26. ☆Clingy? Yes, They Are!☆

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— Chay was away for a week on a university trip and now he is finally coming back. KimChay missed each other so much so you can bet that they are going to be stuck together like glue! —

 KimChay missed each other so much so you can bet that they are going to be stuck together like glue! —

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"Just call him already, geez," Tankhun rolled his eyes and sat on a sofa. "The negative energy you are spreading here isn't good for my skin."

"But what if he is sleeping already?" Kim sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Without your night call? Don't be ridiculous! You want him to not be able to fall asleep at all?"

"But his flight is early in the morning—"

"Oh! Kimhan! Call him already!" Tankhun massaged his temples. "It's a miracle that this household survived one week of you two being apart! Ouch, my headache is back because of you!"

"Sorry," Kim nervously chuckled and ran back to Chay's room. Lying on the bed, he dialled Chay's number. Kim always called Chay at night, when they were apart for some stupid reason, to hear his angel's voice and wish him sweet dreams.

Chay picked up almost immediately, "Kim!"

Even in those three letters of his name, Kim could hear Chay's excitement and fondness that settled in Kim's heart and covered it in flowers.

"Angel, I miss you," Kim breathed out.

"Don't remind me," Chay said and Kim could almost see that adorable pout forming on his angel's face.

"I was waiting for you to call. I hate this trip. I've barely slept the whole week...it's so hard to sleep without you."

Kim stroked the empty space on the bed next to him. He had spent the entire week at the main family house, sleeping in Chay's room to at least feel a little bit closer to his angel. But Chay didn't have such a luxury; he couldn't cuddle Kim's pillow and breathe in Kim's scent.

"Even the hoodie I took with me barely smells like you anymore."

"Just a couple more hours, baby. Once you are back I'll take you to my apartment and never let you go again," Kim said softly, smiling at his own words.

Chay giggled, "should I move in with you?"

Kim's heart skipped a beat, "do you want to, angel?"

"Hmmm, we can talk about it."

Kim's smile was so wide that he was glad to be in Chay's room so that no one could see him like that.

"Yeah, we can, angel, we can."


"Where are they?"

"Almost here, calm down," Kinn patted Kim's shoulder. "Give the brothers some time, too. You are going to steal Porchay the moment he steps out of Porsche's car."

"He is my boyfriend!"

"He is Porsche's brother first."

Kim huffed and walked out of the house as he heard the car approaching.

Chay was jumping out of the car before Porsche could even turn off the engine.

The immeasurable happiness engulfed Kim as he opened his arms, letting out a relieved sigh as Chay ran into his arms, wrapping his arms and legs around Kim's body.

"I missed you, I missed you, I missed you! Never going on a trip again. Fuck the school!"

Kim laughed, "next time you'll have to go somewhere I'm gonna hide in your luggage."

"I'm taking you by your words, Kimhan," Chay whispered on Kim's lips before pulling away.

 "Hey!" Kim frowned, "kiss me, now!"

"Say please."

 "Pretty pleaseeee."

Satisfied, Chay smiled and pressed his lips on Kim's, drinking in that familiar feeling of softness and warmth that quickly morphed into roughness and wetness as their tongues clicked together and their breaths became shallow.

"Stop this right now, or get the hell out of here already!" Porsche tapped Chay's shoulder as he walked by them with a highly concerned expression.

Chay whined, breaking the kiss he jumped down from Kim's arms. "Your place?" Chay asked, leaning his whole weight on Kim's shoulder.

"My place," Kim nodded towards his car, "hop in, angel."

In the car, Kim had one hand on Chay's thigh while his finger was absentmindedly making small circles.

Chay was watching Kim from the comfort of his seat, his eyes gliding over Kim's sharp jawline and perfectly shaped lips. "You are beautiful," Chay said and pressed a peck on Kim's cheek.

"Angel, I can't focus on driving when you are doing things like that."

"But you are so beautiful," Chay pouted.

Kim quickly stole one peck from Chay and focused back on the road. "You are prettier."


"No," Kim's squeezed Chay's thigh, "I'm not listening lalalalalaaaa."

Chay giggled, looking at Kim with all the love and fondness in the world.


Chay ran into Kim's apartment, throwing himself on the sofa, "I missed this place so much," Chay sighed, looking around the apartment with heart-eyes.

Kim sat on the sofa too, manoeuvring them so that Chay would be sitting on his lap. He wrapped his arms around Chay's petite waist at kissed his neck once, twice, thrice..."You seem to like my apartment way too much, why is that, hmm?"

"Because everything here is part of you. I can look at anything here and I see you," Chay bit his bottom lip, his fingers gently brushing through Kim's hair.

Kim's heart was beating so fast, he could almost feel it hitting his ribcage over and over again. God, he loved Porchay so much. "Angel," Kim spoke carefully, "remember when we called...you said—"

"I'm moving in today," Chay grinned, trying not to laugh at Kim's awestruck expression.

"You are really moving in?" Kim asked as if he couldn't believe that he deserved such a thing; to be blessed by the presence of his angel every morning and every night, to share the most intimate space with the person that meant the most to him. It was all so surreal, like a dream.

 "Don't start crying, big baby...kiss me instead," Chay cupped Kim's face and brought their lips together in a slow-dancing, gentle kiss.

The kiss lasted seconds.

The kiss lasted minutes.

The kiss lasted hours.

Or maybe it lasted an eternity.

Time didn't matter when their lips held the entire universe in every kiss they shared.