25. ☆Tattoo Kisses On My Lips☆

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— part 2 of drabble "Tattoo Hickeys On My Neck" Kinn may have interrupted KimChay's fun time but he can't interrupt their date!

— part 2 of  drabble "Tattoo Hickeys On My Neck" Kinn may have interrupted KimChay's fun time but he can't interrupt their date!

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"Cameras?" Chay asked, mortified.

Kim groaned in annoyance. He pecked Chay's lips one more time and took Chay's hand, "should we go on the date now?"

"Explain the damn cameras first!" Chay hit Kim's shoulder, but it was more playful than anything else.

"I'll explain once we are on our date, I promise."

"Bribing me on a date, I see," Chay cocked an eyebrow.

"You wanted to go, baby boy," Kim smirked.

"Yeah, I'm starting to regret my decision."

"You two! I told you to cut it off!" Kinn yelled at them again.

"Ready to go?" Kim asked. Chay nodded, holding Kim's hand tightly and jumping down from the tattoo chair.

Kim smiled, pulling Chay towards the front door, walking past Kinn who was watching them with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, wait a second," Kim stopped in front of the door and turned back to Kinn, "good thing that you are here, actually. There's still an hour before the studio can be closed, so just wait here and close it," with that Kim ran out with Chay, ignoring all Kinn's protesting calls.

"Was that one of your co-workers?" Chay asked once they stopped running and were just casually walking down the street.

"It was my brother, Kinn. That studio is mine. He acted like it was his so I made him take care of it," Kim smirked.

Chay stopped walking, "it's yours? I thought that you were just an employee."

"There's a lot of things you'll learn about me, baby boy," Kim said, pulling Chay closer by his waist.

Chay hummed, "what's with you and calling me baby boy?"

"Should I call you my boyfriend instead?" Kim asked with a deep honey-like voice, making Chay's heart skip a beat.

"Well, that depends," Chay bit his lips, wrapping his arms around Kim's neck.

"That depends..." Kim repeated, leaning closer to Chay's lips.

"That depends on how good you can make this date to be."

"Oh, then that's easy," Kim smiled, looking around, his eyes sparkling when he had found what he was looking for.

"Easy?" Chay cocked an eyebrow.

"Very," Kim said, taking Chay's hand and pulling him into a small hidden alley couple of meters away from where they stood.

"Dark alley?" Chay laughed as he was pinned to the wall.

"Not sure you wanna make out with me or kill me."

"I won't have a pretty boyfriend if I kill you," Kim chuckled.

"Oh, so if I wasn't pretty you would kill me?"

"Everyone's pretty..."

Chay wanted to reply with something witty but the way Kim was looking at him made him lose all his words. There was something in Kim's eyes so caring, so gentle as if it was Kim the one who couldn't believe that Chay was more than willing to go on a date with him and not the other way around.

"Kim..." Chay barely whispered. The gentle intensity of the moment felt too fragile; it felt as if a sound louder than a whisper would tear it into pieces. Chay didn't want it to be torn into pieces.

"Porchay..." Kim whispered back. "I'm glad that you came again today," Kim continued. "I've been trying to gain all my courage and finally talk to you for almost as long as you were visiting my studio."

There was a short gasp that came from Chay's lips, making Chay blush and Kim smiled. "Yesterday I told myself that if you come today again I'll go for it and talk to you." Kim raised his hand and stroked Chay's feathery hair, "thank you for coming, Porchay."

"I...I should have talked to you sooner," Chay ducked his head, looking at the ground under their feet, "it's just that I'm awful at talking to new people, especially to someone I like."

"You like me, baby boy?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Chay mumbled. Kim's fingers lightly touched Chay's chin, pushing it up so Chay would look at him; and when he did Kim was so close, it took Chay's breath away. Kim was gorgeous — every line of his face was precisely drawn to create a masterpiece. Chay did wonder if Kim would get flattered or offended if he told him that he was prettier than all those tattoos he was creating every day.

"I like you too. I know that we barely know each other but I want to get to know you more if you allow me to, Porchay."

"Um...you have a really interesting way to start getting to know someone," Chay said, looking around at the small dark alley they were in and at the tiny space that was still between them.

 Kim chuckled awkwardly, nodding his head, "I admit that this doesn't make me look good but you have to believe me, I'm not like this with other people — you are just too irresistible to not touch."

"Am I?" Chay placed his hands on Kim's hips, pulling him closer with one swift movement, "then why are you not kissing me already?"

Chay got his wish granted immediately. Kim cupped Chay's face, melting their lips together into a sweet feeling that entered their veins and flowed right to their hearts, introducing their hearts to something new, something beautiful, something mutual. Kim's lips were gentle, carefully moving over Chay's, slowly tracing every small crevice of Chay's lips. This Kim was the polar opposite of the Kim in the studio; the Kim that didn't mind devouring his neck despite the cameras being right there..wait!

Chay pushed on Kim's chest, breaking their kiss.

"Porchay?" Kim said breathlessly, "what's—"

"You didn't explain the cameras!"

Kim's shoulders relaxed, "I have cameras in my studio for safety reasons, just like it is in every other shop. If it makes you feel better, I positioned us in a way that the camera was behind me, you wouldn't be seen on the footage."


"Really," Kim leaned back to Chay's lips. "Next time you'll come I'll turn the cameras off."

"Why? What are you planning to do to me, hmmm?"

"Giving you a tattoo, of course," Kim whispered into Chay's lips and kissed him again.

 —☆THE END☆—