75. ☆ My Fiance Gives the Sweetest Kisses ☆

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— Kim HATES family gatherings. But here he is, standing in the middle of Theerapanyakul's garden, clapping as Kinn and Porsche are announcing their engagement. But it's not that bad, after all, he has his own fiancé with him and they are about to have some fun —

"P'Kim," Chay squeezes Kim's waist, soft lips gently brushing over Kim's ear as he speaks, "wanna go somewhere else?"

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"P'Kim," Chay squeezes Kim's waist, soft lips gently brushing over Kim's ear as he speaks, "wanna go somewhere else?"

Kim almost whines, "please."

Chay giggles and pecks Kim's cheek, "let's go for a walk. It's been a while since I walked around the garden."

Kim eagerly nods, taking Chay's hand, he is already pulling him away.

"Not so fast. Where are we going, huh?" Kinn's voice interrupts their runaway plan, and Kim internally curses.

"Oh, p'Kinn," Chay puts on an innocent smile, rocking his body back and forth. "I just wanted to take a walk around the garden."

Kinn narrows his eyes, switching his focus from Chay to Kim, "are you sure it's not because you would rather spend the entire day with our father than be an active participant in any family gatherings?"

Kim sighs, "I'm happy for you two, okay? You are clearly copying me and my fiancé but I'm happy. Chay just wanted to take a stroll so we are going to take a stroll. That's it."

"Take a stroll?" Kinn repeats, still highly suspicious.

Chay wants to save the situation, but suddenly Porsche dances his way to them and throws himself at Kinn, "come dance, fiancé," he grins. "Let those two do whatever they want."

"B-but—" Kinn tries to protest but Porsche is already dragging him to a small wooden podium in the middle of the garden.

Kim scratches his head, "I don't wanna be that person, baby, but your brother is already a little—"

"A little?" Chay laughs, "he is already drunk as hell." He leans to Kim's ear, "you know what that means? He won't notice if we'll be gone for a little longer."

Kim hums, pulling Chay further from the crowd of loud and drunk people, "what exactly does my baby have on his wonderful mind?"

Chay smirks, "a longer stroll!" He takes his hand out from Kim's and starts running.

Kim laughs, shaking his head, he runs after Chay. "Where do you think you are running, baby?" Kim catches up with Chay and takes him in his arms. "You think that I let you run away from me?"

Catching his breath, Chay quickly kisses Kim, "I love when you chase me."

"Kinky," Kim smirks and pushes Chay to the wall of the main house. Only now, some clouds covered the sun that was previously shining on the house, it's walls still warm, send a pleasant shiver through Chay's body.

He wraps his arms around Kim's shoulders and innocently gasps, "what are you doing, p'Kim?"

Kim leans into Chay's neck and teasingly bites the perfect skin around the silver necklace that adorns Chay's delicate neck. "I'm not doing anything, my love. You are the one who has arms wrapped around me. I'm not holding you in any way."

"Hmmm, yeah," Chay licks his lips, "and I also bit my neck right now. Talk about being kinky."

Kim shrugs, "that might be my bad, ooops."

Chay laughs, fingers absentmindedly playing with the tips of Kim's hair.

Kim's eyes slowly fall on Chay's lips. His baby is fucking breathtaking. Kim can't believe he is this lucky. He gets to hold the most incredible person in his arms. He can be this close and even closer if he wants to and right now he fucking wants to. He wants it so much, he can barely breathe.

"I want to kiss you so fucking bad right now, baby," Kim's voice is low and yet oh so fucking desperate. Kim sounds like he is begging for it. And you know what? He is! Chay has him wrapped around his pretty little finger and Kim couldn't be more proud of it. 

Chay's laugh dies down, he pulls Kim closer, pressing their bodies together, "I don't see a problem with that, p'Kim."

"If I kiss you right now, I'm not sure I'll be able to stop after just one kiss," Kim quietly explains. He can barely hold himself back. But they are outside. The last thing he wants to do is to put Chay into an uncomfortable situation. But it's Chay who leans closer, their lips so close that Kim can't believe he is still holding himself together.

Chay whispers, "I still don't see a problem."

Kim's Adam's apple moves up and down as he gulps down. Chay wraps his hands around Kim's nape. "We are outside, baby. Are you okay with that?"

"Do you want to fuck me here?" Chay purrs and Kim sees red for a moment. He grips on Chay's waist.

"I'm not fucking you where someone can see you in such a condition, baby. That's only for my eyes. Only mine!"

Chay runs his tongue over his bottom lip and then he gives a kitten lick to Kim's lips too.

Kim shivers. He stands there, obediently waiting for Chay's next move.

"Well," Chay starts slowly, "then I don't see a problem here. I'm just making out with my fiancé on our property. If someone walks in on us it's their fault."

"Did I say how much I fucking love you, baby?" Kim breathes out.

"Hmm, yeah, a couple of times. Do it again!"

"I fucking love you, Porchay Theerapanyakul," Kim says, not waiting any longer, he captures Chay's lips and moans at the sweetest taste.

Chay smiles into the kiss and pulls away just to tease his fiancé. Kim almost whimpers at the sudden loss of Heaven. "Theerapanyakul, huh? Did you jump into the future, p'Kim?"

"In my mind, you were my Theerapanyakul since I first saw you, baby."

"Oh," Chay feels a warm feeling spreading all over his body. He kisses Kim again. No more teasing. This time he isn't planning to stop. Chay feels himself falling apart under Kim's touch. Kim's hands are touching him, holding him, gripping him as if afraid that Chay would disappear. Kim holds him like he owns him, like he protects him, like he is afraid that Chay is a porcelain doll so easy to break.

Chay's lips are Kim's salvation, his reason to breathe, his favourite candy, his only perfect dream amongst all the nightmares. Kim is afraid of himself. He is afraid of what exactly he is capable of doing for his Porchay. And what scares him even more is that Chay knows. His baby knows that he doesn't have to lift a finger and Kim would burn down the whole world just for one more touch of Chay's tender lips.

A young waitress runs back into the kitchen.

"Holy shit! My eyes! Young masters Kimhan and Porchay are *excessive hand movements* outside."

"Fucking?" another waitress asks.

"No! Thank god, no!"

"What are my little brother and Chay doing?" Tankhun walks in.