56. ☆ Little Red Riding Hood & The Big Bad Wolf ☆

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— a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood where wolf Kimhan doesn't eat Little Red Riding Hood Chay but falls head over heels in love with him instead —

— a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood where wolf Kimhan doesn't eat Little Red Riding Hood Chay but falls head over heels in love with him instead —

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Little Red Riding Hood into the arms of a bad wolf fell 

Little Red Riding Hood was enchanted by his spell

The night slowly fell onto a small cozy cabin in the middle of dark mysterious woods. The fire was soothingly crackling in the fireplace, providing Chay's grandmother warmth on this cold autumn night as she was knitting a red scarf for her grandson to match his red hood.

Chay was running a little late because on his way there he couldn't help but admire the dark beauty of the forest, and melt a little at the sight of a small hedgehog family. He was swinging a basket full of delicious food and good wine for his grandmother, his hoodie was sliding a little from his silky hair as he was skipping cheerfully through the woods, the grandmother's cabin already in his sight.

One wrong step. One small tree branch on the ground. And Chay was falling. Bracing himself for the impact, he let out a surprised "oh" when the harsh impact on the forest ground didn't happen. Instead, he felt strong warm arms around him and his ears entered the most enchanting voice he had ever heard.

"Careful little one, the forest is very dangerous for beauties like you."

Chay got back his balance and turned around in the arms of...

"Wolf...you are a wolf," Chay breathed out, but instead of trying to get away from the wolf's hold, Chay just stood there, looking into the wolf's dark eyes, feeling safer than he probably should.

The wolf chuckled, "I'm in my human form and yet you have immediately recognised what I am. Interesting."

Chay ducked his head, "uhm, I'm sorry. I-I should go, my granny is waiting for me."

"That old witch is your grandma?"

"Don't call her witch! She is just my granny."

"And my dinner..." the wolf smirked.

Chay gasped, grabbing the wolf by his shoulders, holding him in place, "please don't eat my granny, Mr. Wolf. I have a basket full of food. I can give it to you."

"Hmmm," the wolf licked his lips, "I'll leave the old witch be if I get you instead."

"M-me? You want to eat me?" Chay gulped down the fear, watching as the wolf smirked.

"Not exactly," the wolf leaned to Chay's ear, "call me Kim."

A shiver ran down Chay's spine as he repeated, "p'Kim."

Kim hummed, nuzzling even closer to Chay, "so, darling, what is it gonna be you or your dear grandmother?"



"Yes, my darling," Kim mumbled, nibbling on Chay's ear, arms and legs wrapped around Chay, not letting him move even a little bit, as they were cuddling in Kim's cabin. Surprisingly, the wolf had a normal cabin like a human. It was in the deepest part of the woods and if Chay were honest, he would be afraid there if Kim wasn't with him.

"Uhm...will I ever be able to see my granny? And what about my mom? I miss my mom."

Kim looked into Chay's sad eyes, brushing a strand of his hair away, "you can go see them any time, my darling. You can go anywhere you want if you promise me that you'll come back to me."

Chay's smile gradually became bigger and bigger until his whole face was shining with happiness. "I can? Really?"

Kim cupped Chay's face, pressing his thumb lightly on Chay's bottom lip, "of course, you can. What were you thinking, hmm? That I'm a big bad wolf who will never let you breathe again?"

"You definitely sounded like that back in the woods," Chay replied, allowing Kim's thumb to slip into his mouth.

Kim hummed, satisfied as he saw a light blush colouring Chay's pretty cheeks. "I didn't want to scare you, my darling. But I'm a wolf, I'm possessive over what I love." Kim's thumb in Chay's mouth was replaced by his tongue as he kissed Chay deeply, exploring every hidden corner of his mouth, barely letting Chay take a breath. But Chay didn't mind. He felt enchanted, hands tangled up in Kim's hair, he was kissing Kim back, eager to learn, eager to follow Kim's lead. Kim bit Chay's bottom lip and let it bounce back in its place as he pulled away and watched Chay under him breathing heavily. 

After a while, Chay finally got his breath back and he finally realised, what Kim said. "You love me, p'Kim?"

"From the moment I saw you, Porchay."

"That's not that long ago."

Kim leaned back in, their lips almost touching again, "and you, darling, do you love me too?"

The intensity of Kim's eyes, and the way Chay could almost taste those lips again, Kim's warmth and the strength of his body so close to Chay, it was all too intense, too overwhelming for Chay to pretend that he didn't feel the same as Kim. He knew that they just met. He knew that they were an unlikely pair. And yes... he knew that they were in a fairytale. He knew that this was how this fairytale goes, but in a fairytale anything is possible. Every fairytale has many different versions, so why couldn't they create their own? The one where the wolf doesn't eat the granny and the Little Red Riding Hood. The one where the wolf can be happy too. The one where innocence loves the wolf. Maybe that's what the wolf always needed, to be loved. Maybe he was never the villain of the fairytale, maybe he was just hoping for his own fairytale.

Chay nodded, he closed the gap between them, whispering into the kiss, "I'll be your fairytale."

Little Red Riding Hood into the arms of a bad wolf fell

Little Red Riding Hood was enchanted by his spell

The wolf left the granny as she was

In his arms, his fairytale now was

Every fairytale has many versions

The ones we know and the ones we don't

It's up to you if you believe this one or not