55. ☆ Drunk On Regret ☆

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— exactly six months since the "have you ever loved me?" "I'm sorry" nonsense, drunk Kim knocks on Chay's door in the middle of the night. "Happy six months anniversary of me fucking up, angel. Happy fucking anniversary!"

 Happy fucking anniversary!"

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Chay wasn't expecting a loud knocking on his door in the middle of the night. He looked at his phone. Almost 2 am. Everyone at the mansion was already asleep, besides Tankhun who was screaming and crying over his dramas Chay could hear all the way to his room.

Chay walked towards his door, looking at them suspiciously for a couple of seconds. But he knew that it couldn't be anyone dangerous because the bodyguards would already take care of that. Maybe it was his brother, maybe something happened... No! Chay shook that thought away and opened the door. His breath hitched, for a moment he felt frozen in place. He hasn't really seen Kim since that awful day. Chay would lie if he said that he hadn't seen Kim at all since that day. Of course, he did! He saw him every day, over and over again, in that stupid video Kim sent him, listening to that stupid song. And then when he miraculously happened to fall asleep, Chay saw Kim again in his dreams or nightmares or dreams or...Chay had no idea what to call them anymore.

Chay just wanted to hear Kim saying he loved him. Nothing more, that was all he was hoping for and he would take Kim back. But he was getting tired of waiting for Kim to man up enough to put away all his bullshit and for once in his life be honest about his feelings. Because there was no other way. Chay couldn't be the only one who felt that way. He had a lot of time to think about everything he and Kim got to do before it went downhill and Chay just couldn't help it. Despite Kim walking away from him, everything Kim did for Chay before that happened, screamed that he loved Chay too. So Chay was hopeful, still a little mad but hopeful that Kim would come back to him with more than just a stupid song. But he definitely wasn't expecting drunk Kim in the middle of the night in front of his doors.


Kim tiredly smiled, a half-empty bottle of vodka in his hand, collided with a door frame and let out a harsh sound as Kim leaned on the door frame, barely standing. "Happy six months anniversary of me fucking up, angel. Happy fucking anniversary!"

Chay's heart broke for the millionth time. Kim looked so miserable, it was almost like a reflection of how Chay felt all those months. He reached out his hand, gently taking Kim's hand and pulling him inside. He wasn't sure if his mind was just playing with him but he thought that he heard Kim whimper when their hands touched. Without any words, he locked the door and took the bottle of vodka from Kim.

Kim didn't protest at all, he just stood there, his legs barely holding him, and his drunk-hazed eyes focusing on every minuscule movement of Chay's body. Under Kim's burning gaze, Chay walked deeper into his room, putting the bottle of vodka on the table. Making a mental note to get rid of it the moment Kim falls asleep.

"Chay..." Chay heard behind him, he could feel the heat of Kim's body so close, almost on his neck. Chay slowly turned around, meeting Kim's dark eyes that were now filled with tears. He wanted to say something when Kim continued... "I'm sorry, angel. I'm so so fucking sorry for everything I've done to you."

Ducking his head down, he chuckled, "I'm too late, aren't I? It doesn't matter that I love you. It's too late." His voice cracked and his legs gave up, falling to his knees, his shoulders were shaking as he cried.

Chay's heart sank, kneeling next to Kim, Chay took Kim's face in his hands, brushing Kim's hair away from his teary eyes. "Do you really love me, P'Kim?" He asked carefully, his heart skipping a couple of beats, waiting for Kim's answer.

"I love you, I love you so much, I love you, love you, love you," it was as if once Kim started, he couldn't stop. He was repeating those words like a mantra, shaking in Chay's arms.

Chay hugged Kim tightly, a tear rolled down from his own eye down on Kim's shoulder, he smiled, "I love you too, p'Kim."

Kim almost fell asleep in Chay's arms, mumbling the lyrics of Heartbreak Anniversary as Chay tried to get him into bed.

— i get like this every time

on these days that feel like you and me

heartbreak anniversary —

Chay almost laughed, "great choice of a song, p'Kim." Wrapping his hands around Kim, Chay let himself relax, they would talk in the morning, once Kim was sober.

Chay woke up before Kim. He took some clothes and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Ten minutes later he was back and the bed was empty. His eyes shoot towards the door where Kim's hand was already touching the door handle. Something in Chay snapped. Not again! Not after what happened last night. Kim couldn't just walk away again. 

"P'Kim," Chay called out, and a second later he stood in front of Kim. "You aren't leaving, right?"

 Kim sighed, "I didn't know if you wanted me to stay."

"You can't be fucking serious!" Chay groaned, "what was the last night about then? Were you lying again?"

"No, I love you, Chay. I just wasn't sure—"

"Oh, fuck that!" Chay didn't let Kim finish. He crashed their lips together, pinning Kim to the door. Kim let out a low groan, kissing Chay back and wrapping his arms firmly around Chay's waist. This wasn't the kind of first kiss Chay had imagined they would have, and he had imagined many different kinds of kisses but, if he had to kiss the life out of Kim in order for Kim to understand that he was never allowed to walk away again, then Chay was more than glad to do it. And oh god, it felt so good! That's what he wanted. He felt like he was burning but he loved the way the flames were eating him alive. He pulled on Kim's collar, turning them around, they stumbled towards the bed. Chay pushed Kim down on the bed straddling Kim's lap, still not breaking the kiss.

"Fuck, Chay," Kim groaned into the kiss, hands sliding under Chay's shirt. Chay shivered under Kim's touch, finally letting a tiny space slip in between their swollen lips.

"I love you, p'Kim. And I forgive you. But I swear if you walk away from me one more time I'll kill you myself!"

Kim smiled with a real genuine happiness reflecting in it, "I'll keep your hands clear from my blood, angel. I promise."