45. ☆Between the Book Pages☆

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— one peaceful evening in the Kittisawasd's small bookstore takes an interesting turn when mafia boss Kimhan Theerapanyakul barges in, covered in blood and with a gun in his hand —

The loud noise of the door being forcefully opened and then immediately shut startled Chay who was half asleep on a chair, waiting for the last ten minutes to pass quickly so that he could close the store for a day a go home

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The loud noise of the door being forcefully opened and then immediately shut startled Chay who was half asleep on a chair, waiting for the last ten minutes to pass quickly so that he could close the store for a day a go home.

Tiredness long gone, Chay sprung up, glaring at Kim, "out! Right fucking now. Out!"

Leaning on the closed door, Kim grinned tiredly, "no can do, beautiful."

"Blood," Chay pointed at Kim's shirt.

"Gun," he pointed at Kim's right hand.

"You," he looked Kim up and down, "three things that are not allowed in this store. So, OUT!"

Kim didn't even flinch, he fixed his deep dark eyes on Chay and moved closer to him, pushing Chay further and further until he was stuck between the bookshelf and Kim's strong body. Kim's hands were by both sides of Chay's head—he leaned closer, "I'm Kim. What's your name, beautiful?"

Chay gulped down the lump of nervousness in his throat. It wasn't that he was afraid of Kim, many people in the town were afraid of the mafia, of course, it was normal but, Chay knew better. As long as you weren't in the direct way of any mafia mess, you were safe. And Chay was definitely not planning to get into any mafia mess now. So no, it wasn't a fear that was making Chay nervous...it was something else, like heck, the Kimhan Theerapanyakul was so close that Chay could almost count all his eyelashes if he wanted to. Chay would have to be completely out of his mind to not have a crush on this guy. Or maybe he actually was out of his mind and that was why he had a crush on the most dangerous man in town. But crush no crush, Chay wasn't about to help Kim with committing any crime!

"Chay," Chay breathed out, "my name's Chay."

Kim hummed, not moving away at all, "you see, I can't go out because if I do that you'll be picking up pieces of my brain from outside of your store. Do you want that?"

"No!" Chay blurted out, ducking his head, embarrassed how quickly he said that.

Kim chuckled, "there are some idiots out who really want me dead. So, be quiet and let me stay here until my men take care of them."

"B-but what if they barge in like you did?"

Kim shook his head," I lost them for a brief moment, that's when I hid here." Kim pressed his gun under Chay's chin, making him look up and tilt his head to the back. Kim smiled, hearing Chay hitch his breath as he slowly glided the gun from Chay's chin down his neck, stopping at his collarbone, and pressing on it just a little. Chay didn't say a word, his lips dark red from how much he was biting them. "You aren't scared of me, beautiful, yet you are still nervous. Why is that, hmmm?"

Chay took a deep breath and looked at Kim, "maybe because you have that damn gun pressed against my neck?!"

Kim shook his head, "no, I don't think that's it." He leaned to Chay's ear, "I think you like that. You like danger; it turns you on."

Before he could stop it, Chay let out a whimper, followed by a quiet moan as Kim pressed a kiss under his ear.

"Hmm, I know how it feels, Chay. It's intoxicating, it makes you feel alive. It makes you feel better than any drug ever can. I can give you more of this feeling—"

"Stop!" Chay didn't know how he pushed Kim away but he did. "I don't want to be involved with the mafia in any way. You wanna stay here? Fine! But don't you dare to come close to me ever again!"

 Kim smiled, very much entertained, he leaned on the bookshelf himself, watching as Chay sat back in his chair, pretending that Kim wasn't even there. Cute. "You are already involved, beautiful. You let me stay here."

Chay looked at him and for the first time since Kim barged in, he could see a hint of fear in Chay's eyes, "you said that they don't know that you are here."

"They don't but that doesn't mean that they can't find later."

"So, now I'm already in this fucking mess? Whether I want it or not? That's what you are telling me?" Chay sighed.

"I can make it less of a mess," Kim said, bouncing off the bookshelf, he walked to the counter, and smiling, he leaned on it.

"How?" Chay stood up, leaning on the counter too."

"Be mine."

Chay raised his eyebrow, "sorry, I have no interest in being your play toy that you can use and throw away."

"I don't do things like that," Kim frowned.

"And I should believe you because?"

"Are you seeing someone?"


"Will you be here tomorrow?"


Kim smirked, "tomorrow, I'll make you believe me."


Ten minutes before closing time, Chay jumped out of his chair as the door opened and Kim covered in blood with a gun in his hand grinned at him, "happy anniversary, beautiful."

"Bloody hell, Kimhan, not again!"

"Not my fault that some idiots want to kill me again," Kim shrugged, walking towards Chay.

"It's exactly your fault!" Chay rolled his eyes and let out a little squeal as his back hit the bookshelf. "Uhm, I'm getting deja vu."

"Hmmm, Kim pressed the gun on Chay's neck just like he did a year ago, but this time he stopped right above the silver necklace with the promise ring hanging on it that Kim gave Chay last night. "But this time I won't get pushed away, will I?"

A lazy smile appeared on Chay's face as he wrapped his hands around Kim's neck, "no, but if you wanna make out that gun needs to go."

Kim licked his lips, taking the gun away.

"Don't throw it!" Chay quickly said, knowing damn well that Kim wouldn't mind just throwing the gun on the floor. But Chay didn't want to risk anything. "Put it away gently."

"You sound like cops," Kim chuckled and put the gun on the bookshelf.

"Shut up!"

"Make me—" Kim's words got lost in the storm of clicking tongues, hungry lips, and desperate moans. Kim patted Chay's thighs, holding them tightly as Chay wrapped himself around him. Chay's hands were firmly wrapped around Kim's neck, giving it teasing squeezes, forcing a guttural groan from Kim as he bit Chay's lower lip, leaving it bleeding as he moved down to Chay's neck. "So...fucking...beautiful," Kim murmured on Chay's neck as he was harshly licking and sucking, creating a new perfect mark on his boyfriend. Slowly, he returned back to Chay's lips, breathing heavily, "you can press more, baby. I want to feel your fingers still lingering on my neck next time I'm killing someone."

Chay moaned at the thought and squeezed harder, harder, and harder, kissing Kim again.