63. ☆ Bite If You Want ☆

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— short drabble where they cuddle in bed while reading Dracula —

The moon is already on its duty, darkness already covering the world and Chay?

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The moon is already on its duty, darkness already covering the world and Chay?...still somewhere out with Macau! You could say that Kim was kind of grumpy but it was okay, he'll just read and wait. Laying down on Chay's side of the bed (because why not?) Kim decided to dive into the gothic world of Count Dracula. Dracula was fine, Dracula was gloomy...thirsty for blood...kinda like Kim right now...juuust a little bit. The moment Chay will get his ass back home everything will be a okay. No need to kill Macau, none at all...

Kim wasn't that deep into the story yet when he heard Chay opening the door and his light but fast steps approaching their bedroom. Kim glanced at his phone : 10:27 pm...

"P'Kim, I'm back!"

"Glad to know that you still remember that you have a boyfriend at home," Kim said, not even glancing at Chay.

Chay's shoulders fell, his little smile he had on upon seeing Kim faded away, "P'Kim, I'm sorry, we just got carried away by the movie we were watching and—"

Kim looked up at Chay, who was pouting, head ducked down, "baby, I'm just playing. You did say that you might be late."

Chay perked up, and walked to the bed, leaning over to Kim, "really? You don't have like ten murder plans how to kill Macau or something?"

Kim smirked, "me being mad and me having murder plans how to kill my cousin are two different things, baby."

Chay giggled, "what are you reading?"

"Dracula," Kim showed Chay the cover of the book.

"Oh," Chay nooded, "I didn't know you like vampires."

"Dracula is a classic for a reason, baby. Wanna read together?"

Chay nodded, "sure, I'll just take shower first."

"Don't be too long; I'll be scared to read it alone," Kim pouted.

Chay quickly kissed the pout away and laughed, "you weren't scared until now."

"Who said I wasn't?" Kim argued.

Chay shook his head, laughing and went to the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later boyfriends were cuddled up together under a blanket, Chay's head resting on Kim's shoulder as Kim read another entry in Jonathan Harker's diary. 

"Vampires are kinda cool, p'Kim, aren't they?" Chay glanced up at Kim, smiling at Kim's focused expression.

Kim glaces at him, lips curving up into a teasing smile, "you like vampires, baby? Why, hmmm? Because they are mysterious, or because of all that blood or maybe you just want me to bite you..." Kim throw himself at Chay's neck but instead of biting he just left there a soft kiss.

"P'Kiiiim," Chay whined but tilted his head to give Kim more space.

Kim kissed Chay's neck one more time and went back to the book.

"Vampires are just cool, okay?!"

"Okay, okay, baby," Kim nodded, grinning at the book.

"But like hmmm..." Chay leaned back on Kim's shoulder, "I'm not saying that you can't bite me a little sometimes..."

Kim turned to the next page and cleared his throat "uhmm, where were we...?"

Chay giggled, closing his eyes, "I love you, p'Kim. Read to me until I fall asleep."

Kim smilled fondly, kissing the crown of Chay's head, he could do that for his baby, he would read him till the morning if Chay wanted him to.