93. ☆ The Asylum of Death ☆

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"It's been empty since the 1960s

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"It's been empty since the 1960s. At least one person vanishes inside of it every year. People keep hearing awful screams from there almost every night. They call the place The Asylum of Death. Are you ready, Porchay?"

Chay nods, "see you in the morning." Chay opens the front door, its wooden frame creeks under the slightest bit of pressure. It's surprising that the door is still there, to begin with. Chay takes a deep breath and turns on the camera. One night in here... that's gonna be a piece of cake!

He walks deeper inside of the asylum, not even realizing that the front door closed itself and the lock fell in its place. It's night. The clock struck midnight just before Chay stepped in. He can barely see where he is going. The camera with night vision is currently his best friend. Dammit! The stupid rule of no flashlight. The further away from the entrance Chay gets the colder the air feels. People say that the sudden cold air is a sign of ghosts... Chay shakes his head, pushing that thought away.

"Ghosts," Chay chuckles, "bullshit."

The walls of the asylum are filled with photographs of doctors and patients. All the photos are black and white, some look a little burned or dirty. Some are barely still hanging on the wall and some have already fallen on the shabby floor, their frame cracked in multiple places.

There's one photo that for some reason makes Chay's blood run cold. The boy in the picture is smiling. Chay can't see his face clearly but he would swear that the smile is genuine, the boy is happy. But there's something else, it's the only picture Chay has seen so far that isn't black and white. And Chay doesn't know why and it doesn't even make any sense but there's this unsettling feeling that every time he looks away from the photo even for a second the boy in it moves. It's not possible, Chay knows that but that feeling can't seem to leave him.

"It's just a picture," he mumbles to himself and decides to move forward.

Not much is happening for the next three hours. Chay has enough of walking so he decides to make himself as comfortable as possible in what looks like the room of one of the patients... not the best place to be in but oh well... it is what it is. He wants to turn off the camera for a little bit just to not drain the camera so quickly, but just then he sees it. The boy from the photo is standing right there in front of him. The boy is still smiling, and this time Chay can see his face clearly. The boy is beautiful. There's something calming about him... that's the only way Chay can explain why he doesn't feel scared at all.

"Porchay," the boy says, "you came to play with me? That's so nice of you. I've been alone for a really long time."

Chay gulps down, "play with you?"

The next thing he knows is that the camera flies away from his hand and shatters on the wall and the boy is right next to him, laying his head on his lap.

Chay shivers, the boy is cold but tangible. He can feel the weight of his body in his lap. He can feel the softness of the boy's hair... he just can't feel the boy breathing.

"I'm Kimhan. I have been alone for so long. You came here to play with me, right? You will be with me forever!"

Chay feels his blood run cold for the second time in one night, "for–ever?"

Kim's face is suddenly incredibly close to Chay's, his deep dark eyes are whispering thousands of tragic stories, one more agonizing than the other and Chay is confused, he is so confused, his pulse is too fast, his breathing erratic. Oh no no he can feel it... he... he can't breathe... he doesn't have the inhaler with him. His inhaler... Chay needs his inhaler... Kim is watching Chay battling with his asthma, trying to hold onto his life but it's to no avail and Kim knows that.

His beautiful smile is still on his face. Chay is perfect. After so long Kim will finally have someone by his side for the rest of eternity. Kim will finally be as happy as the smile he is carrying on his face.

Chay reaches towards Kim, trying to call his name, trying to call for help but before he can even finish Kim's name his heart gives up. It's over. Chay's body is empty.

"K-kim?" Chay's voice is hoarse. He is looking down at the spot he was just moments ago and Kim who stands up and takes his hand, "now we can play forever."

"I'm dead?"

Kim shakes his head, "you were born into a new life, Porchay."

"I'm... scared..." Chay says weakly.

"I'll take care of you, Porchay. Together, we'll be happy."

"Happy?" Chay repeats a little louder.

"Happy," Kim nods, "you are mine, Porchay. My happiness finally arrived. I have waited for you my entire death."

"It's been empty since the 1960s. At least one person vanishes inside of it every year. Last year it was Porchay Kittisawat. People no longer hear awful screams from there every night. They still call it The Asylum of Death. But no longer anyone dares to walk in."