23. ☆Mind Full of You☆

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— soulmates can communicate with their minds and KimChay love to use it, especially at their boring family gatherings. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it steamy, and sometimes it's just them in their own little world and that's what matters —

"Remind me, why are we here again?" Kim asked in his mind, taking Chay's hand in his under the table

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"Remind me, why are we here again?" Kim asked in his mind, taking Chay's hand in his under the table.

"The monthly gathering of the main and minor family," Chay replied, interlocking their fingers and playing with Kim's rings.

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Babe, we couldn't possibly decline again. We've declined the invitation six times in a row."

 "Seven's the magic number," Kim pouted, glancing at Chay.

Giggling, Chay leaned to Kim's cheek and gave him a peck before whispering, "just a little bit longer, babe. We don't have to stay till the end." He switched back to his mind and continued while nuzzling his nose to Kim's cheek, "we can always say that I have a school project and that it's due tomorrow."

Kim smiled at the idea, "and that there's still a lot of work that needs to be done on it and you need my help."

"Exactly!" Chay kissed Kim's jawline and the corner of his mouth, slightly parting his lips he was ready for Kim to kiss him back when Tanhkun spoke.

"Hey! You two, stop this atrocious behaviour! We are eating here!"

Kim cocked an eyebrow, "we do, too."

Tanhkun gasped, covering his mouth and then his heart and then his mouth again, "tha-that's not the same, Kimhan! I meant the food."

Chay nodded slowly, giving Tanhkun a polite smile, "but, ehmm...with all due respect, Kim meant the food, too. Look, there is the food on our plates too."

"Tsk," Tankhun huffed and focused on Pete instead. No one else seemed to pay them any attention anyway so the soulmates focused back on each other.

"You are a clever baby," Kim's voice entered Chay's mind.

"I was saving your ass, babe. You should thank me."

Kim's hand landed on Chay's thigh, he gave it a little squeeze, "how exactly do you want me to thank you, baby?"

Chay put his hand on Kim's, stopping him from moving closer to his crotch, "stop teasing, we are at the dining table."

"I'm not teasing, I'm just asking, how do you want me to thank you," Kim leaned in, brushing his nose slowly over Chay's cheek and pressing a soft kiss under Chay's jawline.

Someone at the table cleared their throat and a second later Kinn's voice caught Chay's attention, "I thought you two said you were eating too."

"Oh...I..." Chay stood up and took Kim by his hand, "I'm sorry, I just don't feel really well. We'll be right back," Chay apologetically looked at everyone at the table and dragged Kim away before anyone could stop them.

They walked out of the dining hall, down the hallway before Chay finally stopped behind a corner so no one could see them.

Before Chay could say anything, Kim was already kissing his neck, hands under Chay's shirt, massaging his tender skin.

"W-wait," Chay breathed out, gently pulling on Kim's hair to stop him from devouring his neck.

In seconds, Kim stopped everything he was doing and looked at Chay, concerned, "yes, angel? What's wrong? Did I do something?"

"No no nothing like that, don't worry," Chay shook his head, his fingers brushing over Kim's hair.

 "I just really don't feel like doing anything sexual right now. I'm sorry."

Kim let out a deep breath, his shoulders relaxing. Pressing a kiss on Chay's forehead he said, "that's okay, angel. You never have to be sorry for that. I was worried that I did something wrong."

Chay wrapped his arms around Kim and buried his head in the crevice of Kim's neck, "don't be. I love you."

"Hmmm, I love you, angel."

"Can we just hug for a while and then go back? We have been here since morning and we've barely hugged since. I missed you," Chay's soft voice resounded in Kim's mind.

"Of course, angel. You know how much I love holding you in my arms," Kim kissed Chay's shoulder as his thumbs were rubbing small soothing circles on Chay's hot skin.

"Do you think that your brothers are really mad at us because of how we were at the table?" Chay asked, fingers absentmindedly playing with the collar of Kim's black shirt.

"Considering how Kinn's tongue was deep in your brother's throat the entire family gathering last time we attended, they don't have a right."

"Ewww please don't remind me. I still have trauma," Chay nuzzled even deeper into Kim's neck, quickly shaking his head, trying to get rid of that concerning memory of their brothers that was forming in his head.

Kim chuckled, swinging them a little left to right and softly humming a tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Chay giggled, pressing a series of butterfly kisses on Kim's neck. "Are you really humming a Twinkle Twinkle Little Star right now?"

"And what? It's easy and it was the first thing that popped into my mind."

"You mean to tell me that you as a singer first thought about Twinkle Twinkle Little Star instead of one of your own songs?"

Kim pinched Chay's hip, making him let out a squeal.

"What was that for?" Chay said out loud.

"Do you have something against Twinkle Twinkle Little Star or what?" Kim cocked an eyebrow.

Chay unwrapped his hands from Kim and looked at him. The fondness sparkling in his eyes made Kim's heart flutter and the corner of his lips rise in a smile.

"I have nothing against Twinkle Twinkle...actually it's cute and it makes you even cuter."

Kim frowned, "what did you just call me, angel?"

Chay smirked, "I said that you are cute."

"I'm not cute, Chay."

"Oh, yes, you are! My cute little baby."

"Chay..." Kim said with a low voice, trying to sound intimidating but Chay just laughed and wiggled himself out of his arms.

"You are cute," Chay repeated and started running back to the dining hall.

"So I see you feel better, sex truly does wonders, huh?" Kinn greeted them.

"What? No! We were only hugging while Kim hummed Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," Chay explained.

"Sure, and I like Kinn more than I like my fish," Tankhun rolled his eyes.