Snappy Stella (37)

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2 weeks later

Stellas POV

Kelly was now fully mended and cleared to return to work, we forgot to set our alarms for this morning so woke up 1 hour later than we should have done, we had just dropped Delilah of at day care and now on our way to the firehouse, I feel a sudden wave of heat rush over me as I begin to feel sick. I hit Kelly's arm "Stop the car!" I scream as he huts the brake and pulls into the side of the road

"What's wrong" he asks as I don't answer him and open the car door and jump out of the car, I get out just in time as I throw up onto the sidewalk "hey, you okay..." I hear from Kelly as I hear his door close and he comes round to me "I guess not" he says as I stand up straight "let me take you home, I'll call boden on the way to let him know your sick" he says as he rubs my back 

"NO...i'll be fine, come on, lets not make ourselves any later than we already are" I say as I grab a water bottle from out of my bag and drink some. Kelly walks back round to the driver's side as he climbs in and starts the car "you sure you're okay" he asks as I shut the lid of my bottle "Yes..I probably didn't let my breakfast settle in time, thanks to all the rushing around this morning, now come on were running late as it is thanks to you not setting the alarm like I asked" I snap at him as he holds his arms up in defeat and starts driving to the firehouse

once we arrive I jump out of the car and run inside, not waiting for Kelly like I normally do. I head to the locker room and quickly hang my coat in it along with my bag. I turn around and head to the briefing room Kelly soon joins me standing next to me "you still good, its not too late to go ho..." he starts to say before I cut him off 

"I said I'm fine Kelly!" I shout at him, catching everyone by surprise as they turn and look at us as Kelly stands back a little embarrassed. 

"Good morning 51" Chief says as he walks in, turning the attention to him.  

after the briefing I walk out of the briefing room I feel someone grab my hand and pull me aside I turn around and notice its Kelly he places a hand on the wall beside me "want to tell me, what that was about" he asks as he nudges his head towards the room we just walked out from 

"just forget it" I say as I go to walk off but he grabs my arm and pulls me back "no tell me, have I done something wrong? I need to know" he asks and I look up at him 

"No, I just needed you to understand the first time when I said I was fine." I tell him, surprising myself at how moody I was being, but today I really must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed. "Maybe the fact we overslept and I've been rushing around all morning has something to do with why Im so snappy, Now if you excuse me, I have work to be doing" I say as I duck under his arm and walk away from him.


Kellys POV

"Maybe the fact we overslept and I've been rushing around all morning has something to do with why im so snappy, Now if you excuse me, I have work to be doing" I hear stella say as she walks away from me, I move my hand off the wall and look at her as she walks away. 

man do I feel for anyone that gets in her way today.

I walk towards my office as shay walks towards me, turning to walk beside when she reaches me "so...trouble in paradise" she asks clearly referring to Stella raising her voice at me in the briefing room 

"I think shes due on her period or something, she will snap out of it soon" I say as I open my office door I sit at my desk as shay stand sat my door "so, I was thinking regards to this wedding of yours, I know a girl who works at the Rockwell down by the lake..." I hear her say as I look at her

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