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Chapter 2 .

The blush on the little boy's face gradually subsided, he snorted twice in his mouth, and slowly opened his eyes.

His stomach "gurgled".

The little boy, who was only two years old, opened his eyes and saw his sister's face, and said in a thin and hoarse voice: "Hungry." The

cubs who had just finished eating the candy did not feel it, listening to the little boy crying that they were hungry, their stomachs also began to pantothenic acid, and they twitched and hurt. They haven't eaten enough for a month, and they have to be scolded and beaten, and they have to cry secretly.

Otherwise, being heard by those bad uncles will beat them.

Before they were abducted, they were all treasures held in the palm of their parents' hands, and they had never suffered this kind of suffering.

Now that those bad uncles are gone, some children look at Chu Chu who gave them candy and cry "wow".

"I'm so hungry."

"I'm looking for my mother."

"Woo hoo, I want Mom and Dad."

Crying is contagious, at first there were sporadic two or three children crying, and in the end, except for Chu Chu and Lu Xiuran, the rest of the children all cried.

The cry of the infant is the most shrill in the infant.

Lu Xiuran frowned, lowered his head and spread his hand. In the palm of his hand, three candies were quietly placed.

Sweet and greasy things, he hated the most. Just like these children who can only cry, it annoys him.

Chu Chu opened his eyes wide and listened to the cry of the human cub in front of him. Hearing them keep shouting for Mom and Dad, thinking about the two humans who had used illusions and were still yelling, she suddenly realized.

It turned out that these cubs were all trafficked.

Chu Chu clenched his small fists.

Mom said that abducting and selling cubs and harming cubs will be punished most severely on the interstellar side, and when you encounter interstellar robbers who abduct and sell cubs, you will be punished.

It's a pity that this is Earth, the Earth has not yet been included in the Interstellar Alliance, the interstellar law does not apply, and she can't kill those two bandits casually.

When the crying of these human cubs gradually decreased, Chu Chu wrinkled his little face and said seriously: "You can't cry casually in the future, we have to rely on ourselves to defeat the bad guys, and the cubs should be self-reliant." A

room of children who were tired of crying looked at Chu Chu with red and swollen eyes and ignorance.

Although they didn't understand, they instinctively felt that the person who gave them sugar could help them.

The two-year-old boy who got up from the ground, he looked at his sister, then at Chu Chu, and finally pounced on Chu Chu: "Sister, hungry."

The other children also looked at Chu Chu: "I'm so hungry." Chu

Chu's serious little face collapsed, and she carefully held the human cub that pounced on her.

In her space ring, there are many nutrients suitable for cubs aged one to ten, which are prepared for her by her mother in advance.

Chu Chu used the small backpack as a disguise and took out nine bottles of nutrient from the space ring: "This is a nutrient, you drink it first, and I'll take you home after drinking."

✓The four-year-old little mermaid looks for her fatherWhere stories live. Discover now