60. ☆ Little Spoon ☆

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— in public Kim is the intimidating, overprotective boyfriend but when they are alone Kim loves being pampered by his angel —

"Do you love your life? You have 3 seconds before I take it away from you!" Kim growled at a guy who was clearly eyeing Chay up and down with his disgustingly hungry eyes as they were sitting at the Yok's bar about to go home after a fun evening

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"Do you love your life? You have 3 seconds before I take it away from you!" Kim growled at a guy who was clearly eyeing Chay up and down with his disgustingly hungry eyes as they were sitting at the Yok's bar about to go home after a fun evening.

The guy chuckled, "calm down man, I'm not doing anything."

The fist knocked the guy to the floor in the next two seconds. Kim standing above the guy shrugged, "I did nothing either."

"The fuck! You fucker...what the..."

Chay rolled his eyes and stood up, looking at the guy, still on the floor, "my boyfriend warned you. Don't fuck with p'Kim next time; only I can do that." He poured the rest of his unfinished drink on the poor guy, blinking his big bambi eyes, "and don't fuck with me either, only p'Kim can do that."

Kim grabbed Chay's waist and started pulling him outside, "I should have killed him," he whispered, kissing Chay's temple.

"You were perfect, p'Kim. That was enough," Chay smiled walking to their car where Big was already waiting for them to be their driver.

"Everything's alright, khun Kim?" Big asked.

"Take us home, p'Big. It was a fun evening but we are tired," Chay said sitting in the car after Kim opened the door for him.

"As Chay said, take us home," Kim ordered and sat in the back, laying his head on Chay's shoulder.

"Tired, baby?" Chay whispered into Kim's hair, taking Kim's hand and playing with his fingers, brushing his thumb over Kim's knuckles; they were a little red from the punch he threw at the guy.

"And you?" Tilting his head, he was looking at Chay's gorgeous side profile, dominated by rose-tinted cheeks from that little amount of alcohol he had.

"Yeah a little bit, it was a long day. Wanna cuddle at home?"

Kim hummed, kissing Chay's chin he nuzzled even closer to Chay, closing his eyes.

"P'Kim, we are here," Chay brushed away the strands of hair that fell onto Kim's face while we was sleeping.

Kim scrunched up his nose, not opening his eyes, he squeezed Chay more into a hug and mumbled, "stay, angel..."

Chay fondly smiled, kissing Kim's cheek, "baby, we are here. Let's cuddle upstairs, okay?"

Kim lazily opened his eyes with a tired smile, "cuddle?"

"Cuddle," Chay nodded.

Kim quickly got out of the car and threw his arms around Chay, "mmm tired."

Chay giggled, "tipsy, that's what you are."

"Anything you say, angel," Kim nodded with a small pout.

In the bedroom Chay gave them both black velvet pyjamas and made himself comfortable in their bed, he opened his arms, smiling at Kim who just walked out of the shower, drying his hair with a towel.

"Come here love, I'll help you," Chay patted the space next to him, sitting up so that he could dry Kim's hair for him.

Kim sat on the bed and gave the towel to Chay, "be gentle, my head kinda hurts."

"When am I not gentle, hmm?" Chay pecked Kim's cheek.


Kim turned to Chay immediately, pressing his lips on Chay's.

Chay kissed back, gently nibbled on Kim's bottom lip, giving it kitten licks, letting go only after he heard Kim let out a needy whimper.

"That's evil," Kim whined when Chay pulled away, grinning at him.

"I'll give you more kisses but first let's dry your pretty hair, okay?"

"Ok," Kim sighed and turned with his back to Chay.

"You are such a big baby sometimes," Chay chuckled as he started drying Kim's hair with the towel.

Kim gulped down a slight panic that took over him and instead of overthinking he just asked. He learned that that was the best way to go about his emotions with Chay. Not keeping anything in. In doubt or fear asking and talking immediately about things was the best way to go. Chay taught him that. Chay taught him a lot of things about relationships, about love.

"Does it bother you...that I'm like this?"

Chay stopped the motion with his hands, the towel covering half of Kim's shoulders.

"It doesn't bother me. Don't think like this, p'Kim, please."

"I'm like this only with you, Chay. It's because I trust you the most. I feel the most comfortable with you. It's like I finally can put my guard down, knowing there's someone who'll keep me safe," Kim chuckled, "I sound so sappy. I'm sorry."

Chay shook his head and cupped Kim's face, turning him towards himself, "I already told you, p'Kim. I love every side of you. But this one might be special."

"Yeah?" Kim beamed.

"Yeah," Chay pecked Kim's lips and went to dry his hair again.

"Now relax, and let me take care of you."

Kim closed his eyes and hummed a melody of one of his songs, enjoying the tranquil moment. Cuddled up in bed, Chay was wrapped around Kim, covering his neck in kisses, altering between soft gentle ones and deep possessive ones, creating a beautiful painting of purple and red hickeys.

Kim's eyes were closed, but Chay knew that he wasn't sleeping. He could feel his breath a little faster than normal and hear his quiet moans every time Chay bit on Kim's skin a little harsher than necessary.

"P'Kim," Chay kissed Kim's neck again.


"I love you very very veeery much," Chay said, watching as a smile spread all over Kim's face and he opened his eyes.

"I love you more, angel."

"We should really do something about your habit of lying, p'Kim."

Kim frowned, turning all the way to Chay, "but it's the truth, Chay, I love you more."

Chay shook his head, "no, it is not. I love you more."

"No, angel, I'm sure that I love you more."

"P'Kim, stop before I'll bring out big guns. I love you more!"

"I love you more, Chay. End of discussion."

"No, you don't, p'Kim. You walked away from me but I was the one who despite that took you back. So, I LOVE YOU MORE."

"I...I...shit, I can't argue with that. Angel, you know how sorry I am. I love you so much—"

Chay giggled, "it's okay, p'Kim. It's fine, don't worry. This whole thing is pointless anyway. You've proved to me already many times that you love me more than anything. I love you the same way."

Kim relaxed, "so let's just agree that we love each other the same."

"Well, usually yes but today I'm the big spoon so I'm the one who loves you a little bit more today," Chay smirked.

"That's stupid! Let's switch."

Chay shook his head, kissing Kim instead, "shhhh, my little spoon. Just sleep."