99. ☆ Do You Wanna Build A Snowman? ☆

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"Let's build a snowman!" Chay jumps on still sleeping Kim, successfully waking him up from the sweet dreams that were of course, about Chay himself.

"Baby... what?" Kim groans.

"Let's build a snowman, love... please please pleaseeee," Chay nuzzles his head into Kim's neck and kisses him.

Kim rolls over, capturing Chay's warm body under him, "we are on vacation, baby, it's what 8 am? And you want me to get out of this cozy bed that smells like you, and go outside into the freezing cold to build a man made out of snow?"

"A man made out of snow?" Chay bursts out laughing, pulling Kim's body down on his own and laughing in his shoulder.

"It's snowman... a man made out of snow. What's so funny about it?" Kim asks all serious, but just a moment later he can't help it and starts laughing too.

"Everything," Chay giggles and pecks Kim's lips, "if I ask you again my love, will you go? Please, please, pretty please," Chay slowly blinks his bambi eyes and puckers his lips, "p'Kiiiim."

Kim laughs and presses their foreheads together, "you are so evil using your power over me like that. Fine," he sighs, "give me like 20 minutes to get ready."

Chay grins, "I love you, phi."

"Yeah, yeah, I love myself too," Kim rolls out of the bed and runs into the bathroom before Chay can hit him with the pillow.


Kim hugs Chay from behind as they walk out of the hotel to find a nice spot for building a snowman.

"Love," Chay shakes his shoulders but Kim holds like glue, "we can't walk like that. We are walking like penguins."

"You dragged me into this nature freezer so you have to keep me warm now!" Kim pouts and hides his head in the crook of Chay's neck. "So warm," he mumbles."

"You wanted to have a vacation in a country that actually has snow during January so don't protest so much now," Chay replies.

"You like snow, that's why."

Chay stops and turns around in Kim's arms. He cups Kim's rosy cheeks, "next time we'll go wherever you want to go, okay?"

"Okay," Kim nods.

"Are you cold?" Chay asks.

"How come you aren't?" Kim returns the question.

Chay leans closer, his lips brushing over Kim's slightly parted one, "your love warms me up."

Kim can't really even laugh before Chay seals their lips together in a warm and sweet kiss, filling Kim's body with pleasing warm energy that not even the hottest and sweetest tea in the coldest winter could provide.

Kim slides his hands under Chay's winter jacket, pressing his cold fingers on Chay's heated body. Chay squeals and jumps away. "Keep that hands away from me, you... you snowman!"

Kim smirks, "oh, really? You weren't saying that last night, baby."

"Times have changed!" Chay squats down and makes a snowball.

"You aren't going to throw that at me, baby," Kim steps closer, trying to steal the snowball from Chay. But Chay jumps away and grins, "and why not, love? A snowman needs snow."

"Porchay..." Kim starts making his own snowball, "think twice about it."

Chay raises his eyebrow, "you think I'm afraid of you?" Chay raises his pinky, "you see this? You are wrapped around it pretty well."

Before Kim can protest (or more like agree) a snowball hits his chest and his boyfriend is already running as far away as possible. Kim chuckles, throwing the snowball ball in his own hand away and starts running after Chay. It's not that hard to catch up to Chay but Kim likes to see Chay having fun more than anything else so he runs pretty slow, watching Chay trying to hit a speed record in running in the snow. Kim laughs, now Chay looks like a penguin.

Suddenly Chay stops and turns to look at Kim, "aww, poor Kimmy is so slow," he laughs and tries to catch his breath.

Kim just smiles and jogs to Chay, he opens his arms, wanting to envelop Chay in a hug but before he can do that Chay falls down on the snow and starts making a snow angel. Kim for a second does nothing just admires the beautiful picture in front of him. Kim is so goddamn lucky. Probably the luckiest man alive. He can call this perfect boy in front of him his his his...

Kim gets above Chay, holding himself by his hands, "I never knew that angels can make other angels."

Chay giggles and throws a little bit of snow in Kim's face, "stooop!"

"It's true, you are an angel making another angel."

"What I wanted to do is build a snowman so get up," Chay pushes on Kim's chest.

"Do me then," Kim leans in and whispers, kissing Chay's ear.

"P'Kim!" Chay laughs.

"What?" Kim presses another kiss this time on Chay's cheek, "you said that I'm a snowman."

Chay rolls his eyes, "you should really stop taking in EVERYTHING I say."

"That's gonna be hard because I'm always hanging on every word you say, baby," Kim pecks Chay's lips this time.

Chay's heart melts as it does every time with Kim, "you are my angel too."

Kim's eyes are suddenly so full of love and fondness that Chay almost feels like crying. "We are getting married tomorrow, I don't care!"

Chay laughs, "sure sure... I might actually agree if you now get up and we will finally build that snowman."

Kim gets up and looks down and Chay, "then why are you still lying down? Come on, come on, the snowman is waiting!"

"You are ridiculous," Chay mumbles to himself and reaches his hand up for Kim to take.


Chay is shivering. He is covered in a thick blanket and in his hands is a hot mug of tea. Kim sits next to him, putting his hand on Chay's forehead. He frowns, "I think you have a fever, baby. We shouldn't have gone outside. If we had stayed inside you would be alright now."

Chay takes a sip from the tea and puts it on the bedside table, "it was worth it."

"It wasn't, you are sick now."

"I'm fine," Chay smiles.

"You are shivering, baby," Kim sighs.

"That's because you are too far away," Chay pulls Kim closer and wraps Kim in the blanket too.

Kim hugs Chay tightly, kissing his forehead, "better?"

"Better," Chay nods, kissing Kim's nose. "I might get you sick, tho."

"I don't mind. We can cuddle until we are better. That doesn't sound that bad," Kim whispers and captures Chay's lips in a kiss that might cost him a couple of days in bed, but it's definitely worth it.