36. ☆ Fresh Blood ☆

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"Kim, he's here

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"Kim, he's here."

"Great. Now, tell him to return where he came from."

"Kim, come on!" Kinn sighed.

"Why does it have to be me? I used to be a mentor once. I had enough."

"You are the only one who is free enough to be his mentor. Besides, what happened centuries ago shouldn't bother you anymore. I guarantee you that Porchay won't try to kill you in your sleep."

"That, we never know."

"Kimhan," Kinn groaned.

"Fine, fine...send him in," Kim gave up. He leaned back in his chair, watching as Kinn left his office and a young boy; tall with dark brown slightly curly hair and big curious eyes waltzed in, grinning from ear to ear.

"Wow, this is bombastic!" Chay walked towards a small table where stood a big glass vase filled with blood and one dead rose stuck in it, giving a grotesque yet captivating impression.

"Is this blood? It smells like blood!" Chay's eyes darkened, "I'm hungry."

His hand reached for the rose, wanting to throw it away so that he could drink the blood freely but before he could do any of that Kim already stood in front of him, holding his wrist firmly.

"Shouldn't you greet your mentor first?"

"Oh, yeah...hi, Kim. I'm Chay, looking forward to having some fun with you," Chay said. He licked his lips, still looking at the bloody vase in front of him. "Can I drink the blood now?"

Kim was staring at Chay dumbfounded. Oh, he was so going to rip Kinn's throat out the next time he'll see him! Yes, Chay might not try to kill Kim in his sleep as his previous mentee tried to do... instead, Chay was going to drive him crazy!

Kim had a reason why he hated being a mentor for rookie vampires... he really didn't have patience for annoying brats like here his new mentee — Porchay Kittisawasd.

"Alright, we need some rules. Here," Kim said, dragging Chay by his wrist to sit on a chair in front of his office desk.


"Ouch," Chay whined, "why so aggressive, aren't we friends?"

"Rule no.1: we aren't friends. I'm your mentor and you are my mentee. That's it."


"Rule no.2. My name is Kimhan, not Kim and you are expected to refer to me as such. "

"Wait, stop here. Don't cut me off!" Chay jumped in when Kim made a small pause.

Kim cocked his eyebrow, nodding slowly.

"Your name is Kim. I heard others calling you that."

"They are my friends and colleagues, you are my new mentee. Do you understand the concept of social relations, Porchay?"