The last Resort (55)

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Kellys POV 

it had been a whole day since Leo was born, with stella being in a coma we have been unable to feed him any breast milk so the hospital has provided us with the next best formula which doesn't seem to be agreeing with him as he is always sick shortly after so they were currently trialling him on other milks through out the night, none seem to be keeping down. 

he was restless all night clearly hungry as each feed he would just throw it back up. the nurse came in to check on me as I rocked leo in my arms trying to settle him. 

"any luck" she asks as I shake my head. "nope, same as last sure Stella wouldn't want this, can we at least try to let him latch on to her, I will hold him against her" I say as the nurse looks down at the file "it seems to only be the last option" she says looking at him "he appears to have mastered the sucking on his pacifier so I dont see why he shouldn't be able to latch on" the nurse says  as he keeps sucking on his pacifier. "Ill go make a few calls" she says walking out the room 

I look down at leo and keep rocking him back and forth, he spits his pacifier out as he starts crying again "ssshhh, I know, i know" I whisper to him as I gently place the pacifier back in his mouth, he instantly starts to suck on it, spitting it out again when nothing comes out of it as he continues to cry. 

I lift him up against my chest and bounce him in my arms trying to settle him as I walk around the room. a few minutes later the nurse comes back in and looks at me as Leo continues crying "place him in the crib and follow me, the doctors agreed to try him on breast" she says as I let out a little breath of relief, holding on to hope that this works as I place him in the crib and wrap him in his blanket. 

I push out the crib and follow the nurse to a unit on the other side of the hospital. many nurses and doctors stop to coo over Leo and I Smile down at him as we enter the elevator. "1 day old and already catching the eyes of the women" I joke as I stroke his cheek. he turns his head to try suck on my finger and I laugh. "he is one very hungry baby" the nurse says looking at me as I pull my finger away, as he starts to cry. "tell me about it, I just hope this works." I say as the elevator doors open and the nurse walks out and I follow her to stellas room. 

she opens the door and holds it open for me and the crib, I wheel him in as I see Stella lay on the bed, the machines beeping steadily beside her. the nurse removes Leos tube from his nose causing him to gag a little, once shes removed it I pick him up he is still fussing a little. the nurse helps me to lift Stella's top up as I place Leo on her chest, he instantly turns his head into her chest, moving his head side to side a couple of times before his cries stop and I look down and see him latched on sucking "He did it, hes doing it" I say as I look at the nurse and she smiles. 

"Ill just be over here if you need me" she says going over to a work station in the corner I keep a hold of Leo as I look at Stella trying not to cry. I feel something brush over my arm as I look down and see Stellas hand moving up, she places her hand onto Leo as I look back upto her face and see her eyes moving under her eyelids "Stella...Honey...Its just Leo, he needed you...please wake up" I say as I notice her eyes have stopped moving and her hand drops back to the side. 

the nurse comes over as she witnesses Stella's arm drop back down to her side "let me get the doctor" she says as she runs out of the room and getting Halstead. he goes over to the machines and checks on her vitals "there was an increase in brain activity, looks like Leo latching on has stimulated her brain, helping her to wake up" he says looking at Stella as he keeps watching incase she moves.

she moans a little as she tries to speak. and my eyes widen "Stella baby im here, Leo is here too" I say lifting her hand up and placing it back to leo, I feel her hold onto him as he eyes start to flicker open "l..leo" I hear her say as she fully opens her eyes "yes, leo, hes here, he's feeding, from you" I say as she moves her head a little and groans as she closes her eyes. "w..what happened" I hear her say as Halstead starts to explain everything. she opens her eyes and looks at me then down at leo as she tries to sit up but winces. 

Halstead slowly raises the top of the bed so she can sit up a little as she holds onto leo, looking down at him " I thought?..." she says confused as she looks at me and the nurse "he's not a fan of formula, and he seemed to have learnt to suck on his pacifier, so as a last resort we tried to see if he would latch on as he wasn't feeding on anything else" I say as Stella looks down at him then back at me and smiles. 

"Im so glad your back" I say as I lean down and kiss her forehead "how long was I gone" she asks as I look at the clock "a little over 24hrs" I say as she looks down at leo "I missed his first night" she says a little saddened 

"dont worry, he was awake crying all night and being sick as we couldn't find the right milk he would take to, I told them you would hae hated seeing him like that and I was the one that suggested we try this" I say as she looks up at me and smiles "Thank you" she mouths as I kiss her cheek and stroke her hand. 


A couple of hours later, a nurse had brought all of the bags to Stellas room so we could stay in here tonight. Leo had settled after his feed and he wasn't sick which was good news. 

I laid him on stella's bed after I changed his diaper. he lifted his legs up and crossed them and I laughed a little "he still thinks hes in the womb" I say to Stella as she looks down at him and smiles. 

I take a picture of him and decide to send it to the group chat before I send it I catch up on all the messages from the previous message I sent where they were all guessing the gender, name and weight along with a list of congratulations and how beautiful the baby was. Matt, mouch and Herman all guess a girl as everyone else guessed boy

I decided to reply with the image i just took and captioned it with all the details "I would like to formally introduce you all to, our SON, Leo Shayne Kidd-Severide, weighing a tiny 5lb 1oz, crazy 24hrs since I last checked in with you all, Stella had to be rushed to theatre and was placed in a coma but is now awake and recovering well, thank you for all the messages Leo cant wait to meet his extended family members"

I decided to reply with the image i just took and captioned it with all the details "I would like to formally introduce you all to, our SON, Leo Shayne Kidd-Severide, weighing a tiny 5lb 1oz, crazy 24hrs since I last checked in with you all, Stell...

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*^the photo Kelly took and sends to the groupchat^*

I put my phone away as I continue getting Leo changed into a new set of clothes. I pick him up and sit on the chair next to stellas bed as I look at stella looking at me smiling. 

"what..." I say nervously as I chuckle 

"nothing, I just love you so much, both of you, and to think not long ago you was scared to hold him and now you cant put him down" she says with a grin on her face as I look down at him and kiss the top of his head, smelling that new baby smell as I keep kissing him "they weren't kidding about the new born baby smell...getting me wanting more already" I say as Stella laughs 

"now look who needs to hold their horses" she says as we both laugh. "I feel like I'm stealing him from" I say as I stand up and lie Leo on Stella carefully. she wraps her arms round him and kisses the side of his head. 

"I can't wait to see Delilah with him" stella says as she looks at me. 

"I miss her, shall I see if shay will bring her for an hour" I ask stella as she nods "I would love that" she says as I nod and grab my phone and text shay to see if she will bring Delilah to us when shes free. 

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