59. ☆ Carmine Nights ☆

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— Chay is a musician who has been trying for years to gain success but no matter what he does he is still stuck singing at the local bars. Until one day he stumbles upon The Devil and makes a deal. The Devil will make him famous in exchange for Chay's life —

 The Devil will make him famous in exchange for Chay's life —

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"Thank you everyone. Thank you for coming," Chay bowed down after finishing his last song •Carmine Nights• and walked down the small wooden stage that was embarrassingly cracking under his feet every step he took, the sound of it spreading all over the suffocating atmosphere of the old almost empty bar hidden in one the dark and dirty streets of New York that many speed up their waking while passing by.

Chay's shoulders fell, he put his guitar back into the case and walked out into a cold rainy night. He was twenty-five. For society, this was too late to start his music career. But it wasn't that he was just starting now. He started all the way back, home in Thailand, when he was only fifteen. But no matter how much he tried, how much he pushed and put himself out there, he was still stuck singing at schools or random small events. He dreamed of something bigger. Having his own world tour, and dedicated fans who would love him and support him, he wished to have enough money so that he would be able to take care of his parents just like they did take care of him. And his biggest wish was simply to share his feelings and thoughts with the rest of the world. There was nothing that would make him as happy as to sing in front of an audience, an audience that actually listens not like those drunkards he had to endure in those filthy bars.

Chay had enough of this life. It was saddening and frustrating. He had moved to New York when he was twenty-one, hoping that in the land of dreams, he'd have a better chance at finally becoming who he knew he meant to be.

But four years had passed at nothing had changed.

Walking fast, head ducked down, trying to get into his small apartment as soon as possible, he didn't realize a stranger, walking up to him. Not until their bodies collided and a strong and unnaturally warm hand held his waist. "Careful, sweetheart, it's slippery here," the man with black eyes and silky black hair smiled, squeezing Chay's waist a little more.

Chay couldn't help but stare at the man; he was captivating, enchanting...he didn't feel like a human.

"W-who are you?" Chay asked, strangely his mind nor body was sending him signals to try to get out of the man's grip.

"I'm the Devil. At your service, sweetheart. But, please, do call me Kimhan," the Devil said nonchalantly, giving Chay a gorgeous smile. 

"Devil? At my service?" Chay repeated after Kimhan. It was a great surprise to Chay for sure.

"Kimhan, sweetheart, Kimhan," Kimhan rolled his eyes, "it sounds less suspicious up here."

"Uhm...I'm sorry, Kimhan. Um...but why are you here...why...me...what...how?" Chay was understandably confused but weirdly he wasn't scared at all. In fact, with Kimhan's presence, he felt the most at peace he ever felt in New York.

The low deep chuckle froze Chay for a moment. He wanted to hear it again, he needed to hear it again. Why was he so drawn to this man? It was the Devil's effect, wasn't it?

"What are you trying with me?"

"I'm not trying anything, sweetheart," Kimhan smirked, "I'm just here to help."

"Why me?"

"I've been watching you for a while, Porchay... it seems that you need some help. You need me."

"Make a deal with the devil?" Chay whispered into the small space between them. With a quiet gasp he only now realized that the rain wasn't falling on them even though it was still pouring harshly everywhere else.

"I don't ask for much, sweetheart," Kimhan said, his hand leaving Chay's waist just for his fingers, adorned with many different rings, to trace over Chay's neck and settle on Chay's chin, holding him gently so that he had no option just to look the Devil in the eyes. "I'll give you everything you desire, all I'm asking in return is your life."

Chay held his breath, trying to find in Kimhan's eyes a hint of mischief, telling him that Kimhan was just joking but there was none of it. "My life? Are you going to kill me?"

"No, sweetheart, never. I want my lover to be alive and well," Kimhan replied, dark eyes glowing in the night.

"Lover? Me?"

"Do you have any reason to say no?" Kim's grip on Chay's chin got a little bit tighter, a little bit more possessive and Chay... Chay liked it.

"Will people all over the world know my songs? Will they like them?"

"They are gonna be obsessed, my love," Kimhan said darkly, leaning closer, "deal?"

Could Chay trust the Devil? Probably not. But it seemed to be the last option to finally kickstart his career. "Yes," Chay said, loud and clear. He was ready to do it he was ready—he wasn't ready for Kimhan's lips on his own, for a hungry wet tongue abusing his mouth, not letting him take a breath. So aggressive, so needy...it shouldn't feel so good but oh my devil, it felt sinfully good.

Kimhan's lips left Chay's as fast as they took possession of them, breathing heavily, Chay didn't realize what was happening, he could hear Kimhan saying "it's a deal, my love," but after that, everything turned black.


 A lot had happened since the deal and the morning after when Chay woke up in his bed, for a couple of moments thinking it was all just a weird dream until one of his friends called him telling him that a video of him singing  •Carmine Nights•  went viral and everyone was already singing the song everywhere they went.

Everything after that to Chay actually felt like a fever dream, record deals, world tours, albums, photoshoots, fans that loved him... he was almost sure that he was dreaming all of it until Kimhan showed up in Chay's bedroom two weeks ago and didn't left since.

"So fucking good, sweetheart," Kimhan groaned, thrusting deep inside of his lover, basking in Chay's perfect moans. "I knew you'd feel so fucking good, such a good boy for me."

Head on Kimhan's shoulder Chay smiled, "does this mean, I'll never get older?"

"Never, my love....never."

~you hold me tight 

you own my mind 

there we are forever 

there we stay together 

when you turn off the lights

those are our carmine nights~ 

 ~ Carmine Nights by CHAY