeks is that correct..." she says as I nod as she grabs a tape measure and puts it under my back as she wraps it round my bump, making a note of the measurement

"a little on the big side for 31 weeks, but nothing to worry about, baby might just be a little bigger than average, lets take a look and see shall we" she says as she grabs the gel and places it on my stomach as I look over at Kelly sat down on the chair with Delilah on his lap, I chuckle as I see her looking all confused. 

"so big baby aye, hes going to take after his dad" I hear kelly say as I look at him and roll my eyes "no wonder your mum stopped at you then, if this baby is big, you better enjoy this one as we wont be having any more" I say as he sticks his lip out jokingly 

"unless science finds a way for the man to carry and push out something the size of a watermelon then no more big babies for me" I joke as Asher laughs at us both then places the wand on my stomach, I look over at the screen as she moves the wand around, she takes some measurements on the normal ultrasound images then looks at us

"baby doesn't look big, he is actually measuring smaller than we expect him to be at this stage, but im not too concerned as he is only just below the line we expect him to be at, but it does look like you are carrying a lot of water which may explain the larger bump, some say more water less baby is a godsend when it comes to the labour part" she says as I smile "yeah well we will see about that" I say as she switches the ultrasound to a different setting.

I look back at the screen and instead of the black and white picture more of a skin tone image pops up as the babys features become more visible. 

she moves the wand down a little and presses into my side "lwook...baba" I hear from delilah as she points to the screen as his face becomes visible, she gets a little giddy as I smile at her "thats your baby brother princess, I told you he was in mummys belly" I hear kelly say as she looks at me then at the screen shocked "mummy ate baba Brubba" she says crossing her arms and frowning as me, kelly and Dr Asher laugh 

"I didnt eat your baby brother" I say mid laugh "i'm growing him inside me, keeping him safe until hes big enough to come out and play" I say as she sticks her lip out 

"whats up princess" kelly asks seeing her look upset "pway now" she says as kelly wraps his arms around her "how about after this we go get you a toy doll, that way you can practice being a big sister before he comes" he says as she smiles and bounces on his lap soon forgetting why she was upset seconds ago. 

Delilah settles back down as kelly takes his phone out and holds it up "press that button, lets take a picture of your baby brother" he says as he helps delilah press the screen I hear the sound of his camera go off, before he puts his phone away. 

Asher moves the wand around a little more "looks like he has a full head of hair" she says pointing to the shaded part on top of his head then taking the wand of my stomach "well everything is looking great, I have no concerns, on your next visit we will discuss your labour plans in detail, as we prepare to bring the little one into the world" Asher says wiping the gel from my stomach as I sit up and put my top down. 

"well thank you, again and we will see you in a few weeks" I say as I jump off the bed, Kelly standing up with Delilah in his arms as we all head out of the room, we walk down the corridors and outside of the hospital,  we head over to the car and Kelly gets Delilah in her seat as I climb in the fron.

once we are all in the car kelly takes his phone out and shows me the picture him and delilah took on his phone. 

*^the photo they took^*

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*^the photo they took^*

"definitely got my nose" I say as I take his phone from him and look at it closer. 

"I was going to say the same thing" Kelly says as I hit his arm "hey, you said it first" he says defensively as I smile at him.

"yeah well....just shush and drive" I say not being able to think of an excuse as he laughs at me and starts the car.

"dowwy, pway" I hear from the back of the car as I turn back to Kelly "she hasn't forgotten, you did promise her to get her a dolly" I say as he rolls his eyes and chuckles.

"right toy store it is" he says as he checks his mirrors before doing a U-turn and heading to the toy store. "see...wrapped around her little finger" I say as I smirk at him and he shakes his head and laughs.

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