77. ☆ Home ☆

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— Chay wakes up to breakfast in bed prepared by his shirtless husband —

The first thing Chay feels when he, still with closed eyes turns around and pats the spot beside him, are cold bedsheets

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The first thing Chay feels when he, still with closed eyes turns around and pats the spot beside him, are cold bedsheets. He frowns and slowly opens his eyes. His husband isn't beside him. Now, that's weird. He sits up, stretches his body like a cat and rubs his eyes. A short yawn escapes his lips, he reaches behind himself and grabs his phone from the bedside table; 7 AM. He woke up pretty early. That's Kim's fault. 

Chay can't sleep for more than a couple of hours when his husband isn't beside him. So, the question is where is he?!

Chay is about to get up when he suddenly hears Kim's footsteps and moments later Chay can even see him. Kim walks in, wearing black and white plaid pyjama pants and... and... that's it. Chay takes a deep breath and bites his lips. Where is Kim's shirt? Oh, wait yeah... he is wearing Kim's shirt. It's a really comfy shirt and smells like his husband, like home. Kim's hair is up in a man bun and he is carrying a wooden tray with food. Hmmm, breakfast in bed?

"Good morning, my angel. Happy Friday," Kim puts the food tray on the bed and leans over to press a kiss on Chay's forehead. "Slept well?" He whispers into Chay's hair.

"I did," Chay smiles, eyeing the delicious-looking breakfast. "What's the special occasion?"

"Small apology for coming home late last night," Kim says, taking Chay's hand in his and caressing his knuckles. "I'm sorry, angel."

Chay shakes his head and pecks Kim's cheek, "don't worry, love. Your album is coming out soon, it's normal that you'll have to stay at work a little longer sometimes. But," Chay grins, "the breakfast looks delicious. Let me just brush my teeth real quick."

Chay jumps out of bed and disappears into their bathroom.

Kim chuckles, sitting comfortably on the bed, he waits.

Chay comes back with a huge smile on his face and throws himself at Kim, making Kim let out a short huff followed by a deep laugh. "Careful, angel. Who's gonna clean this if we spill it, hmm?"

Chay looks at two glasses full of orange juice carefully placed on the food tray. He makes himself comfortable on Kim's lap and shrugs, "well, I mean obviously a washing machine." 

Kim shakes his head in amusement and sneaks his hands under Chay's shirt, letting them dance on Chay's tender skin. "Playing clever, aren't we?"

"Just a little," Chay giggles, wrapping his hands around Kim's neck and kisses his shoulder. "Did you run out of shirts?"

"Hmmm, there is someone who keeps stealing them from me and I'm completely defenceless against it. Can you help me? What should I do about it, my angel?"

Chay leaves another kiss on Kim's shoulder and then his neck before he finally sits face to face with his husband. "I think you should let it be, you know your shirts are really comfy and they smell like you which makes them even better."

"Yeah?" Kim smirks, "well, then I guess I have no other choice than to let that someone steal all my shirts."

"It's gonna be hard to let all my shirts go but what wouldn't I do for my pretty husband, right?"

Chay's cheeks turn a little pink and he presses their foreheads together, "I love you."

"I love you more."

"No, I love you more."

"Don't even start, angel. You know that you can never win this argument. I'll let you win everything in the world but not this one, never."

Chay groans, "ok... but I'm still right," he mumbles to himself.

Kim chuckles, "I heard you, angel."

"Good," Chay grins.

Kim gives Chay a short kiss, "let's eat now, okay?"

Chay nods, his eyes sparkling as Kim brings a sandwich to his lips. He takes a bite and watches Kim take one too.

"Hmm, it's yummy," Chay takes another bite from the sandwich that Kim is still holding between them.

Kim licks his lips and nods, "it should be. I went to buy everything fresh, early in the morning."

"You are the best husband, my love," Chay smiles, one hand brushing a strand of Kim's hair away from his face.

Kim smiles back, pecking Chay's cheek, "that title belongs to you, Porchay Theerapanyakul, always and forever.