30. ☆Pink Surprise☆

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— KimChay are having a lazy afternoon and Chay comes up with a perfect idea! Painting each other's nails sounds like a lot of fun, doesn't it? —

"Angel," Kim rolled over in their king-sized bed, eyes still closed, his hands searching for the soft, warm body of his fiancé, but no matter how much he tried; the bed was empty

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"Angel," Kim rolled over in their king-sized bed, eyes still closed, his hands searching for the soft, warm body of his fiancé, but no matter how much he tried; the bed was empty.

It was a late sunny afternoon and a few sneaky rays of sunshine tickled his eyes as he opened them. Running his fingers through his messy hair, Kim looked around, hoping to catch a glance of his angel somewhere around the room. Going through their closet? No! Looking out the window? No! Studying on the floor no? No! They were lazing around in their bed, cuddling, kissing, dozing off here and there and waking up again to share a new set of 'I love yous' and kisses. But this time Kim wasn't woken up by soft breath tickling his skin but by the lack of it. And he really didn't like it. He missed it.

"Angel?" Kim said again, louder. "Chay?" He was about to get out of bed and go look for Chay when an excited pitter-patter of footsteps entered the room and moments later Chay was standing in front of the bed, grinning at Kim, in his hands a middle-sized shiny silver box.

"You are up right on time, baby," Chay said, sitting down on the floor next to a small glass table in front of a sofa. "Come here," he patted the spot next to him, looking at Kim.

"Angel, where were you," Kim pouted, walking to Chay. "I was getting worried." 

Chay's eyes softened, he took Kim's hand and pulled him down to sit next to him. Chay kissed Kim's cheek, smiling, "baby, I'm sorry. I just went to borrow something from phi Tankhun."

"What's that something and why it was so needed in between our cuddling?"

"Ohoo, don't be so moody," Chay giggled. "I promise it's worthy." He opened the silver box and slid it in front of Kim, "tadaaa!"

Kim cocked his eyebrow, "nail polish?"

"We are going to paint our nails pink!" Chay exclaimed.

"Pink?" Kim looked at his currently black nails. "I've never had pink nails before."

"Me neither," Chay shrugged, taking out all the shades of pink nail polish that Tankhun had in his silver magic box.

"So, why so suddenly?" Kim asked, reaching for a bottle of baby pink polish and turning it in between his fingers.

"Your brother showed me his nail polish collection yesterday," Chay laughed.

Kim rolled his eyes, "of course, this is Tankhun's influence. You should stop hanging out with him and be with me more."

"I'm with you 24/7."

"Not enough," Kim shook his head.

Chay giggled. He pecked Kim's lips and took his hand. "Now don't look until I'm done."

"So we are making it a surprise?" Kim smirked.

"Oh no," Chay gasped, "what are you planning to do to my nails?"

"No need to worry, angel. I'll just make them even prettier than they already are."

"Uhmm...sure...okay, well it's my turn first so look somewhere else now," Chay said, ducking his head down to focus on Kim's nails. A couple of minutes passed, and Chay knew for a fact that Kim didn't look away from his face even for a second. "You better not be cheating," Chay looked up at Kim.

"I swear I'm not looking. I like watching your face when you are focused on something. I can't take my eyes off you."

Chay felt his cheeks getting pinker than the nail polish that he was using. "Can you not? I'm trying to focus here."

"Focus. Exactly what I'm talking about," Kim's husky voice breezed over Chay's ear.

Chay's breath hitched, he put the nail polish away, letting go of Kim's hand. "Done," Chay looked at Kim with bright eyes, "what do you think?"

Kim's eyes fell down on his freshly pink nails adorned with tiny flowers. "Flowers too?"

"Those are daisies," Chay pouted.

"They are beautiful, angel."

"Really?" Chay beamed.

Kim nodded, smiling softly, "10/10. You are now my personal nail technician."

"Hmmm, do I get paid for that?" Chay smiled.

"Of course, you will," Kim smirked, "just like you said, it's time for me to paint your nails."

Chay put his hands on the table, looking at Kim, "do your magic then."

Kim was working carefully, precisely, humming and chuckling to himself when he was particularly satisfied with his work on one of Chay's nails, making Chay die with curiosity because what the heck could Kim be so proud of? They were just painting each other's nails!


"Once I'm done, can we take pictures and post them on Instagram, angel?"

Alright. Hold on there. Code red!

"Did you really just say that you want to post something on Insta that is not WIK related? Willingly?" Chay asked with disbelief. "Kimhan, what are you up to?"

"Nothing," Kim smiled innocently, "nothing at all."

"Can I look?" Chay pleaded.

"Just a moment, angel," Kim chuckled, giving some finishing touches to Chay's pinky.

"I feel like I'm gonna regret my life decisions soon," Chay groaned.

Kim laughed, letting go of Chay's hand, "alright, you can look now."

Chay raised both of his hands to be in line with his eyes and looked at them... "Kim...it's..."


"...so 2012," Chay was trying his best not to cry or laugh. There in front of him were his hails, on one hand, decorated with: ♡ K I M & ...and on the other hand decorated with C H A Y ♡. "I'm supposed to walk around like this for days now?"

Kim was biting his lips, trying to stop himself from laughing, "come on angel, you don't like it? Think about how pretty they gonna look on our Instagrams."

"I respectfully hate you right now," Chay groaned.

Kim wrapped his arms around Chay's waist and pulled him on his lap.

"It's okay. I have enough love for both of us, my darling."

Sitting on Kim's lap, Chay took his time to observe the nails. "Okay, they are not that bad. Thank you."

Kim smiled, pulling Chay into a kiss. "Anything for my fiancé." 

 —☆THE END☆—