73. ☆ Kiss the Nightmare Away ☆

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Chay can't breathe

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Chay can't breathe. No, no they can't take him away! No... "no please no, p'Kim, Kim" his voice is getting louder, his body shakes, he cries.

Kim gently cups Chay's face, "angel, wake up, please, baby I'm here, I'm here...it's okay." Kim's heart is shattering into dust. Again. It always does, whenever Chay has a nightmare like this. No matter how much time passes Chay will still suffer from those nightmares and Kim will still blame himself for that day. He should have fought harder, better. He should have died before letting them kidnap his angel. His now broken angel.

But he is healing, Kim is making sure of it. His angel is getting better. The nightmares aren't that frequent and the subsequent recovery isn't taking as long as it once used to. But that isn't making Kim's pain any less sharp, any less violent as it stabs a knife into his heart every single time his angel cries like that in his arms.

Kim gulps down the pain and presses his lips to Chay's forehead. He lets them rest there for a couple of seconds. He can feel Chay's body slowly very slowly calming down. He isn't shaking anymore.

Chay slowly opens his eyes, they are big and beautiful as always but the wetness in them makes their brightness somehow weak, unreal. "P'Kim," he hiccups, arms immediately wrapping around Kim. He is gripping on Kim's shirt, pulling Kim incredibly close. "Kim Kim Kim," he repeats over and over again.

Kim lets him. Lets Chay hug him almost too tight to even breathe. Lets him wet his shirt with tears. Lets him to do anything and everything, whatever it takes to make his angel feel better.

"I'm here, you are safe," he whispers, tracing his fingers over Chay's cheek, locking their eyes together. "I'm here angel. They are all gone. No one's going to take you again."

"P-promise?" Chay asks, his eyes broken, weak.

Kim's heart shutters a little more. "I promise, my angel. You are safe..." Kim is quiet for a moment. He knows what Chay wants to hear... Again. What will make him calm down almost too quickly. How those bastards died. How Kim did it.

Since Chay found out that Kim killed those bastards that kidnapped him, Kim's recalling how he did it became for Chay what for children is their bedtime story.

Kim was worried at first. He was afraid of how would his angel react, knowing how violent, how heartless and cold-blooded Kim could get when it came to his angel but Chay's reaction was the complete opposite of what Kim had expected. It relaxed Chay, it soothed his worries, especially after those awful nightmares. So Kim keeps repeating the same story every time his angel needs it—how he waited until the night fell. How he grabbed a gasoline and patted his pocket where he always keeps the lighter. How he entered their filthy den quietly like a panther. How he tight them all up. How he cut deep into their flesh until he could see their guts falling out of them. How he sat down, opened a can of beer and watched as they all one by one were slowly bleeding their guts out. And then when they were almost on the brink of death, he stabbed their eyes out. How they still even in such a state let out some disgusting growls and painful moans. How he then poured the gasoline on them and threw his lighter in the air. How he watched as they burned. How their bones were turning into ashes. How he smelled like burned human flesh for days and that's why he wasn't around his angel for a while. To not stain his innocence with something so appalling.

"They won't ever hurt you again, my angel. Never," Kim finishes, his lips pressed to Chay's temple.

Chay nods, his breathing calm now, he feels safe. He feels loved. Worshipped in some way. He likes it. "P'Kim," he starts, his hand wraps itself around Kim's neck, he pulls him closer.

Kim hums, "what do you want, angel. I'll give you anything you want. Anything."

Chay licks his lips, somewhere in the back of his mind he still feels that someone might come and kidnap him again. He doesn't want to feel that, he wants to forget it. For that he needs Kim. Only his p'Kim. "Kiss me, kiss me like it's the only way you can show me how much you love me. Kiss me, p'Kim."

Kim feels his head spin, sometimes he thinks that his angel has no idea what he is saying or how much power his words have over Kim. To kiss Chay? To kiss him as if Kim has no other way to show him how much he loves him? Chay doesn't know what kind of fire he started deep within Kim. Kim hovers over him, eyes slowly tracing over the shape of Chay's plump lips, so soft, so kissable, so ready to be owned. "You have to stop me if it gets too much, angel, do you understand?"

Chay blinks his still reddened eyes, the tears in them already dried out, "I need it to get too much. I need to forget. And I can do that only with you. Show me how much you love me, p'Kim. Do it!"

The force with which Kim thrusts his tongue into Chay's hot mouth knocks Chay's breath away. Fuck, yes, that's it. That feels so good. The wet tongue is almost in his throat, Kim is basically fucking his mouth with his tongue and Chay needs it to last forever. He doesn't care that he can barely breathe. Whatever is his p'Kim doing is a million times better.

Kim lets out a deep guttural groan, sending a shiver all over Chay's body. Chay pulls harshly onto Kim's hair, making Kim retrieve his tongue and chuckle. He gives Chay's bottom lips a kitten lick and takes it in between his teeth. He bites until he can feel the sweet taste of iron on his tongue.

Chay moans and gasps as Kim shoves his tongue back again and Chay gets to taste his own blood from Kim's tongue. Their lips are red, swollen, and glistening with their mixed saliva. Chay is panting but not because of the nightmare but because of Kim's sinful tongue and hungry lips.

Once again, Chay is happy.

Seeing the blissful smile on Chay's lips, Kim's heart collects its dust back together and continues to beat for his angel.