67. ☆ The Slow Kisses ☆

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Kim loves them

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Kim loves them. Chay was surprised at first. For some reason he always expected Kim to be more of a possessive and hungry kisses kind of a guy. The kisses that leave you panting and lips a little bruised.

 And to be completely clear, Kim isn't one to deny that kind of kisses too, especially when something makes him jealous, but Chay found out pretty early on that slow kisses are what makes Kim's body shiver all over, his heartbeat too fast and his mind full of nothing but his baby, his angel, his only love, his everything, his Chay.

And Chay? Chay isn't any better. He loves slow kisses too. God, he loves them so much. Slow kisses mean more of Kim's lips on his own. They mean more of Kim's intoxicating scent all over Chay. They mean more of Kim's touches. They simply mean more of Kim! It's perfect.

They love slow kissing so much that they basically do it everywhere and unfortunately to some, everyone around them witnessed it at least once. Poor Tankhun got such severe trauma that he refused to watch romantic dramas for over a month, because to quote him: "If I see one more excessively long mouth to mouth action, I might throw up, ugh!" At that time, Chay just giggled and pressed his already swollen lips back on Kim's.

But right now they are alone. In Kim's apartment no one can disturb them and they can slow kiss for as long as they want to. It's long past midnight. The lights are turned off, only the TV is lightly illuminating the kissing couple on the sofa. Kim's hands are under Chay's shirt, gently caressing a tender skin on Chay's back. Chay is way too comfortable on Kim's lap, his hands are on Kim's neck, thumb softly brushing over Kim's Adam's apple as their lips move as one. Slowly, delicately basking in each other's sweetness, in the way their lips with every brush, every touch send waves of pleasure and contentment all over their bodies.

Chay takes Kim's bottom lip in between his teeth at pulls at it, sinking his teeth in a little. Bitting Kim's lip, Chay lets it bounce back in its place, his eyes travel a litte higher to meet Kim's a little hazed, a little out of it, too drunk on Chay's kisses. Chay smiles and presses their foreheads together. "I love you, p'Kim," he whispers, his words slowdacing on Kim's skin, sinking inside, into Kim's heart, giving him a reason to live, to breathe, to be.

One of Kim's hands leaves Chay's back and cups his face instead, "I love you, my angel. You are giving the best kisses in the world."

Chay giggles, eyes falling back to Kim's already well kissed lips, "want more?"

"Always," Kim breathes out, his voice almost desperate as if he is dying from thirst on a desert and Chay's lips are the oasis he needs to survive.

And Chay is more than willing to be that oasis for Kim. He leans in, closer and closer, letting their lips meet again. Deep and slow their lips move, not discovering anymore, simply just revisiting every inch of their lips that feels like Heaven, that feels like home. Lips part a little more, open a little wider, and their tongues collide. Delicate and gentle they dance, they whisper promises of forever and oaths of love. Their heartbeats become one, breathing morphs together. There is no beginning and no end. It's just them. They are one body one soul, melting into each other. Their lips never want to be alone, can't be alone.

Kim licks Chay's lips, his thumb brushing over them for a moment, as if making sure that something so perfect is real, that someone so wonderful is in his arms. He smiles, kissing Chay's cheek, he hugs him. Burying his head in the crook of Chay's neck, body on body, chest on chest, he can feel their heartbeats, fast and rhythmic. They beat together. They beat as one. 

~ You, me and your lips

I die and I'm born with every kiss

The slow motion of you and me

Hot touches, soft lips, we

In your arms, I live

You love me, you are here ~