Life or Death (5)

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Kellys POV

"kelly, you have to" Stella says panic evident in her voice as Grant starts walking up the steps to the door "so this is why you wasn't texting me was with him" he screams as he barges past me "No Grant he just came to drop of my phone, I left it at work..." she lies, clearly not wanting Grant to know she was out, Grant doesn't say anything in response and just pushes Stella inside as he slams the door in my face before I have time to intervene. I heard banging coming from inside followed by muffled shouting

I grab my phone and immediately call for police assistance, they advised me to wait for the police to arrive, and it took everything in me to not break the door down that is until I heard Stella scream and I run back up the step and kick the door of its hinges as I run inside

"Stella!" I shout as I look around, I go into the living room and see stella shaking in fear with Grant standing in front of her holding a knife. Grant turns around and sees me, his face scrunches in anger as he turns back to Stella and charges at her and I run over to him and tackle him to the ground.

I quickly hit him with my arm and try to dis-harm him, a few punches passed between the two of us, the knife falling out of Grants hand as I grab one of the iron fire sticks on the fireplace and swing it at him, his hands soon come to his neck as I see blood pour from it and I freeze up, Stella comes over and places her hands on the wound as she looks up at me.

"what have you done!" she screams at me as I stand up and look at the both of them

"Grant, stay with me" she says shakily as police soon come flying in, they immediately request for an ambulance. 

the ambulance soon arrives and they get him stable, I walk out the house behind Stella, she still has a hold of grant keeping pressure on his neck. I help them load him into the ambo as I go to get in next to Stella but a policeman grabs my shoulder

"I can't let you go Kelly..." he says as he holds me back and I look at Stella hoping she will look at me so I can apologies but she stays fixated on Grant. that's when it hits me that if he doesn't make it, I would have killed her husband, I shut the door to the ambo as the police officer takes me to a more private area so he can take my statement.


the police drives me home as shay looks at me filled with blood and drops the glasses "Kelly...what happened, whose blood is that, are you okay" she asks as I hold up my hands and head to the sink 

"Im fine, its not my blood, Its Grants" I say as I try to wash the blood of my hands 

"Grants, as in Stellas Husband Grant...what did you do" she says as she helps me wipe the blood of my hands as I explain everything to shay

"it was self defence Kelly, no doubt about it, what has Stella said" she asks me as we sit on the sofa 

"nothing, she looked mad at me, and if he doesn't make it, I wont be surprised if she doesn't speak to me again" I say as I lie my head back against the back of the sofa "she is petrified of him shay, yet she still loves him" I groan as I turn my head to shay as she places her hand on my head

"love makes us blind, blind to their red flags, we only see the good in people" shay says as I bring a pillow to my chest and cuddle it "he can't die shay...Im a fireman, im meant to save people and help them, not kill them, no one deserves to die no matter how bad of a person they are" I say as shay lies into me.


Stellas POV

we arrive at the hospital, grant is taken straight to surgery as I take a seat in the waiting room, I sure hope Grant pulls through, not for my sake but for Kelly's, Id hate for him to go down for this when all he done was try to protect me. 

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