Losing what we never had (75)

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Kellys POV

We stood around the waiting room for an hour, I was pacing back and forth unable to sit down, the rest of 51 had shown up once they heard the news 

"kelly your going to leave a permanent mark on that floor if you dont stop pacing" Shay said as I turned to her and started pacing in the opposite direction 

Dr Rhodes came through the sliding doors as I snapped my head up and ran over to him "how is she...is she okay, is she alive" I say quickly as I feel the chief pull me back "Kelly let the man talk" he says as I step back and cross my arms 

"the bullet was lodge between her stomach and kidney, causing her to bleed internally, we had to send her to surgery to safely remove the bullet, then find and stop the bleed, she lost a lot of blood, we had to give her a transfusion, but shes stable and should wake up in no time, you can go and see her" he says as I run past him quickly and look inside all the wards to find her, I see her lay on one of the beds, still asleep with an IV in her arm connected to some fluid whilst a tube is also fed through her mouth connected to some oxygen.

I walk into her room and hear the steady beeping of the machine checking her heart rate. I go over and stand next to her bed as I hold her hand "I'm here baby, I'm right here" I say kissing her hand and stroking her hair.

I eventually sat down on the chair next to her bed just hoping and praying she would wake up soon, the doctors came in to check on her vitals a few times. I lay back against the chair watching her chest rise and fall letting me know she was breathing. I closed my eyes as I started to fall asleep to the sound of the beeping. 

I wake up to the sound of coughing and choking as I open my eyes to see Stella waqking up, choking on her tube. I stand up and press the alarm as I grab her hand "babe its okay, im here, your okay" I say as the doctor runs in and gently pulls out the tube from Stella's mouth that was causing her to choke. she stops coughing and looks at me "Kelly..." she says as I hug her tightly and she winces "sorry..." I say moving back.

"I'm alive..." she says shocked as she looks around the room. "yeah just about...I was so worried, Shay told me that she lost you and I just broke down, I dont know what I would have done if I lost you" I say as she lifts her hand up to my cheek "it wasn't my time, hell didn't want me yet" she says jokingly as she coughs and holds her side "it knew you would spend eternity putting the flames out, thats why" I joke back as I kiss her forehead as she chuckles a little. 

"I need to take a pregnancy test" Stella says catching me off guard as I look up at her confused "why, you're on the pill" I tell her as I stroke her hand "its not 100% Kelly, I saw something...I went somewhere when my heart must have stopped" she says as she looks down "what did you see" I ask her as she shakes her head "It was probably nothing, and just my mind playing tricks on me, but something telling me I need to take a test" she says as she looks back at me and I nod 

"Okay sure, I will get them to do one whilst we are here" I say as I stand up and kiss her before I head out the room and I find April "Kelly, hows stella doing" she says looking at me "fine, I think, but shes demanding she has a pregnancy test done, says she seen something when she was passed out, and just wants to rule it out" I say as April nods "not a problem I will get her bloods sent of for testing" she says as she goes and orders for blood to be taken from Stella.

I come back into Stellas room and see her wiping a tear away and I run over to her "Hey, hey whats wrong" I say pulling her in for a hug "nothing its fine, just overwhelmed I think" she says but im not conviced but I just drop it not wanting to stress her out any further. 


a little while later bloods were taken from Stella and April came into our room holding some notes "well your results have come back, it does appear your HCG is high, which does tell us you are pregnant, am I okay to do a quick scan" she says as stella nods then looks at me "Kelly, please dont get your hopes up" she says as I look at her confused "why do you say that...do you not want to keep it" I ask as she doesn't look at me "kelly, just don't" she says as I watch april place the gel on Stellas Stomach and turn the ultrasound machine on. 

she moves the wand around Stella's stomach, ive seen an ultrasound image a couple of times now so I know what to look for, and I see it, the tiny bean shaped image appears on the screen and I smile "we've done it again" I say with a chuckle as Stella doesn't look at me or the screen 

April turns the screen away as she moves the wand deeper into Stella's stomach and looks at me sympathetically "Im sorry, theres no heartbeat" she says as she looks at me then at Stella "but you knew that didn't you" she says to Stella as Stella looks up at me then April as she nods her head. 

"What...I dont understand" I say as Stella looks back at me "I saw it, when my heart stopped I was suddenly looking down at my body as I saw a second soul or something leave my body and I instantly knew that it was a baby, our baby" I hear her say as her eyes fill with tears once more and I stand up and pull her into my chest "im sorry Kelly, I didn't know" she says into my chest as I rub her back 

"shh, its okay, i'm just glad you're here" I say kissing the top of her head 

"it appears the fetus was 6 weeks, and it should pass as a heavy period, you may suffer from severe period like pains as the body removes the fetus tissue, I will give you two some time" April says turning the ultrasound off and leaving the room 

"I want to see the kids" Stella says as  I look at her "are you sure" I ask as she nods. "it will help with as a distraction" she says as I nod "I will ring shay to bring them, she picked them up from daycare" I say as I take out my phone and ring shay. 

after I called shay I look back at Stella who smiles at me "are you sure your okay" I ask as she nodded "Yeah, of course, just one of those things, didn't even know I was pregnant, so its kinda like losing something we never had" she says as I hold her hand "just please dont let this crumble away at you, we will get through this together as a family" I say as I kiss her hand and she nods "I wont, I promise" she says lying back on her pillow. 


not long after Shay brings the 3 kids into Stellas room, Delilah runs over and jumps on the bed "Mummy" she screams hugging stella as Stella winces "Be careful princess mummy is fragile and hurting at the minute" I say pulling delilah of stella and sitting her at the foot of the bed as Leo puts his arms up trying to climb up, I pick him up and sit him next to Delilah as he hugs stellas legs 

"kelly let them hug me, I dont care how much pain im in, Im just glad I have them" Stella says letting Delilah and Leo climb on her ignoring the pain shes in as Shay places Savannah on Stellas chest as she wraps her arms around all 3 of them tightly, I pull Shays arm as we go out into the hallway

"hey whats up, you okay" she asks as she looks at me, I look through the window at stella talking to the kids as I look at Shay and tell her whats happened with stella and the miscarriage and how Stella said she saw it when her heart stopped. Shay puts her hand to her mouth in shock before rubbing my arm "Anything yous need,  any time, day or night, ill be there" she says pulling me in for a hug

"thanks Shay, I cant thank you enough" I say hugging her back, I stand back and look through the window again "thanks for bringing them, they are what she needs right now, I best go back in" I say as Shay rubs my back "of course, text me if you need me" she says as I nod and head back into Stellas room. 

I hear Stella laughing at a story Delilah was telling her as I watched them and smiled. thankful that they are all safe. 

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