79. ☆ Guardian Angel ☆

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— Chay gets shot and falls into a coma. Doctors are not giving him a big chance to survive and Kim becomes nothing but an empty shell, sitting beside Chay's bed day and night, begging Chay to not leave him —

 Doctors are not giving him a big chance to survive and Kim becomes nothing but an empty shell, sitting beside Chay's bed day and night, begging Chay to not leave him —

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Kim can't help the smile that spreads all over his face as he walks out of the jewellery store with a small velvet box in his hands. He is going to propose. Tonight. Marrying Porchay is the only dream Kim has and he can't wait for it to not be only a dream anymore. He takes the first step towards his car when his phone rings. Kim doesn't even look at the ID and just picks it up.

"Kim" it's Porsche, he sounds frantic, and Kim can faintly hear cries from the other side of the line. "Chay...he got shot."

Chay, he got shot.

Chay, he got shot.

Chay, shot.

Shot shot shot.

Kim grips the velvet box in his hand tighter, his knuckles turning white.

"No. The fuck he didn't!"


"Where is he?" Kim doesn't know when he started the engine or how he got into the hospital.

The door bursts open and Kim immediately stands next to Chay's unconscious body. Kim's angel is pale like a porcelain doll, his beautiful eyes are closed... he looks somehow peaceful as if he is only sleeping. He is sleeping, he is! He is going to wake up tomorrow. He is going to smile at Kim and tell him that he missed him like he always does and then he'll attack Kim with kisses and hugs and more kisses...

"When can I take him home?" Kim's voice is rough as if he wasn't talking for days, he doesn't even look at doctors. "He is going to wake up tomorrow. You'll give him some medication and I'll take him home. That's what's gonna happen, right?"

"I'm sorry, Mr Theerapanyakul but the injury of your boyfriend is severe. The bullet went through his lungs and almost hit the heart. He lost a lot of blood and immediately went into a coma. There was no reaction from him since. I'm afraid all we can do is wait and hope that something will happen in the next couple of days if not then—"

"Don't even fucking say it!" Kim finally looks at doctors, he is seeing red. All they can do is wait and hope? What kind of useless doctors are they? "You are going to wake my boyfriend and make sure he recovers properly because if not I swear to fucking god I'm gonna blow this fucking place up with all of you still inside!"

"Mr Theerapanyakul, we are sorry but it's impossible to—"

Kim points his gun at the doctors, the barrel of it is almost in one of the doctors' faces, "leave! NOW!"

In the door the doctors meet with Porsche, he looks tired, his hands are shaking...

"Kim...he is..."

"He is alright, Porsche. Our angel is just sleeping, he'll be up soon."