Life Flashes in Slow motion (35)

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1 month later

Kellys POV

"all units, assistance required..." the alarm rings to a very familiar address we have been getting numerous calls for bomb scares to this one address it always turns out to be a false alarm. still we jump up and head out to our rigs. 

once we arrive we see everyone evacuating the building standing outside. boden orders for truck to go inside to give the building a once over just to be sure.  I wait outside with my men, awaiting the news. 

as I stand there waiting I hear a couple of people arguing and look over at them, the gentleman sees me looking as he starts to run. I run over and speak to the woman he was just talking to "hey you okay" I ask as she shakes her head "you need to get everyone away form this area, that was my brother, hes been targeting this church for weeks, he's the reason for all the false calls, he was hoping yous wouldn't come thinking it was another false alarm, he's wants to blow it all up" she screams as I look to where the man ran off to and run after him, gliding over the cars as I pass them.

I see him opening a car door as I stand at the hood of his car, he holds up a device, as I realises its the trigger connected to a big hand made bomb in his back seats,  I instantly turn round and shout for everyone to move away 

"Go...Go....MOVE...BOMB" I shout as everyone starts to run away. I start to run but feel my body get flown into the air as I hear the explosion behind me, I feel my body hit the ground as my vision goes blury and everything fades to black.


Stellas POV

I walk out of the building after giving it a check over. "nothing suspicious here chief" I say as we head back to the rig. 

"Go...Go....MOVE...BOMB" I hear from what sounded like Kelly shouting as I look around the rig and see him running towards the rigs as everyone runs away. I see a big explosion and kellys body gets thrown into the air. my mind seems to switch to slow motion as everything around me starts to slow down as I watch his body collide with the floor, his head bouncing from off of the hard floor

"KELLY!" I scream as I start to run over to him "Shay, Dawson...over here now" I hear the chief shout behind me as I kneel down to Kelly 

"Kelly, can you hear me" I shout as I check his pulse, I find it instantly as I hold his head, I see a cut on his head as gabby and shay check to see if hes breathing. "Stay with me Kelly" I shout as I try to hold back the tears

"he's breathing, but its shallow" Shay says as they carefully lift him to place the spinal board under him, Squad run over and help lift Kelly up on the board as Herman and mouch brings over the gurney and we place Kelly on it. 

I grab his hand as we run over to the ambo and load him in, I let go of his hand for a few seconds so they can push him in, I climb in after Shay and grab his hand back, Gabby closes the door before climbing in the front. 

"can you cut his shirt" Shay says as she prepares an injection, I nod and grab the scissors before cutting his shirt. I pull it open as shay injects him with some Morphine "this will help him with the pain for when he wakes up" Shay says as I look at kelly and kiss his bare chest. 

shay pulls some cords and sticks them over his chest "His heart rate is a little elevated but nothing too serious. Hes going to be okay Stella" she says placing a hand on my back.

we come to a sharp stop as I soon see the doors open and gabby unlocks the bed as she and shay roll kelly off the ambo and wheel him inside, I follow them in as they take him to a treatment room. 

everyone lifts him up and transfers him to the hospital bed as Dr halstead checks him over, he uses his finger to pull kelly's eyes open as he shines a light in them. "he has a concussion, Im gonna need to order a head CT to rule out any bleeds" he says as he checks the rest of Kellys body, he feels keelys arms and shoulders then looks at the nurse "and an xray, suspected fracture on the collarbone" he says as he puts his stethascope on kellys chest as he listens "breathing and heart appear normal" he says as he puts the stethascope around his neck then looks at me. 

"we are just going to take him upstairs for a CT scan and Xray just to rule out any serious injuries that we can't see, but dont worry, its just protocol for nay head injuries, im adamant that he will be fine and make a full recovery soon" he says as a couple more nurses come in and start to wheel kelly out, I kiss his hand quickly as I let them take him. I walk out to the waiting room and see everyone from 51 waiting.

"Lieutenant Kidd...." Gallo says getting everyone's attention as they all look at me "how is he" Cruz asks worriedly 

"he has a concussion, they've just rushed him for a CT and xray now to check for any further injuries but they are sure hes going to be okay" I say everyone lets out a breath of relief, SHay makes her way over to me and puts her hand on my shoulder "hey, you look a little pale, here" she says passing me some water as I open it and drink it. she walks with me to sit down on an empty chair as she rubs my back. 

I pass her, the bottle back as I notice my hands shaking she grabs my hands and looks at me "everything's going to be okay" she says reassuringly as I rest my head on her shoulder. 

"he has to be okay...I cant lose him, my whole life flashed before my eyes when I saw him get thrown into the air, when I seen how hard his head hit the ground I thought that was it, I have never been so scared in my life" I say as shay puts her hand round me and kisses the top of my head. 

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