9.☆I do...I always do☆

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— the day has come! KimChay are getting married! Warning: it gets emotional 'cause our boy Kimhan is deep in his feels...well, they both are —

"Nervous, aren't we?" Kinn casually walked to a dressing room where his little brother was currently contemplating between jumping out of the window or running up to Porchay immediately and just saying 'I do' without all that stupid ceremony

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"Nervous, aren't we?" Kinn casually walked to a dressing room where his little brother was currently contemplating between jumping out of the window or running up to Porchay immediately and just saying 'I do' without all that stupid ceremony.

Who needed a wedding ceremony anyway? Useless. Good for nothing. Waste of time...Kimhan didn't know if this was how he truly felt about the wedding or if it were remains of how he felt when he broke Porchay's heart.

"Hey, Kim?" Kinn waved a hand in front of his little brother who with his stone-cold expression looked more like he was getting ready for a mission and not for his own wedding. "I said, nervous, aren't we?"

"And why should I answer a stupid question?"

Kinn chuckled, folding his hands on his chest, "you are almost jumping out of your skin. It's new — I've never seen you like that. I don't think anyone did."

Kimhan scoffed, "weren't you nervous about marrying Porsche?"

There was a fondness in Kinn's eyes as he thought back to his wedding day. "I was never more nervous my entire life. Imagine me doing something stupid on our wedding day. Porsche would never forgive me."

Kimhan laughed, really laughed, breaking that thin layer of ice that still stood between the younger Theerapanyakul brothers. "How is it...to be married to Kittisawasd?" He asked.

"It's...like you are speeding in the fastest car in the world down the road and the brakes aren't working but you don't mind because every second is exhilarating and you'd rather crash than force it to stop."

"Ummm, since when are you a poet?"

Kinn smiled, "love does that to people, dear brother."


Porchay was beautiful. No, that wasn't the right word! It was too mundane to describe his angel standing at the altar saying his 'I do,' promising his whole future, every moment of his life for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health to love and to cherish, till death do they part.

Kimhan always called Porchay his angel but at that moment he could swear that it wasn't just a pet name, it was what Porchay truly was. Porchay was an angel whose wings got shattered by Kimhan's cruel hands But now, Kimhan stood there in front of his angel, swearing on everything he was, on everything he knew, on everything he felt that he was going to spend the rest of his life healing those beautiful wings, making sure that every feather innocently trembles in a light breeze just like it did before he came and burned that innocence down with his dark stained soul.

He loved Porchay.

God, how much Kimhan loved him. He could spend forever writing songs about his love for Porchay. Drowning himself in words and musical chords but he knew that no matter how much he would try, how many love songs he would write, there wasn't a world in which Kimhan would be able to put into words what he felt for Porchay.

It was love but it was also so much more. Something greater than words were able to describe. Something that even all the philosophers in history weren't clever enough to name. And Kimhan wouldn't change anything. What he felt for Porchay was always shrouded in mystery. No one had to know no one had to understand, for the only person who mattered already felt it in his heart and believed it so deeply that he was willing to promise himself to Kimhan for the rest of their lives.


The sun was slowly raising back on the baby blue sky when the newlyweds finally found a couple of minutes of peace, deep in the garden, away from the curious eyes of their family. Laying on the grass still wet from a fresh morning dew Kimhan's lips were slowly tracing butterfly kisses all over Porchay's neck, and Porchay's fingers were playing with Kimhan's silky hair, humming with comfort and happiness.

"We are married," Porchay whispered to the waking-up world voice shrouded in awe as if he still couldn't believe it. Maybe that was why he didn't want to sleep yet, too afraid to wake up from the most perfect dream he ever had.

"We are married, right?" Porchay said again, needing to hear Kimhan saying that yes! It wasn't just a dream from which Porchay would one day wake up. It was real, and it was beautiful, and it was exciting, and it was scary, and it was theirs. Their love, their life, their future.

Kimhan raised his head from Porchay's neck and looked into Porchay's angelic eyes, "we are married, Porchay Theerapanyakul...we are married."