85. ☆ Rival Attraction ☆

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"The top student of our faculty will be awarded in front of the teachers' board next week

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"The top student of our faculty will be awarded in front of the teachers' board next week. You two are the closest to achieving the top student status, so please keep that in mind," the dean says.

Kim winks at Chay and walks away. Chay rolls his eyes and follows Kim outside of the office. "Fucking wait, Kimhan!" Chay catches up to him and grabs his shoulder, turning him around.

Kim raises his eyebrow, "what is it, baby boy? Finding every opportunity to touch me for no reason?"

Chay lets go of Kim's shoulder as if it were on fire and glares at him, "you better not even dream about winning this over me! I am the top student of this faculty and everyone knows that."

Kim flicks his tongue over his lips and chuckles, "aren't you full of yourself, baby boy?" He steps closer to Chay, his eyes travelling all over Chay's body, stopping at his exposed collar bones, "I would much prefer if you were full of me."

Chay laughs, "that's the other dream you should never have. Just admit it, Kimhan... I'm the better one here."

"Imagine how powerful we would be together, hmm? All you have to do is say 'yes'... just one date, Porchay. I know you want it too."

Chay sighs, he wraps his fingers around Kim's tie and pulls on it, bringing their faces together, "how should I make myself clear, Kimhan? You and me... is never going to happen!"

Kim smirks, "funny you saying that now when you are making it so easy for me to kiss you."

"For fuck sake!" Chay groans and pushes Kim away.

"How about this, baby boy... if I win you'll be mine but, if the winner is you, I'll never bother you again. Deal?"

It's Chay's turn to smirk, he puts his hand on Kimhan's shoulder and squeezes it tightly, "you just dug out your own grave, Kimhan."

•30 minutes later•

"You did what?" Macau almost screams, "you basically threw yourself into a wolf's den!"

"I fucked up, I know," Chay groans, laying his head on a table.

"Looking at the score of you two, he has still multiple chances to get in front of you," Macau reads from his phone, "the awarding is next week. You don't have any exams for which you could gain more points. He has an exam in English which as literary the entire uni knows he is gonna slay and on Friday he has a basketball game in which if his team wins, 'cause remember he is a captain, he'll gain a shit tone of points because that would mean a win against the biggest rivals of our faculty... oh boy... you are fucked, bestie," Macau concludes and puts his phone away.

"I should have checked his schedule before I agreed to it... fuck meee, what do I do now?"

"Well... ehmm you know," Macau starts, "maybe letting your feelings out wouldn't be that bad after all. I mean how long are you two dancing around each other on eggshells? Just fuck already!"

Chay is glad that he didn't take that sip of water he was planning to because he is damn sure that he would be choking now and water isn't exactly the thing he wants to be choking on... He shakes his head, "thanks for literally no help, bestie."


As expected, Kim passed the English exam with flying colours and currently, he needs only one point to get into the first position in the top students ranking, pushing Chay to number 2.

Chay can't let this happen, he just can't! Now, he doesn't actually love himself for this idea but desperate times call for desperate measures. The boys' locker room stinks as always. Chay makes his way to Kim's locker and opens it. A little bit of itching powder should do its magic. Chay hates to admit that but without Kim, his team is lost; there's no way they are going to win if their captain is itching all over.

Suddenly a hand from behind him closes the locker and Chay is pressed onto it instead.

"What is this naughty behaviour, baby boy?" Kim whispers next to Chay's ear. Kim's hot breath is tickling the back of Chay's neck. "Did you come to wish your boyfriend good luck? That's so sweet of you."

Chay pushes himself from the locker and Kim's embrace. He puts on a neutral expression, "what boyfriend?"

"Oh yeah sorry... I meant future boyfriend, my bad, baby," Kim shrugs.

"Aren't you too confident that you gonna win today? Don't jinx it," Chay replies.

"We can't lose if my lucky charm is here."


"You know what I noticed, Porchay?" Kim suddenly drops his voice a couple of octaves lower. "This isn't the first game you came here to watch—"

"How do you know I'm here to watch?" Chay nervously interrupts Kim.

"You want to watch me win or watch yourself lose, it's the same thing anyway. But that's not my point, my point is that you come here watching our games a lot, why is that, hmm?"

Chay chuckles, "if you think that it's because of you, you are pretty delusional."

"Whatever you say, baby boy. Now if you excuse me, I have to prepare for my game and you should start preparing for our date later."

•later that day|locker room•

"How does it feel to be my boyfriend, baby boy?" Kim traces his lips over Chay's naked neck, his fingers digging deep into Chay's waist as Chay slowly fucks himself on Kim's cock.

"Good... s-so good," Chay moans, nuzzling his head into Kim's neck, fingers tugging on Kim's hair.

"Yeah, so good? Then why did you keep pushing me away for so long, hmm? Wasn't it enough that I was trying to go out with you for so long? Did you fucking have to lose a bet to finally listen to your own feelings?"

Chay shudders, he brings his lips to Kim's and kisses him, "I'm sorry... I was afraid that you were just messing around."

"I don't mess around, Chay. And definitely not with you."

"I'm sorry," Chay says again, barely moving now, he keeps clenching around Kim's cock, his breathing fast and his heart even faster.

"You are sorry, baby?" Kim repeats softly.

Chay nods.

Kim kisses Chay deeply and changes their position, pressing Chay down on the bench. "It's okay, baby boy. You are mine from now on and I'm never letting you go!" Kim thrusts deep and hard into Chay, flicking his tongue over Chay's pretty pink nipple and letting himself get high on every sinful moan that escapes Chay's lips.

Kim wraps his hand around Chay's neck and presses down a little, "who do you belong to, baby boy?"

"Y-you," Chay whimpers, his nails scratching all over Kim's back. "Do you like me, Porchay?"

Chay arches his back, he is close, "I... fucking l-like you so much please Kim... I'm... I—"

"Me too, baby boy, me too." Chay's next moan gets lost in Kim's kiss.

•after the awarding•

"Next year is mine," Chay says confidently.

"We'll see, baby," Kim winks.