8. ☆Alone With You☆

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— Kimhan just wants to enjoy his precious time with his Porchay without constantly being interrupted by their annoying family members. Maybe it's time to finally use that Theerapanyakul cabin in the mountains that no one used for years. —


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Porchay was sitting at his desk, getting rid of all the unnecessary papers, now that the school year was over and he didn't need them anymore. He swung his head back, too lazy to actually turn around. Seeing Kimhan almost upside down, he said "school year is over!" His eyes sparkled with excitement, finally, he could be glued to his boyfriend's side 24/7! At least until the next school year.

"Uhm," Kimhan leaned in and pecked Porchay's lips. "That's why I came here with an idea."

Porchay finally sat up properly. He turned to his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around Kimhan's waist and looked up at him with his big doe eyes. "Tell me, tell me!" Kimhan's fingers brushed over Porchay's hair as he smiled fondly, "Run away with me."

"Run away?" Porchay pouted, eyes focused somewhere behind Kimhan for a second, thinking. "Hmmm, only two of us?"

Kimhan nodded.

Porchay smiled, "okay! Where are we running away to?"

Kimhan's body relaxed. It wasn't as if he was afraid that Porchay wouldn't want to go but somehow hearing his angel agreeing to the idea brought him the inner peace he lacked the whole day. "There is a cabin up in the mountains that my family never uses. We could go there for a month—"

"Whole month?"

"Yes, angel. The whole month. What do you think? Should we go?"

Porchay nodded, smiling brightly, "when? Should I pack now?"

Kimhan kissed Porchay's forehead, "do that, angel. Once you're done just text me. I'll go talk to our brothers."


The ride to the cabin was long and took a toll on Porchay who was now curled up on the passenger seat, sleeping soundly, while Kimhan was taking the last turn before he could turn off the engine and sigh in relief. Long ride but worth it for sure. Finally, he was alone with his angel. Looking at the sleeping Porchay, Kimhan's heart fluttered. His angel looked so peaceful and delicate that it was almost breaking Kimhan's heart to wake him up.

He leaned closer, brushing Porchay's hair away from his face, he whispered, "angel, we are here...Chay..."

Porchay shuffled in his seat, mumbling Kimhan's name but not opening his eyes at all. Kimhan smiled at the sight, patting Porchay's hair again, "Chay..."

"Kim," Porchay mumbled again and wrapped his hands around Kimhan.

Kimhan chuckled, kissing Porchay's cheek. "Okay, sleepy baby, let me go for a bit."

Porchay whined but let go of Kimhan's shoulders and curled up back in his seat.

Kimhan quickly got out of the car and walked to the other side, taking his sleepy angel in his arms and walking with him to the cabin.


Porchay squinted his eyes, yawning. He sat up in bed and looked around. It looked like morning and Kimhan wasn't next to him. Frowning, Porchay stood up and went to look around the cabin. It didn't take long for Porchay to find his boyfriend. Kimhan was sitting on the floor in the living room, shirtless, strumming the guitar and looking outside the window.

Porchay sat behind him, kissing his naked shoulder "morning."

Kimhan turned to his angel, smiling softly, "good morning, angel. Did you sleep well?"

"I did," Porchay pouted, "but I slept all the way here, until now. I'm sorry."

Kimhan put away the guitar and turned around, taking Porchay in his arms, "it's okay, Chay. You were so adorable yesterday, forcing me to carry you inside."

"I— stop!" Porchay slapped Kimhan's shoulder and hid his head in the crook of Kimhan's neck.

Kimhan laughed, making soothing circles on Porchay's back with his fingers, "what do you want to do today, angel?"

Porchay raised his head from Kimhan's neck and looked at him with a hint of mischief shadowing his eyes, "do you want to hear the innocent version or the honest version?"

Kimhan kissed Porchay's neck, letting his lips linger on Porchay's quickening pulse. "I'm open to both versions, baby."


It was the best month of their relationship so far. Tranquil mornings and soft kisses. Countless nights body on body lost in a heavenly pleasure. Quiet giggles and loud laughter when one of them did or said something funny. Hundreds upon hundreds of polaroids they took and will never show to anyone else. Slow dancing in the fireplace light. Strolls hand in hand through the peacefully magnificent forest. Small talks during the day and deep — baring their souls naked in front of each other talks — during the night. They knew each other more than they knew themselves. They trusted each other more than they trusted themselves.

It was during that month when Porchay finally let go of that deep fear inside of him that was whispering to him every day that maybe one morning he would wake up and Kimhan wouldn't be next to him. And Porchay would realize that he never was.

It was that month when Kimhan finally let go of that awful voice in his head, screaming at him every day that dating Porchay meant putting him in constant danger. It was that month that Kimhan promised himself to marry Porchay and never ever let him go.

It was that month that truly sealed their lives together forever.

None of them afraid to love and be loved entirely...not anymore.