46. ☆The Boyfriend Privilege☆

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— Chay is the only one in his family that has curly hair and everyone has an obsession with touching them. Chay swears if someone will touch them again, he'll put that person on his murder list. The only one who can touch his hair is Kim! —

Chay's curly hair bounced prettily on his head as he ran around, scoring the winning goal in the university football match against their biggest rival

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Chay's curly hair bounced prettily on his head as he ran around, scoring the winning goal in the university football match against their biggest rival. With a huge smile and rosy cheeks, he ran up to his friends, taking a water bottle from Macau, "thanks."

"Congrats ChayChay. That goal was amazing!" Tankhun cheered.

Chay was about to thank him when Tankhun reached out his hand and patted his hair...he freaking TOUCHED his hair! Chay flinched away, glaring at Tankhun, "how many times do I have to say no touching?!"

"Oh, come on, I'm just proud of you."

"Doesn't mean you are allowed to touch my hair!"

"Stop being so oversensitive, Chay," Macau rolled his eyes and ruffled Chay's hair himself.

"I said don't fucking touch my hair! Touch your own fucking hair. Go get yourself a perm or something!" Chay growled at all of them, his good mood from winning the game, long gone.

 "You are acting as if we are touching your dick or something. Calm down," Vegas chuckled. Pete next to him almost spit out the Cola he was drinking.

"Can you all just respect Chay's wish?" Kim walked towards them, hugging Chay from behind, one of his hands brushing over Chay's hair gently. "He doesn't like when someone is touching his hair. I don't see what is so hard to understand. Maybe if you aren't able to get over this weird obsession with curls I should just buy you all a Poodle for Christmas."

Tankhun's eyes sparkled with newfound interest, "a Poodle? That's not such a bad idea."

 "Excuse me, cousin," Macau raised his eyebrow, "your hand is in his hair while you are telling us that we can't touch Chay's hair. Smells like a double standard to me."

Kim smirked, "smells like boyfriend privilege to me because that's what it is, right baby?" Kim kissed Chay's cheek, tangling his fingers in Chay's hair even more.

Chay smiled, relaxing into Kim's touch, "what Kim said."

"Alright, we are leaving," Vegas took Pete's hand, "this is getting disgusting."

Chay shrugged, ignoring everyone and turned to Kim, "have to go take a shower. Wait for me, okay?"

"Okay, baby. I'll start searching for some Poodles on the Internet while waiting."

"Stop," Chay giggled, smacking Kim's shoulder and giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"All I'm saying is that it's always an option," Kim winked. 

•later that day in Theerapanyakul's living room — horror movies marathon•

"Hey, sorry for being late, I was finishing off my homework," Chay apologised as he walked hand in hand with Kim into the living room, trying to find an empty spot to sit on.

"Where you finishing your homework or Kim?" Macau cocked an eyebrow, looking at them smugly.

"Fuck off," Chay rolled his eyes and pulled Kim towards the last empty spot next to his brother and Kinn.

"Wait baby," Kim sat on the sofa first, patting his lap, "sit."

Chay bit his lips, stopping himself from smiling like crazy, he sat on Kim's lap, curling himself more into Kim's protective touch.

"Porchay, not even saying hi to me? It feels like we haven't seen each other in ages," Porsche nudged Chay with his shoulder and ruffled his hair.

"Hia!" Chay almost jumped out of Kim's protective arms if Kim wasn't holding him so tightly. "Don't do this, please."

Porsche sighed, "Chay, I'm your brother. How come not even I can do it?"

Chay ducked his head, "I just, I don't know, it makes me uncomfortable. I'm sorry."

Porsche squeezed Chay's arm, "no, I'm sorry. I just sometimes forget that. I won't do it again, I promise."

Chay nodded, "yeah, okay, just watch the movie; it seems that your husband is ready to flee the room."

Porsche turned around and almost laughed out loud, seeing Kinn with a mortified expression on his face. Chay turned back to Kim and nuzzled his head into Kim's neck, "play with my hair."

"Can I?" Kim softly asked, one hand wrapped securely around Chay's waist, thumb making soothing circles on Chay's skin under his t-shirt.

"Uhm," Chay nodded his head a little and pressed a kiss on Kim's neck. Kim hummed slowly, his fingers one by one carefully touching Chay's curls, brushing over them so lightly, it only felt like a touch of butterfly wings. For a couple of minutes, Kim was just barely playing with Chay's hair, trying to focus on the movie but Chay's hot breath on his neck and Chay's fingers that were playing with his necklaces were distracting Kim way too much. He let his fingers fall deeper into Chay's hair, messing them up a little from side to side, smiling fondly as he heard Chay let out a small whimper, and felt Chay's lips on his neck for a brief moment again.

"Should I make you a little ponytail?"

Chay raised his head from Kim's neck and looked at him, pouting, "just like yours?"

"Just like mine, baby," Kim kissed Chay's cheek and pulled a hairband from his wrist. "So?"

Chay smiled, he always loved matching with Kim, "okay."

This time Kim put both of his hands into Chay's hair, creating a little ponytail, "you'll look even prettier than usual and that's a lot to say."

"Oh, come on!" Tankhun whined, "can you two either shut up and watch the movie or go and be disgusting somewhere else?!"

"What is your problem? We are literally just cuddling," Kim said back, followed by Chay's nod.

"Yeah and being disgusting while doing that. Go away, shooo, shooo!" Tankhun was literally kicking them out of the room while others were just laughing.

Chay just giggled as he ran with Kim away from big brother's wrath.

They ran into their room and threw themselves on the floor next to their bed, looking at the mirror in front of them. Chay smiled, seeing his hair, "should we take some pics and post them so that they can get even more annoyed by us?"

Kim laughed, scooting closer, he wrapped his arms around Chay, pressing kisses all over his face, "pretty," *kiss* "cute," *kiss* "funny" *kiss* "soft" *kiss* "sweet" *kiss* "smart" *kiss* "hot" *kiss* "mine" *kiss* 

Chay cupped Kim's face and kissed Kim's lips, "I love you."

